We need logos, slogans, marketing material that's simple. Once we start putting stuff out, the goal will be to get people to go to the website for more info.
A simple example would be a poster at a bus stop that just says:
"Hate transferring at Kennedy or Don Mills?
Join our campaign to extend the subway to Scarborough Town Centre.
Visit us at saveoursubways.ca or facebook.com/saveoursubways"
Add logo to that at the bottom. And you have a campaign.
That's why I prefer a simple logo and simple letterhead. The save our subways in black and white contrast was really good for letterhead. We just need a logo in a box beside the writing. That would be at the bottom of every poster.
Done right, this could achieve in weeks what took the DRL campaigners years since they largely targetted the media and politicians not regular riders. We don't have the luxury of time like they did. So we'll have to build a base of support while concurrently targetting decision makers.