Architect: Core Architects
Address: 87 Peter St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 512 ft / 156.05 mStoreys: 49 storeys
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Toronto 87 Peter | 156.05m | 49s | Menkes | Core Architects

Looks like the Bond. Of course, it might have some curvy parts to it that I can't see in this elevation.
I love that big chunky podium. Reminds me a bit of the Peter Street Condominiums design by aA. Red and charcoal brick would be nice here on the podium.
^^^ one half of the tower does remind me of Peter Street Condos, while the other side looks like Studio on Richmond with the three segmented sections.

I was hoping a sleek black mysterious monolithic tower, but judging from the relatively busy elevation I don't think it will be mostly black.
True for the Boroughs/Burbs. However, Tridel has hired a better architect (Wallman) for their more recent projects (Ten York, 300 Front, Reve) so their design initiatives for downtown developments have improved.

The Conservatory Group however continues to build filth that belongs in circa 2002 STC.
True for the Boroughs/Burbs. However, Tridel has hired a better architect (Wallman) for their more recent projects (Ten York, 300 Front, Reve) so their design initiatives for downtown developments have improved.

The Conservatory Group however continues to build filth that belongs in circa 2002 STC.

Hopefully you're right. I'm not a big fan of Reve. My issue with Tridel is there overuse of spandrel. They're a quality builder but can you think of a Tridel building that's even close to a knockout in this entire city? Solaris is probably the nicest one IMO.
From some angles Verve has its moments. It's a pretty cool view terminus when looking east along Wellesley from Queen's Park.
