Architect: Core Architects
Address: 87 Peter St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 512 ft / 156.05 mStoreys: 49 storeys
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Toronto 87 Peter | 156.05m | 49s | Menkes | Core Architects

I read it thrice and can only guess he's taking issue to opinions that clash with his own.

The loading dock is indeed quite nice.
God that is absolute crap.
It reminds me of what you'd see for the back door exit of a cheap club.
This literally looks like somebody had a $500 budget ... spray painted an old facia black ... and then stencilled while spray painted lines on top.
No, it looks better than what you are describing in person as the contour lines sand proud of the cladding, and leave some shadow.

Not that everything else is perfect here…

There are examples that go the other way too, though. Is it a coincidence that the only half decent condo Menkes has delivered this boom (Harbour Plaza) is aA? Could that be driven at least in part by an uncompromizing commitment to design?

I agree that Alter was a miss, but I think it's too early to suggest that aA are nearing the level of Toronto's many other "bite your lip and throw in the waist-height mullions because the budget just got slashed" types of firms.
Don't read everything as so black and white: not only are there many shades of gray between the two, but the world is actually in full colour. What I am saying is that aA should not be held up as entirely unassailable. I am not saying that they are not a cut above most others, however.

So, no, it's not a coincidence that Menkes' best building is designed by aA, but neither has aA's pedigree stopped Alter from being a disappointment.

Alter to me is something with good intentions that just didn't work. I'll take it over the multiple other spandrel-fest buildings that had no effort put into them at all.
Don't read everything as so black and white: not only are there many shades of gray between the two, but the world is actually in full colour. What I am saying is that aA should not be held up as entirely unassailable. I am not saying that they are not a cut above most others, however.

So, no, it's not a coincidence that Menkes' best building is designed by aA, but neither has aA's pedigree stopped Alter from being a disappointment.

I acknowledged yours as a fair example, provided one that supported an alternative hypothesis, and concluded that aA are more committed to design than most firms, ultimately disagreeing with the magnitude of your statement. Not sure it gets much more grey than that, but okay.
Yeah - that's the Penguin pick up logo

