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Rob Ford's Toronto

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You'd think owning a printing company with large clients, they'd at least have at least one decent graphic designer on staff. Nope. Everything they do, including the non-edited sign looks like it's a buddy's brother who thinks Microsoft Word is a graphic design app.

I've thought this all along (not the MS Word part, which is brilliant). I don't understand how aside from the designs provided by their clients (I guess), everything Deco churns out looks like crap. And their website too.
Global is reporting on the Warmington article on Rob's health. I'm confused, Rob's is feeling pretty sick, experiencing pain, vomiting and had a lung biopsy on Monday, but he's feeling up to calling strangers on the phone about their potholes. Wouldn't his time be better spent with his kids? Doesn't make sense to me.

"TORONTO – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is in pain and is “feeling pretty sick” when he was asked about his health by a newspaper columnist on Monday.

The Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington spoke to the mayor over the telephone and described his condition as “not too good.

Test results to determine the exact nature of his condition are expected in the coming days.

The mayor told Warmington a biopsy was conducted on his lungs Monday and that he continues to experience vomiting.

The newspaper also reported that Ford has been making calls to his constituents while in his hospital bed."
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We should hear some test results soon, assuming the Fords don't drop the cone of silence over his results.

This is actually what I'm expecting---no straight info from here on out, whether the news is good or bad. It works too well to the Fords' advantage to keep people in the dark about his condition. If it's benign and he's essentially OK, both he and Doug face a backlash about the sympathy play. If it's serious, he faces questions about why he's running in Ward 2. I'll be very surprised if they authorize his doctors to make any further announcements, or make one themselves. They'll try to keep that ball in the air as long as they can.
Global is reporting on the Warmington article on Rob's health. I'm really confused, Rob's is feeling pretty sick, experiencing pain, vomiting and had a lung biopsy on Monday, but he's feeling up to calling strangers on the phone about their potholes. Wouldn't his time be better spent with his kids? Doesn't make sense to me.

Because its BS. This is playing out exactly like the rehab story which we now know was complete BS. Let us remember that Greenstone is supposed to be a health care facility which has real doctors. The Fords were able to control the message coming out of there and it was far from the truth.
He also just continues to be a horrific writer, to the point I want him to go back to high school English classes. Can anyone on this planet explain why the word "vomiting" is in quotes in this paragraph?

He had a very bad night Sunday and was feeling nauseous Monday. Mayor Ford said he was “vomiting†a lot and was in considerable pain. He also had some invasive testing Monday. The mayor described it as doctors “going into my lungs†to take a biopsy.

Because Warmington wants you to know that is the exact word Ford used and that Ford is smart enough to use a medical term and classy enough not to say 'puking' or 'tossing my cookies' or whatever. A play for sympathy.
This is actually what I'm expecting---no straight info from here on out, whether the news is good or bad. It works too well to the Fords' advantage to keep people in the dark about his condition. If it's benign and he's essentially OK, both he and Doug face a backlash about the sympathy play. If it's serious, he faces questions about why he's running in Ward 2. I'll be very surprised if they authorize his doctors to make any further announcements, or make one themselves. They'll try to keep that ball in the air as long as they can.

Wonder how long they'll try to keep the results quiet? Another pool? If we hear anything before this Friday, I'll be surprised.
By the sound of it, even if Ford survives he might not be able to testify at Lisi's trial.

I wonder if he can do it via videoconferencing. He is certainly good enough to call constituents right now. Now if he has to go through chemo, I can just see the chemobrain excuse coming up.

"I went through chemotherapy as part of the treatment for my disease, I can't recall much from the side effects of chemotherapy, it's not my fault."

They seem *awfully* fond of the word "hater". I mean, it's the kind of word an 8-year-old boy uses (waaaah! mommy! the haters were bullying me at school today!)

Yep. It really is the worst kind of dissembling. Criticize my choice of candidate? Hater! Question my opinion, which I refuse to explain? Bully!

Someone on Twitter was insisting Ford had 'kept her taxes low' (uh, wouldn't that mean they were low before he was elected as well?) and when others disproved that and her other claims, she ran crying to Warmington (!) about 'trolls' attacking her for stating her 'objective opinion' (they make those now, huh?).
He had a very bad night Sunday and was feeling nauseous Monday. Mayor Ford said he was “vomiting†a lot and was in considerable pain. He also had some invasive testing Monday. The mayor described it as doctors “going into my lungs†to take a biopsy.

While it is certainly possible RoFo did have a lung biopsy, if all we have as proof is this bolded quote from the Worm column (sorry, I can't bring myself to actually read the original and am just going with what TJO'P has kindly provided) and knowing how prone these idiots are to exaggeration, what Slob said felt like "going in to my lungs" could have been as simple as the doc asking him to stick out his tongue and say aghhhh...

As many others have said, until there is some kind of official release or some other verified assessment, scepticism is warranted with this entire family.
I wonder if he can do it via videoconferencing. He is certainly good enough to call constituents right now. Now if he has to go through chemo, I can just see the chemobrain excuse coming up.

"I went through chemotherapy as part of the treatment for my disease, I can't recall much from the side effects of chemotherapy, it's not my fault."


'It's all in the past, and besides, I had a disease and now I can't remember the past. Move forward'.
What the hell do the Fords have on Tory that would make him sink his own ship?

If they had ANTHING we would've heard about it. All they have are negative billing (before Tory's time) and the CFL implosion....eventhough the CFL is still a thing.
It's very doubtful they'd let someone dry out in a hospital bed, rather than CAMH or another facility with rehab care beds. I honestly do think he's dumb enough to have ignored pain for a long time, only to have it bite him in the ass. Life's like that. We men tend to "tough it out", and seek medical attention far later than we should have. I have no doubt a Ford clan member would do any less. In fact, being the baby of the family, he likely overcompensates dramatically for being picked on as a kid.

I take your points, and yes, he's certainly stupid (and testosterone-poisoned) enough to ignore increasing discomfort and pain because that's what a 'real' man would do...but I can't help looking at the state of his body and general health, and thinking that he's far too used to giving in to his impulses immediately, whether it's drugs or food or booze. Instant gratification a 'la Homer Simpson seems to be Slob's default mode, and such people are not exactly known for their iron will power. I don't think this type of person endures pain all that well; it's just not within their ability.

Of course, Mayor Lying Sack of Shit may have been getting some relief via self-medication. Can't rule that out.

And I can name at least one person I know of who dried out in an ordinary, regular hospital bed, with no rehab institutions involved: My father was a major league alcoholic who spent several days in the local hospital going through withdrawal. Mind you, that was over 20 years ago; things are probably different these days, I don't deny that.
Can anyone find that really strong quote Blair gave regarding the police investigation about how we will not back down or be intimidated...some of that nature.
They seem *awfully* fond of the word "hater". I mean, it's the kind of word an 8-year-old boy uses (waaaah! mommy! the haters were bullying me at school today!)

If IHTWOMRF were a physical place, it would be a white padded room, splattered with simian excrement. And festooned with old 'FordMayor' magnets.
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