Maybe because at the end of the day, the city a) doesn't care that much about it and b) for all the rhetoric, wouldn't want be saddled with the financial cost of actually taking ownership of a piece of history either? And what tooth and nail - the process was very proper - it went back to signatory of the contract for consideration, approval and I think the compromise is a fair one.
As to the matter of spineless - well, as if Walnut Hall and Empress hasn't taught us anything. Then again, one might be accused of throwing up red tape against business interest if they should take heritage that seriously.
Maybe because at the end of the day, the city a) doesn't care that much about it and b) for all the rhetoric, wouldn't want be saddled with the financial cost of actually taking ownership of a piece of history either? And what tooth and nail - the process was very proper - it went back to signatory of the contract for consideration, approval and I think the compromise is a fair one.
As to the matter of spineless - well, as if Walnut Hall and Empress hasn't taught us anything. Then again, one might be accused of throwing up red tape against business interest if they should take heritage that seriously.
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