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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I would imagine that come election day, based on what we know about Forum's polling procedures, Ford will garner far less than 26% of the vote. And that is without factoring in whatever is still to come.

As I've said countless times, his polling will be 10-15% tops.

We should have a wager on this, we pick his % pay $5 or whatever, all proceeds to charity, Griffin Center would be a great idea, does anyone know how to arrange something like this?

Winner get's the satisfaction that their UT name is used for the donation, win win as far as I can see.
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Some of it's funny? It can actually be kind of helpful? Some don't/won't do 'The Twitters'? Those that do, and can't stomach the #topoli thread. might get its 'hi-lite reel' as opposed to its dreck? (Used to try following #topoli. Figured out it's an open tap of many, many toxic personalities. Unreadable.). And, plus, oh, relevant info and links to the ongoing 'Chronicles Of Ford'. Why is it offensive?

r/toronto has some good thoughts, too (Though there seems to be a shunning of that by some).

TL/DR?: Useful/Humorous/'Breaking/.

I wouldn't call it a dump, probably more like a "best of Twitter" on anything pertaining to RoFo. And I quite like it. Makes this forum like a one stop shop for all things RoFo.

Are all these hires CITY-paid employees or Deco employees or Ford Family employees. The City should MAYBE pay a driver for its part-time Mayor but I don't think our taxes should pay for a 'sobriety coach". One also winders why we should pay a full Mayor salary for someone who has not worked at it full time.
I think it is McEachern

if that's true, then graeme was not the guy that left greenestone with ford / in ford's car.

here's a pic of graeme mceachern...


so... was it bob in the car with ford?


  • graeme-debate-photo.jpg
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It says that bob was a former addict that is known for helping many high profile people. It doesn't really say what his qualifications are specifically. Just that he has personal experience with substance abuse.

true... but since ford is paying him (even though bob said he was a volunteer) he likely has some credentials other than being in recovery himself, right?
what's graeme's last name?


He's a passive-aggressive Tweeter, occasional taker of pictures (Ryerson Debate back in March ^the picture above^), and will likely get a letter from the Integrity Commish for handing a RFMGer campaign lit at CH the other day. I'm sure he reads this thread, and follows both #TOpoli & #rfmg & other related hashtags on twitter like an 80's housewife or 90's college kids followed Y&tR on TV.
Rob Ford and the 2014 Election: By the numbers as of July 4th

Isn't that classic conservatism. They love the "tell it as it is" politically incorrect blow hard, until they "tell it as it is" against you. How often do we see somebody support the "anti-gay" movement in the States, until their kid comes out of the closet and all of a sudden the same person believes in gay rights.

I looked a bit closer at today Forum numbers and it should be title, "I went to rehab and nobody gave a F". Ford approval is still at 31%, worst of all candidates (from April to now 46, 38, 28,32, current 31%) Compare that too Tory 63% and Chow 57%. In a five way race Ford drops to third with Chow leading with 36%, Tory 27%, Ford 26%, Soknacki 4%, Stintz 3%. In a top three race Chow leads with 38%, Tory 30% and Ford 28%. These numbers have been very consistent.

What is interesting is his "rehab numbers" (you will see a pattern) Will you vote for Ford? (Yes-26%, 69%-No). Will you vote for Ford if he stays clean? (Yes-26%, No-67%). Do you think Ford will stay clean? (Yes-26%, No-57%). Should Ford resign Yes-62% (up from 58%) Satisfactory explanation and apology (Yes-34%, No-60%). Can be effective Mayor battling alcoholism (Yes-34%, No-61%). Should Ford get his stripped responsibilities back (Yes-32%, No-63%).

What really shows the camps are stuck. The 25% Ford people will vote for Ford no matter what, it doesn't matter if he is a junkie or not. They will vote for him. But the big story is that it seems that not many care if he stays sober or not. The numbers of will you vote for him and will you vote for him if he's sober it doesn't change. It's also interesting that there are some people that forgive him and wants him to finish his term but still say will not vote for him this elections. Why 32% think he should get his powers back but only 26% say will vote for him even if he's sober. Ford looks like he got a 25% that will support him no matter what (unless the bottom totally falls out) but it looks like under any circumstance he can break 30%.

SG: Interesting election stats as of July 4th in the Toronto Mayor campaign...

I am one of many who have taken note to what could be a citizen rebellion against RF judging on the reactions to his
campaign appearances in the past week and it seems that RF is delusional enough to think that he can be re-elected
Mayor after all that has happened and that he can compete with a hopefully emerging strong candidate for Mayor that
will not allow the vote to be split up and allow RF a re-election (I am noting this again here but being as important as
this election is it needs to be mentioned) that he would not get otherwise...

I also feel that depending on how RF fares over these four months leading to the October election that if something
happens that causes him to finally resign as Toronto Mayor or drop out of the campaign it will finally allow Toronto
to recover knowing that a new Mayor will be elected...If RF is still standing at election time what could happen is a
massive turnout by Toronto voters to ensure that RF does not get re-elected by a split vote by multiple weak

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