Description: Part Permit - Proposal to demolish existing 3 storey commercial building and construct new 9 storey commercial building (plus mechanical penthouse) with 3 levels of below grade parking
Exciting stuff. This is a refreshing little project. They really got the massing and fit right, not to mention looking forward to a very dynamic juxtaposition.
I hate for this to be my first post, but they're having trouble sourcing glass for the rounded corners with the desired radius and cost, that detail may be value-engineered out, which changes the equation entirely in my view.
Those are some pretty tight curves, so I can certainly see that being an issue. Hopefully they find a good solution. Either some sort of overlapping "fins" instead might work nicely, but it would be disappointing after drooling over those beautiful curves for a few years. I'm surprised that this issue wasn't foreseen earlier.