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Rob Ford's Toronto

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After all that has come out in the Lisi ITOs about Ford, why would he not want some mundane details about his times as coach made public? Someone mentioned it could be something tame such as bringing kids from a different school zone in. Is that really a serious issue that needs covering up? Is he going to lose votes over something like that? It doesn't make sense. Clearly he's worried about something serious hence the blocking of the release.

Ted Bundy cried about investigators finding out he had a thing for socks when they went through his place as part of a serial murder investigation. People aren't always rational. And what seems minor to others, in context of what seems like more significant information, can be a critical part of another person's self-identity.
Being shown to be a poor role model for kids can be more damaging than being shown to be an incompetent, inattentive mayor of the country's largest city. Doesn't need to be something sensational. He's running interference to protect his brand, like the powerful do everywhere.
Being shown to be a poor role model for kids can be more damaging than being shown to be an incompetent, inattentive mayor of the country's largest city. Doesn't need to be something sensational. He's running interference to protect his brand, like the powerful do everywhere.
That makes sense. It probably hurt his ego when he was fired and doesn't want the details to come out for fear of losing votes. Teflon mayor being fired from a job he loves doing? That's not good for his image. If there's criminality in those documents, surely we would have heard about it already.
I think it just comes down to priorities. He's fine just being mayor in name only and voting no to everything, but he actually really enjoys football. So I could see some minor negative letters about his coaching hurting him personally more than all of the other illegal stuff he's done. Like somebody above said, people aren't rational.
you realize anyone can buy collapsible batons from security/police stores.....

When I was a security guard several years ago, the stores available for work-related supplies couldn't sell their customers anything unless they had proper ID and documentation that they did indeed work in the security business. So, no, not just anyone could waltz in and purchase weapons and/or uniforms, unless they could back up their identities with solid proof. And that was if you were nothing more than a lowly security guard; I can't imagine the police would be less strict in allowing any yahoo to just lah-de-dah in off the streets and help himself to whatever he wanted when it came to potentially dangerous items exclusively meant for law enforcement.

Mind you, this was some years back, and things may have become more lax since then...but I doubt it.

As for the latest attempted 'cover-up' (if that's what it is) invloving Fat Boy's days as a football coach, who knows? Inappropriate behavior around the kids wouldn't surprise me; Jimmi T.'s reports of what Rofo's "coaching" was like seemed pretty damn freakish to me, and I'm not at all sure that Ford is even capable of realizing when he's behaving inappropriately. So if he is genuinely trying to keep something under wraps here, something at least borderline criminal must be involved.
The Rob Ford Football Foundation supplies a cheque for equipment after receiving an invoice from a supplier, provided by a school with which the foundation has an agreement. Rob Ford has testified, under oath, that this is what his foundation does. Nothing more, nothing less.

The foundation... that's the strongest and weakest part of the story. The one fact is that Robbie has to sign off every expenditure, and there is no check or balance between cost and condition of equipment. In my opinion Robbie has inflated costs of equipment (like "paying" full price for used equipment) just as he does with his savings of "1 Billion dollars" for taxpayers.

That makes sense. It probably hurt his ego when he was fired and doesn't want the details to come out for fear of losing votes. Teflon mayor being fired from a job he loves doing? That's not good for his image. If there's criminality in those documents, surely we would have heard about it already.

Of course it hurt his ego. And probably there is no criminality in the docs, however, his campaigning is reliant on fiscal and moral superiority; being the best father and role model for kids is exhausting. Any whiff of moral turpitude with kids would damage his cults image of him, and that's genie that can't be put back in the bottle.
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We'll find out--eventually. I hear the only thing he can do is delay the release of these documents a few months.

I still don't think it might be anything particularly worse than we already know. If he has the option to appeal and keep this out of the press forever, helping his election chances, why not take it? The gamble is that the info will now appear closer to the election.
For a guy who claims he has nothing left to hide... what is he hiding?

He also could be appealing just out of spite. We know he does this often with his petulant 'lone nay' votes in city council. I could totally seem him doing this here too, especially given his relationship with "the media". I find it difficult to imagine some nefarious conspiracy in regards to the school stuff, one reason being that teenagers are horribly inept at keeping secrets. I know, I was one once. A brush fire spreads lazily compared to rumours in high school. Anything involving the team seems more unlikely than not.
I think it just comes down to priorities. He's fine just being mayor in name only and voting no to everything, but he actually really enjoys football. So I could see some minor negative letters about his coaching hurting him personally more than all of the other illegal stuff he's done. Like somebody above said, people aren't rational.

I agree. I think there are two forces at work. First, there's the political calculation that reports about bad behaviour around high school kids will damage the Ford narrative that, while Rob may be wrestling some personal demons, he's otherwise a decent, big-hearted guy. If Rob loses that, he's in real trouble. Second, based on the ITOs, losing Bosco hurt Rob on a personal level more than just anything else over the past year or so. He obviously doesn't want to go back to that place and time, especially if it's going to dragged through the press.
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