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September 11th: Real or Fraud?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 33.8%
  • No

    Votes: 90 66.2%

  • Total voters
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Bottom line, you refuse to answer my questions. You also have no proof of the side you're conditioned by and defend. I've shown tons of information. You demand government controlled evidence. you want proof that's within the corrupt system. where is your proof? An official report is not proof by far.

I have answered your question. May I remind you that you have not read any of the investigative reports either, hence the reason you can't address them in any substantive manner. If you have no idea what's in them, you can't pass them off or claim that they are lies. That is very closed-minded of you. No escaping that fact.

You have not shown "tons" of information - not that any of it is in any way "informative." You continue to fail at providing any verifiable evidence to support your conspiracy claims. You suggest that I want "government-controlled" evidence (whatever that is - since once again your definitions remain vague). In fact, what I am challenging you to provide is the evidence that supports your conspiracy claims - verifiable evidence. A detailed account that explains and describes your assertions in a rationale and logical manner - an account that can be investigated, verified or refuted - is also being requested from you - but so far it has failed to materialize. Start producing Kamuix, otherwise the only conclusion one can draw is that you are a fraud.

You kind of have to get passed the way society tells you to think before you can look at this in a balanced way.

No one is telling me what to think. I challenge you to prove otherwise (again, testable, verifiable evidence).

Time to start producing evidence Kamuix. Your growing list of conspiracies demands an ever greater burden of proof from you. Time to stop bleating about how you "feel" there is a conspiracy, or how you "believe" that one exists. Time to start posting real, verifiable evidence right here and right now.

Get on with it already, or get on admitting that you have nothing other than a tooth-fairy level of belief.
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No. You're manipulating everything to try and make what I think about these events look ridiculous.. Give me a break!

Important Points:

I'm trying to get people to look outside the box and consider what i have to say and have shown.
I'm not offering what i say as absolute proof.
You won't offer proof for the side you're defending.
You keep making the same stupid argument over and over.
You don't address important things that I ask.
You've made up your own rule that because I made a claim I must show absolute evidence.

How the hell can you try and turn me not showing government controlled absolute proof into it being a tooth-fairy level of belief? That's BS why would you try to do that? It just shows that you have an agenda and shows exactly what it is. And yes it could be argued that because i didn't personally read official report that i perhaps should, I wouldn't necessarily call it narrow-minded, you're narrow minded. But at least I can address and and admit it whereas you won't address Sh*t unless i show you evidence that cannot be provided and for no good reason. Also obviously neither of us have read it, and I feel that I've seen more then enough to know that the official report was BS. You are completely unwilling to discuss this. All you do is use an impossible question to justify being ignorant and avoiding all my questions, my other points, anything i discussed that was a bit off topic. Not to mention avoid discussing the topic in a production way in general.

Poor Conditioned Grissie..

Don't you think it's a little weird that just because i don't show what you call "evidence" That suddenly I'm a crazy delirious person who's making up fairy tails built on nothing? It's one thing to say "you don't have proof so no one knows for sure if your information is credible" but to do what you're doing shows you've already built up a hate and we've been over you're unwillingness to be open-minded, in other words think outside the box and to quit letting your ignorant emotions get the better of you. I know there's other forum readers who understand what i mean.

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No. You're manipulating everything to try and make what I think about these events look ridiculous.. Give me a break!

Nothing is being manipulated, you are just constantly failing to answer. I am challenging you to provide a detailed, clear and logical account of your conspiracy, and verifiable evidence to support your claims. You've only offered vacant musings, stories, poorly formed questions, your "feeling" and unsubstantiated beliefs.

I'm trying to get people to look outside the box and consider what i have to say and have shown.

As noted earlier, you fail to have the open mind you claim to because you adhere to your beliefs which are completely unsupported by any evidence.

You won't offer proof for the side you're defending.

As as been noted repeatedly, I am not defending any position here. You have failed to read through the thread to see this. What I am challenging you to do is to support the numerous assertions you have made throughout this thread with actual verifiable evidence. You have failed to do so.

