Architect: Core Architects
Address: 87 Peter St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 512 ft / 156.05 mStoreys: 49 storeys
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Toronto 87 Peter | 156.05m | 49s | Menkes | Core Architects

Great ad. If you've ever taken a Media 101 course; the ad says, single, stylish, independent, sexy, never have children, expensive pet owner, woman.

It says all that to you??? To me it says, "I'm embarrassed too but this was all that was left by the time I got to the costume shop!"
"Blanche" would also be a good condo name. If they indeed have black glass for "Noir", then an encore by Menkes for a fritted, white glass tower would be awesome. The property to the east has been bought by Great Lands Corp but I believe there's still a parking lot available one block north of 87 Peter Street, here.
Lol. Who the came up with this corny lady gaga-themed ad campaign? The ED is going to be full of DBs if indeed this speaks to the target market

what's DBs ?

Great ad. If you've ever taken a Media 101 course; the ad says, single, stylish, independent, sexy, never have children, expensive pet owner, woman.

it's speaking to the wanna be Sex and the City crowd ... women in their mid-20s who want it all, want it now, who've just started their entry level job (even though it takes at least 10 years to establish a career)
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hmm, I got from it: "If you want to date me, you will need money, and lots of it, and in the end that is all I really care about, and if you have anything left after catering to my needs, I will be taking another half of that. Period." Poor lost "wannabe" queen of trash.
Remember the entertainment district?.....Me neither.

Hopefully it is half decent looking. Black glass would be pretty striking, especially with the white (now greenish off-white) Hyatt Regency hotel very close by.
I guess this area will be quite high rise in the near future with this one plus Bisha, Charlie, M5V, Tableau, the other one up the road (Peter Street Condominiums?), whatever is going on at King/Peter, and all the rest near the Lightbox.
As with all ads, those who do not like it are obviously not the target demographic.

Guilty as charged, in my case, though it's not so much that I don't like it. It's more that it reduces me to laughter. And remember that sometimes ads are not very good, even for the target demographic.
Guilty as charged, in my case, though it's not so much that I don't like it. It's more that it reduces me to laughter.

Same here. Given the tackiness of the ad, who would want to admit that they are the target demographic?
