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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I still shake my head at the sense of entitlement. Why this family thinks they should be in charge of an outhouse is beyond me.

"But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger
for power became known to more and more people,
the demands to do something about this outrageous
man became louder and louder..."

Well I don't know if "Rob Rob Robsputin" is a lover of the Russian Queen, but Rob does love his Russian Prince I heard. So I dunno where this ugly rumor of MINO's homophobia comes from really. Probably from biased and racist people against potato based alcohol or something.
Think of it this way... these power grabbers are so low and cynical, and their aims so despicable, that they couldn't get into political office any other way than by making average people so disgusted that they disengage from the public discourse. They're depending on your apathy---it's part of their strategy. They want you not to care any more what your government is doing. It's really insidious, and kind of exhausting to constantly stand against it, but... the more you walk away, the more you're being played. And, honestly, the less right you have to complain about "politicians." It's up to you where you draw/hold the line.

That's exactly how it works. The only people they want voting are the party faithful. It's the same way Harper operates, turn people off and they don't vote.

How often do you think we will be seeing that message "Doug will not be attending either mayoral debate today" in the upcoming month? 'Cause I'm wondering if Doug will attend any debates at all.

edited ps: Because you know, Rob's tumor. Bam. What's Chow or Tory going to say? Nothing and a whole lot of it. Ward 2 Represent! 4RD 4 LyFe! *Drops mic, exit stage like a boss*.

pps: Please don't let the above happen, Toronto. Fofam treats taxpayers, voters, citizens, people of this city like their own mushroom farm. Kept in the dark and fed nothing but bullshit.
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I have heard it eluded too but never documented:

What was the "dirty trick" the Ford's played on Tory in 2010 to keep him from running?
Who wants to bet we'll see DoFoJr bobble heads? RoFo's look more like DoFoJr anyway. Just need some tape to put over the "Mayor Rob" portion.
People are giving Doug too much credit thinking he's in the race for any other reason than he wants to be mayor. His idiot brother was elected Mayor, why couldn't he? Doug has spent the last four years making the decisions in the office and running interference for his brother's goofups. Of course he thinks he'd do a better job. He's probably been campaigning within the family for the chance since at least Rob's flee to rehab (which must have cost the family a fortune - private jets to Chicago and all). Also Doug has a controlled wife, with her fitness and her macrobiotic diet, her shopping for the best brands. And four blonde cheerleader daughters. Might they not all look with some digust at the shabbiness of the in-laws, pinch-faced Renata chain smoking in the basement and being offered up to others, and peck at Doug for answers to why those hillbillies are the family's champion? Doug doesn't want to be a councillor anymore, doesn't want to spend another four years lying for his brother. But I believe he's game to grab the spotlight. Not that his chances might be that great, but we'll see. There are enough stupid voters in Toronto who elected the first Ford. And like last election, the competition isn't that inspiring.
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I know that poll of Ward 2 was done with a small sample size, but it really does prove his stupid people there are. They have a great candidate in Domise and choose to vote for someone who probably won't be able to do any actual work...

Probabably?! Oh, you mean if he's sick.
But, hey, if he wins he has a much smaller territory for all those "constituent visits," so they probably won't take as long, right?

We've probably beaten to death the whole hubris element of this switcheroo but it really does bug me. There seems to be an unspoken assumption that Doug's candidacy is justified by Rob's illness but it does not logically follow. If he's as bad off as we are being lead to believe, why are they even worrying about this stuff at all? Instead of focusing on the one Ford who pulled out Friday, due to health concerns, let's focus on the fact that Friday saw THREE Fords sign up for elected office, on principle.

Doug signed up because he just HAS to carry Rob's torch.

Mikey signed up because they waited so long all the part-time jobs at the mall are already gone and Uncle Doug PROMISED he could be a councillor and it's no fair, no fair.

Rob signed up because...well, I'm not sure why. If his diagnosis is as terrible as we are being lead to believe, or even just really uncertain, why take on anything like that? I know it's an easy win and he just looooves it so much but I'm not seeing how he justifies staying in by the workload difference. (especially since we know that he wasn't exactly renowned for his 24/7 workload when he was mayor.) Is it to give the big guy something to look forward to while undergoing treatment? There's a weird kind of logic to that, if you think the job is about Rob and not about serving its constituents in a democratic government.

I'm not saying I'd be OK with it but if Doug had signed up and Rob totally dropped out, it would be a lot easier to swallow the terrible situation he must be in. I don't think there's any dispute from anyone reasonable this was a longstanding back-up plan. The question is whether they really had to back to it in a state of panic or actually were looking for the right excuse to pull the trigger. As horrible as they are and have been, jeeze, I hope it's the former.

In the meantime, looking forward to seeing Doug in the debates. Watching a prolonged "exchange of ideas" with him should be fascinating and entertaining, at least.
Living in the fast lane can be expensive on your health.

It certainly can't be from long hours in a private air-conditioned office with a locked door. Arriving in a chauffeur-driven Cadillac.

Love to see how long some of these politicians would last punching a clock like the rest of us lunch buckets doing dirty, outside work with heavy lifting. Oh, I'm sorry do I sound jealous? :D I'll feel better after my sixth cup of coffee. LOL
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It certainly can't be from putting in long hours at the office. And behind its closed doors, what actual work does he do?

Love to see how long some of these politicians would last punching a clock and doing dirty, outside work with heavy lifting. Oh, I'm sorry do I sound jealous? :D

Well I don't know, other politicos like Adam Vaughan and Kristen Wong-Tam put in fairly long hours attending multiple meetings and such. I certainly don't envy having their kind of workdays.

Not only Ward 2. but it is time for people across the city to step up to the plate. I live downtown but gave my donation AND emailed all my friends across the city to encourage them to do the same. It is time intelligence return to Etobicoke. I just heard Doug Holyday on Metro Morning, and his intelligence quota has not improved since he was elected MPP for Etobicoke—Lakeshore.

It's frustrating because Holyday used to be a respectable person, even if I didn't agree with his politics. But he's just fallen in hard with believing and repeating the lies. He initially handled the crack video issue with tact and diplomacy, and then decided that he would tout the line that the video was faked and was a malicious and false attack on Ford's credibility. After the crack video, everything went really downhill with him, and then this morning, he was repeating that debunked "TORONTO WAS ALMOST BANKRUPT!" canard.

I have heard it eluded too but never documented:

What was the "dirty trick" the Ford's played on Tory in 2010 to keep him from running?

Entirely third-hand information, but I heard from a casual acquaintance who was involved in the Ford campaign in 2010 that John Tory Jr. was also involved in that campaign, and that was part of the reason that Tory didn't enter - family politics.
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The comments below KDs new Star story about cancer screening are virtually all supportive of Ford. It's amazing to me that sympathy alters the way one would vote.
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