Toronto Backstage On The Esplanade | 116.73m | 36s | Cityzen | P + S / IBI

Easy there, internet forums are poor places to discharge built up aggression, especially since it's so easy to base it on a misinterpretation:

I was 'yawning' at the slow progress, which suggests that I'm interested in the project and would like to see it move along, and hence that I appreciate the update.
Pic taken Oct 13, 2012

They ARE at the bottom and in about 10 days the construction fence for L-Tower will move closer to the L-Tower and a new fence will go up for Backstage (on current sidewalk) that will allow trucks close to the site. The one lane of trafficon The Esplanade will thus be moved a few yards further north.
They ARE at the bottom and in about 10 days the construction fence for L-Tower will move closer to the L-Tower and a new fence will go up for Backstage (on current sidewalk) that will allow trucks close to the site. The one lane of trafficon The Esplanade will thus be moved a few yards further north.

Has anyone been able to get a peek of the tunnel? I've tried a couple times to get at an angle at taking a pic of the north excavation wall buts its extremely difficult. I'm sure there must be a tunnel opening there somewhere.
Has anyone been able to get a peek of the tunnel? I've tried a couple times to get at an angle at taking a pic of the north excavation wall buts its extremely difficult. I'm sure there must be a tunnel opening there somewhere.

There was a photo in the L-Tower thread a few pages ago that might have been the tunnel.
What Castlepoint, Cityzen, Fernbrook giveth (L Tower), Castlepoint, Cityzen, Fernbrook taketh away (Backstage).
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