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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Well technically, David Miller saved the city 2 billion dollars, using Ford's math. Though that might've been over the course of his two terms, Soknacki could claim that as Miller's budget chief.

He did that today, he was on 640 this afternoon with McArthur and Soknacki said that he went over the budgets for the three years he was budget chief and he claims that after adjusting for inflation his budgets saved just as much as Fords.
Well technically, David Miller saved the city 2 billion dollars, using Ford's math. Though that might've been over the course of his two terms, Soknacki could claim that as Miller's budget chief.

I've secretly fantasized about running for mayor on a "Hyperbole" platform as a "better" version of Ford for ford nation just to point out how ridiculous his claims are.

Stuff like:

- Folks, Rob's only saved you a billion dollars... I'll save you a TRILLION!
- and screw subways, and screw traffic gridlock. With me as your mayor, you'll all get helicopters to fly you to and fro. It's all about helicopters folks, Helicopters, helicopters, helicopters!
- I've spoken to the private sector, and they're just chomping at the bit to pay for your helicopters.
- While I'm at it you're all gettin' cranes too. The sky will be filled with cranes and helicopters!
- I have a proven track record of delivering on all of my promises, and those of others!
- I'll clean up the mess that Rob's left at City Hall. You'll never pay taxes again!
- I'm not going to contract out your garbage collection, I'm gonna make those lazy garbage workers pay for their strikes and make em work like Asian dogs!
- I'll cancel the pride parade and drive every LGBTQWERTY out of town! Minorities too!
- I know how to run a business cuz my dad started a business and gave me an office to sit in with a desk and everything.
- I answer all of my phone calls, and I'll drive right over to your house to flush the toilet if that's what you need doing... even if I'm drunk off my ass, which I often am, I'll still drive over there! I'll even read the newspaper, and flip off every kid I see on the way.
- When I get home, I'll beat my whole family to a bloody pulp! Cuz I'm an every man.
- They don't have enough cops to follow me around. Much less my drug dealer!

Please note that the above is my interpretation of what Ford Nation wants and not in any way my real opinion on civic matters.
Missed it...anyone able to briefly summarise?

Pothole stuff. Evasion about how he's paying for his campaign, although he does mention bobbleheads and t-shirts "Don't worry, we'll release our numbers when it's appropriate" and "We have some movers and shakers" working on the campaign. About the "billion dollars": "You can phrase it whatever way you want, but my numbers are exactly what I've been saying". In relation to his legal issues "Talk to Dennis Morris about that. Talk to Dennis Morris about that. Anything else?

Also, supports firefighters and cops, is "not happy with the provincial government", and wants to let people mourn the death of Ralph Wilson before talking about a Buffalo Bills team moving here.
I've secretly fantasized about running for mayor on a "Hyperbole" platform as a "better" version of Ford for ford nation just to point out how ridiculous his claims are.

Stuff like:

- Folks, Rob's only saved you a billion dollars... I'll save you a TRILLION!
- and screw subways, and screw traffic gridlock. With me as your mayor, you'll all get helicopters to fly you to and fro. It's all about helicopters folks, Helicopters, helicopters, helicopters!
- I've spoken to the private sector, and they're just chomping at the bit to pay for your helicopters.
- While I'm at it you're all gettin' cranes too. The sky will be filled with cranes and helicopters!
- I have a proven track record of delivering on all of my promises, and those of others!
- I'll clean up the mess that Rob's left at City Hall. You'll never pay taxes again!
- I'm not going to contract out your garbage collection, I'm gonna make those lazy garbage workers pay for their strikes and make em work like Asian dogs!
- I'll cancel the pride parade and drive every LGBTQWERTY out of town! Minorities too!
- I know how to run a business cuz my dad started a business and gave me an office to sit in with a desk and everything.
- I answer all of my phone calls, and I'll drive right over to your house to flush the toilet if that's what you need doing... even if I'm drunk off my ass, which I often am, I'll still drive over there! I'll even read the newspaper, and flip off every kid I see on the way.
- When I get home, I'll beat my whole family to a bloody pulp! Cuz I'm an every man.
- They don't have enough cops to follow me around. Much less my drug dealer!

Please note that the above is my interpretation of what Ford Nation wants and not in any way my real opinion on civic matters.

Didn't you watch "Back To The Future" & "Back To The Future 2"? 2015 and there will be no need for roads. Who needs roads when everyone has a flying DeLorean.
So, uh, the speculation about Lisi's legal expsenses is that the Fords are secretly footing his bills? Am I reading that correctly? But wouldn't that, I dunno, look kinda bad?
Pothole stuff. Evasion about how he's paying for his campaign, although he does mention bobbleheads and t-shirts "Don't worry, we'll release our numbers when it's appropriate" and "We have some movers and shakers" working on the campaign. About the "billion dollars": "You can phrase it whatever way you want, but my numbers are exactly what I've been saying". In relation to his legal issues "Talk to Dennis Morris about that. Talk to Dennis Morris about that. Anything else?