You keep making the same stupid argument over and over.

If you dislike the repetition, start producing your evidence and an account that can be investigated and verified/refuted. Your little You Tube paranoia festival does not constitute evidence. It's quite clear that you have no knowledge as to what verifiable evidence is. A big hint here Kamuix: it's not your feelings or your beliefs.

You don't address important things that I ask.

You haven't addressed anything important. You have failed to provide any evidence whatsoever to support your claims. Start producing the evidence or admit that your claims are baseless and without foundation.

You've made up your own rule that because I made a claim I must show absolute evidence.

Providing evidence to support an assertion is not my rule Kamuix. It is a basis for rational arguments and carrying out investigation. Conspiracies must be shown to exist by way of evidence, not the nebulous feelings you personally experience.

How the hell can you try and turn me not showing government controlled absolute proof into it being a tooth-fairy level of belief?

I'll try to answer your poorly-phrased sentence: without any verifiable evidence and without any reasonable account to support your claims regarding a conspiracy, your feelings and beliefs are not better than a tooth fairy story.

It just shows that you have an agenda and shows exactly what it is.

No agenda here, just demanding that you produce evidence to support your claims. Your feelings are clearly upset because you are frustrated that you have absolutely nothing to offer to support your assertions. You just can't bring yourself to admit that you are wrong.

I'm not offering what i say as absolute proof.

Actually, that is exactly what you are asking. You simply want people to believe in your assertion that there is some sort of conspiracy because you have some vague feelings in that regard. Yet you offer nothing in the way of reasonable or verifiable evidence to indicate that there is any sort of nefarious conspiracy in play. With respect to proof, you don't need the qualifier of "absolute to be included in your sentence; you have offered no proof whatsoever.

And yes it could be argued that because i didn't personally read official report that i perhaps should, I wouldn't necessarily call it narrow-minded, you're narrow minded.

Kamuix, it's blatantly obvious that because you did not read the report you have no idea what's in it, and as a result, are in no position to refute its content. To repudiate it on the basis of your ignorance is hypocritical and completely unreasonable. You fail to comprehend this.

Also obviously neither of us have read it, and I feel that I've seen more then enough to know that the official report was BS. You are completely unwilling to discuss this.

As noted, I am not defending anything. I am challenging you to support your claims with evidence. Your suggestion that the report you refer to (not that you have ever once named it) is all "BS" is farcical - since you have never read the actual report. Your information of it comes by way of the secondary mickey-mouse conspiracy fairy tales you so religiously adhere to. If you really want to understand the report, you should get an actual copy and start reading it. Otherwise, you have no knowledge regarding its content.

All you do is use an impossible question ...

Nothing remotely impossible about me asking you to support your claims with evidence. What appears to be impossible is for you to actually provide a detailed account of what you contend took place, and the verifiable evidence to support those claims. You find it impossible because you have nothing at all to offer.

Don't you think it's a little weird that just because i don't show what you call "evidence" That suddenly I'm a crazy delirious person who's making up fairy tails built on nothing?

I think it's weird that you adhere to your vague beliefs in light of the fact that you have zero to offer in the way of proof to support your claims. You have not even read the report you claim is in error, yet you repudiate it in full. You simply expect others to be open-minded based on your otherwise unexplained, foggy and paranoid feelings.

It's one thing to say "you don't have proof so no one knows for sure if your information is credible" but to do what you're doing shows you've already built up a hate and we've been over you're unwillingness to be open-minded, in other words think outside the box and to quit letting your ignorant emotions get the better of you. I know there's other forum readers who understand what i mean.

About the "proof" part, you have failed to provide any - regardless of how many times you have been challenged to do so. As for the open-minded part, you have offered no verifiable proof or supportable account that is of interest. In fact, you have offered no evidence whatsoever, and simply want others to share in your unsubstantiated paranoia. Moreover, you have illustrated that your mind is quite closed when you continue to adhere to some vague conspiracy belief without any clear evidence or detailed account to back up your position.

