Toronto Casa II Condos | 184.09m | 56s | Cresford | a—A

They at least need a driveway for deliveries and drop-off's. I love everything about Casa but I do hope that they add a bit of a twist to Casa 2 to set the two apart.
Here come the complaints!

Condo projects that are twins: RoCP, Murano, U, Success @ Pinnacle, Minto Midtown, MLS, Waterlink; the list goes on. Before we get complaints that this tower is the same design, keep in mind that it's the second phase of what is essentially a twin tower development. They're just being built at separate times, as opposed to being built in one go. Also, the top is cut off in that render, so I'm guessing they might be doing something different up there. I'm excited.
Say what you want about the design, the idea that Casa may one day be the shorter tower in a twin development is quite alluring. Anything smaller than the 57s that they're asking for risks being totally overshadowed by 1BE.
CASA offers absolutely nothing to Charles Street. (I live on the street and since I started living here I've just lost further appreciation). And now they're going to bring a second oppressive podium to the street. It's such a shame since Charles Street could have become so charming.

Big classist lobbies don't do it for me, sorry. I want good massing and street animation. (That doesn't necessarily mean retail btw.)

What a shame because I otherwise quite like aA.

I agree about Charles St.... I like Casa but what makes Charles interesting and charming is the mix of styles it has. If it becomes wall to wall glass we might as well be north York or the waterfront... aA turns out a clean, understated modernism but all these boxy glass towers are getting stale.
The evening of Feb. 2nd or 3rd there's a community consultation for this development. I'll have to find the flyer (I recycled it thinking I'd remember the date). Anyways... that's my attempt at a heads-up for anyone here who's interested!
The evening of Feb. 2nd or 3rd there's a community consultation for this development. I'll have to find the flyer (I recycled it thinking I'd remember the date). Anyways... that's my attempt at a heads-up for anyone here who's interested!

thanks! can you confirm when you find out whether it's the 2nd or 3rd?? 3rd is a Friday so guessing it's the 2nd?
ummm...a bit of a loose application of the word "rendering" in my opinion.

beyond loose application, more like downright incorrect application.

Its a sketch, a freakin massing study. got my hopes so high when i saw the word "rendering"
Casa 2

Sorry to disappoint. My wording was out of context.

Yes it looks just like Casa, hence the name Casa 2.

There is a silver lining though, BSN won't be noticeable from the East side after this is built.
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so its basically casa but wider and taller. damn thats original....

It's supposed to be the seconod phase or sequel to Casa 1, so it should be similar.
While it's nothing out of the ordinary, it is still a handsome building and will stand the test of time.

I do like the fritted patterning on the balcony glass. It's a big improvement over the clear glass balconies of Casa 1 where you can see all the stuff on people's balconies. It makes for a stronger graphic reading of the wraparound balconies.
I also like that the enormous overhang has been trimmed back from the mecahnical penthouse "top hat". It looked rediculous in the elevations, where it appears to extend 10 feet beyond the balcony edge.