Also, supports firefighters and cops, is "not happy with the provincial government", and wants to let people mourn the death of Ralph Wilson before talking about a Buffalo Bills team moving here.

I mentioned it in the appropriate thread but I agree with him on the Bills thing so....there is a thing Rob Ford and I agree on. good to know.

I love the idea that they can sell enough cheap swag to fund a 10-month mayoral campaign in the continent's fourth biggest city almost as much as the "movers and shakers" thing. I presume these are the same Hollywood bigwigs he and Doug parties with? Seriously, thinking you can use t-shirts to fund a campaign is almost as stupid as thinking you can build a transit network through "efficiencies."

I have a sneaky suspicion that the disclosure of their campaign finances will provide a nice comedic epilogue to all this. Comparing them to 2010 should show, in absolute terms, how people left that sinking ship.

Of course potholes are the WORST THEY'VE EVER BEEN - there's probably a BILLION OF THEM - but luckily we have the BEST MAYOR THE CITY HAS EVER SEEN and his compadres, including THE BEST CRIMINAL LAWYER IN CANADA and (I'm presuming) THE BEST BROTHER A GUY COULD HAVE working the problem. If we can get the AMAZING FRONT LINE OFFICERS of this BOOMING city's police force on the case, I bet they can be patched FASTER THAN ANYONE HAS EVER PATCHED A POTHOLE before.

Seriously, of all his foibles, his penchant for childish hyperbole is, for me, one of the most grating. (But, OK, seriously, the potholes out there are TERRIBLE! So...possibly we agree on 2 things, though I don't have comparative data.)

One thing all interviewers know is Rub and Tug are going to go to their stock answers so deep questions are useless.

I think they should go all absurd on him like "can you do your drunk driving impression or how about some steak queen jamaican ranting, those are really popular with your constituents".

For Doug "When you said Rub was the most honest mayor can you cite other mayors who have lied about their crack use and being hammered at city functions".

Treat the both of them like the sideshows they are and eventually they will explode in anger.

Why are the press/media still giving him SO much attention? I understand the "newsworthy" perspective but its like giving the one bully out of 50 good people all the attention and forgetting the good of the remaining 49. The bully is getting exactly what they want...attention. If Rob wants to show up for or arrange his own interview, then why doesn't the interviewer professionally and calmly hammer away at the same couple of questions until Rob leaves, which he will...he won't have another option. Then the media can concentrate on the other candidates and educate the public thru these interviews with elaborating on their campaign platforms. Ignore Rob and Doug until they cry for attention. TPS is doing what they have to do with respect to investigations, dotting their I's crossing their T's and when the real shit hits the fan then we can take it from there. In other words, be there with the cameras and mics but basically just ask him NOTHING.

Having said all that...Rob is getting more and more name recognition, keeping "Ford" in the headlines which is exactly what Rob and Doug see as successful campaigning. He has nothing noteworthy to say, and he won't comment on anything that makes him feel uncomfortable.
So, uh, the speculation about Lisi's legal expsenses is that the Fords are secretly footing his bills? Am I reading that correctly? But wouldn't that, I dunno, look kinda bad?

I personally don't think so but I believe a few others do.

Lawyers typically don't ask where the money is coming from.

There's an old joke about a guy being arrested for stealing the money out of parking meters, he goes to his lawyer, explains how he got caught red handed with a meter and said "think I can get off", the lawyers says, possibly, my fee is a $3000 retainer and $250/hr, is that ok? Guy says, sure, do you accept loonies and twoonies?
So, uh, the speculation about Lisi's legal expsenses is that the Fords are secretly footing his bills? Am I reading that correctly? But wouldn't that, I dunno, look kinda bad?

I can't think of any situation in which the invoices would become public. There certainly won't be any leaks from the law firm, and the only way Ford's bank records will become public knowledge is if he's in court being charged with far worse things than paying his buddy's legal bills.

What would be amazing is if Rob Ford was paying Lisi's legal bills, and Lisi made a deal with police that fucked over Rob Ford. That would be some grade A theatre.
Only if it can be traced.

Question for a reporter to ask him "Rob, how is Sandro Lisi paying his legal bills?". If he answers that it's a matter before the courts and he can't comment he looks like he's covering up for the fact that it's him footing the bill. If he answers "How should I know?" then one can ask follow up questions because he's obviously not worried about discussing something before the courts.
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