I don't hate you Kamuix, but I think your position is ignorant, unreasonable and certainly indicative of paranoia. You have called others "moron" on this thread, and have now suggested I "suck it," but that is because you feel slighted at the fact that your emotional musings have been brought into serious question.

The way to address this Kamuix is to provide verifiable evidence to support your claims, and a detailed account of what you assert took place. I continue to challenge you to do this.
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You'll notice in society that no matter what studies come out against any legal drug it won't stop the majority from using it. But when it comes to anything against marijuana people will use it to justify saying the drug is bad and should be illegal etc. And Tobacco and Alcohol and much worse then marijuana. The correlation between schizophrenia and psychosis with a drug like marijuana has no secure direct connection. Read the link. Mental illness is complicated.

Plenty of legal drugs have been withdrawn and sometimes banned due to side effects. A recent and well-known case was Vioxx. Even heroin started out as a legal drug manufactured by the Bayer company. Cocaine was originally a legal pharmaceutical product sold for toothache relief. LSD has a similar history.
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You're managing to look ridiculous all on your own.

Whatever Lucy. It obviously seems that way from the point of view of a typical person who's conditioned into he system and society.

I read through your attempt to circle and avoid Grissie and i understand the points you make, but I've shown that what you demand cannot be provided, so here you go:

No. You're manipulating everything to try and make what I think about these events look ridiculous.. Give me a break!

Important Points:

I'm trying to get people to look outside the box and consider what i have to say and have shown.
I'm not offering what i say as absolute proof.
You won't offer proof for the side you're defending.
You keep making the same stupid argument over and over.
You don't address important things that I ask.
You've made up your own rule that because I made a claim I must show absolute evidence.

How the hell can you try and turn me not showing government controlled absolute proof into it being a tooth-fairy level of belief? That's BS why would you try to do that? It just shows that you have an agenda and shows exactly what it is. And yes it could be argued that because i didn't personally read official report that i perhaps should, I wouldn't necessarily call it narrow-minded, you're narrow minded. But at least I can address and and admit it whereas you won't address Sh*t unless i show you evidence that cannot be provided and for no good reason. Also obviously neither of us have read it, and I feel that I've seen more then enough to know that the official report was BS. You are completely unwilling to discuss this. All you do is use an impossible question to justify being ignorant and avoiding all my questions, my other points, anything i discussed that was a bit off topic. Not to mention avoid discussing the topic in a production way in general.

Poor Conditioned Grissie..

Don't you think it's a little weird that just because i don't show what you call "evidence" That suddenly I'm a crazy delirious person who's making up fairy tails built on nothing? It's one thing to say "you don't have proof so no one knows for sure if your information is credible" but to do what you're doing shows you've already built up a hate and we've been over you're unwillingness to be open-minded, in other words think outside the box and to quit letting your ignorant emotions get the better of you. I know there's other forum readers who understand what i mean.


Also important:

You kind of have to get passed the way society tells you to think before you can look at this in a balanced way. Building 7 wasn't even hit by a place yet it fell perfectly straight down in seven seconds. There was tons of video cameras facing the pentagon when it was hit. they were immediately confiscated and then there was(and still is) a whole bunch of questions being asked about what really did hit the pentagon. one 5 frame video was released that didn't show what hit the pentagon. To prove that plane hit the building all they would have to do was release one of those videos.. Yet they didn't. These are two of the biggest examples of what could easily make a reasonable person skeptical. I know Grissie is going to post quoting this saying "That's not evidence" like he always does. But he uses that to justify avoiding the questions I ask him and a way to convince himself that I'm just a crazy delirious conspiracy theorists. We've gone far past that and I've countered him on it many times but he's conditioned and far too gone to wake up to reality.

The point is the problem isn't that i don't show enough evidence, that's a front you guys use to reject everything I say at once. The problem is you guys are conditioned into societies beliefs and until you get passed that and open your mind to other possibilities you won't get anywhere.


