Toronto Backstage On The Esplanade | 116.73m | 36s | Cityzen | P + S / IBI

Solid ground

This job has been going down for a long time, breaking rock and hauling it away to get to the deepest tower foundation I’ve ever seen. If all goes according to plan they will be on their way up by Friday.



Today they delivered some reinforcing steel for the crane pad and the crane base “cast in†tower section.



They are just reaching the bottom of the crane pad as of 3:30 this afternoon.


There is still plenty of material to come out of the hole and its all rock. The elevator pit is usually deeper than
the crane pad and footings will be carved out for columns and walls.


Amazing photos, thanks for the best possible views of this project.

I notice a large pipe that seems to be heading in the direction of l-tower, I wonder if that is some sort of start to the tunnel that will connect the two. There also seems to be a large steel beam above it.
Thanks. I found a phone photo from Oct. 24/12. The tunnel is already bored and the liner in the photo has been locked and sealed around the outside with high strength grout. It crosses under the Esplanade into the B2 level of the L Tower.

When this tower is built, this will be one tight corner with L, the flat iron condo and London on the Esplanade. Unfortunately this will block a good chunk of the flat iron condo and the lower portion of L when viewed from the south. I hope this one looks good, cause we are losing some prime views from southcore and beyond.
Are they going to be able to finish all the parking levels in time for the occupancy of L-tower? Seems like it will be very tight.

If not I suppose those residents with parking have to take occupancy of their unit and wait before they can park their car?
STOP. Seriously, an eyesore is about to rise. Can we call in the aesthetic police to put in a stop work order?

I actually don't mind this design. The swooping glass looks downright elegant, and the use of spandrel is restrained. To me the real question will be the quality of materials. Ultimately this tower's only job will be to not be so ugly that it distracts from L Tower.
Black and White

BW version of an image taken by SkyJacked on Friday, showing the Backstage crane as seen from his big brother L Tower crane.