Plenty of legal drugs have been withdrawn and sometimes banned due to side effects. A recent and well-known case was Vioxx. Even heroin started out as a legal drug manufactured by the Bayer company. Cocaine was originally a legal pharmaceutical product sold for toothache relief. LSD has a similar history.

That's true actually and one of the most addictive and toxic drugs Methamphetamine is still approved for medical uses. Heroin is still approved in certain places as well. Heroin and Morphine are really not that much different, their potency is different and other things that make heroin more preferable for recreational use but they're very close Heroin is just another morphine derivative like Oxycodone, Hydromorphone etc...The one obvious difference is the big bad label that Heroin has compared to Morphine. Of course Marijuana doesn't compare to the dangers and side effects of most prescription drugs including the ones that are used to treat the symptoms that marijuana is used to treat.

How Weed Won the West is apparently a really good film that reveals a lot of fraud that has to do with the drug war. I haven't seen it yet though..
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Kamuix, you've really taken to recycling your own posts. The cutting and pasting indicates that you have nothing new to say.

You won't be posting any actual verifiable evidence or rationale account for what you claim took place, that much is clear. You also won't be admitting to your overwhelming closed-mindedness, either. We can conclude that you have nothing more than an unsubstantiated opinion that fits in with you paranoia. Your allusion to a conspiracy is at best vague, at worst it is deluded.

I'm still challenging you to show the evidence to support your claims.

Suck your own.
What's more likely? That a plane flew into the Pentagon and the government confiscated surveillance footage for investigation purposes?

Or that they fired a missile into the Pentagon, barely missing the secretary of defense's office, killed off and destroyed a plane full of people (including the wife of the attorney general), and left plane wreckage all around the Pentagon site before reporters got on the scene to take photos?

Oh and Marijuana is at least as bad if not worse than smoking cigarettes because there's no filter. There's still all of the cancer causing carcinogens that inhaling smoke. Opiods, while extremely useful in a medical context are pretty bad as recreational drugs. Anyone who's ever seen people hooked on opiods and see what it does to people would know.
I read through your attempt to circle and avoid Grissie and i understand the points you make, but I've shown that what you demand cannot be provided
Kamuix, what are you on about? I wasn't circling or avoiding Grissie.

I'm not demanding anything. I am saying you have not proven whatever point it is you're trying to make. I'm not defending anything, so I don't have to prove anything. I am saying that I have seen evidence (videos, news reports, eyewitness reports) about Sept. 11 that says planes hit buildings, buildings were damaged and destroyed and people died. I've also seen and read theories that have said that evidence was manufactured, but no one has reliably been able to explain how that was done.

I'm not conditioned or thinking inside the box. Personally, I think planes hitting the twin towers was pretty outside of the box thinking.

Oh and Marijuana is at least as bad if not worse than smoking cigarettes because there's no filter. There's still all of the cancer causing carcinogens that inhaling smoke.

Just to make a comment here, based on the scientific evidence we have to date, there is not strong evidence that marijuana use increases risk of lung cancer the cigarette smoking does. This is despite the fact that there are more known carcinogens in marijuana, and marijuana users tend to inhale more deeply. One theory is that THC may have anti-cancer properties that offset the carcinogens in marijuana, but that has yet to be verified.
^Indeed. A cancer patient I know has resorted to THC after suffering from nasty effects of approved medical practice. The raid on CALM several weeks ago turned this person's life upside down, sadly for the worse.

Meanwhile, inhaling 911 dust has proven to be cancerous. (From the radiation used in the nuclear bomb used to bring down the buildings, is the angle I'm leaning towards.)
Evidence? I never said I have evidence.:) I just happen to think Islamic terrorists are too crude to plan this event alone. Look at those pathetic things they call rockets lobbed into Israel from Palestine, or the messy bombings in other parts of the world. Failures. I refuse to believe these Taliban and Saudi guys could plan anything so advanced. If it looks unbelievable, it probably is unbelievable.
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