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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Either way, it was clear from the CTV piece where they asked him about Rob's taxi episode that Doug no longer cares to hide his indifference regarding Rob.

I wonder if he got charged the new $25 vomit fee for passengers who throw up in the back of a cab? ( Looking for a "puke" smiley. )

Glad to see he at least did not drink and drive.

I'm pretty familiar with City Hall. To avoid embarrassment, why not have a cab pick him up at a more discreet location, rather than on a busy street?
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I wonder if he got charged the new $25 vomit fee for passengers who throw up in the back of a cab? ( Looking for a "puke" smiley. )

Glad to see he at least did not drink and drive.

I'm pretty familiar with City Hall. To avoid embarrassment, why not have a cab pick him up at a more discreet location, rather than on a busy street?

It's especially crazy because when I passed more than thirty minutes later, there were still lots of people skating in Nathan Phillips Square. Lends credence to the idea that he feeds on the public attention.
Ditto for the people I know.

Also disturbing are the people I've spoken to who want someone in charge they can have a beer with. They are so mistrusting of all politicians, believing every one of them to be dishonest. What an insulting world view! There's no convincing them that not every politician is robbing the cookie jar. They believe if they can elect a regular guy, a schmo with a slogan who respects their tax dollars, says no to all spending (quite literally all - to the point of shutting down government), that only then will things change for the better. If you try to explain that government needs taxes for important stuff like infrastructure, their brains implode.

I want the person in charge to be smarter than me. Someone with a brilliant mind and creative ideas. A critical thinker. An individual with zero tolerance for bullshit and bullies. I want the most "elite" candidate available. An urban culture lovin' elegant human being who represents us with dignity and brings out the best in others. Someone who will restore hope, confidence and pride. I want this person to be BETTER than me.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but if any of my beer swilling, recreational drug ingesting, over-fed, credit card abusin', gassy friends ran for any level of politics, I'd be mortified.

We've had quite enough of divisiveness in politics. Those us vs them, they're not like us, leftard/conbot sayin' jackasses. It breaks my heart to hear the Fords on the radio putting down most of the population; gays, women, lefties, small 'c' conservatives, police, public servants, teachers, unions, cyclists, homeless people, seniors, the poor, immigrants. He's an embarrassment and I'm gobsmacked when I hear anyone defend and support the idiocy of it all. "I like Ford, he seems like a nice guy and I'd rather have a beer with him than that socialist spend-thrift Miller." Political spin and propaganda being vomited from the pie-holes of feckless voters, none of whom understand the substratal influence of their so-called "free will" choices at the voting booth.

I get that people are weary of the same old-same old. But the intellectual laziness that has gripped our culture is not just alarming, it apocalyptic. At every level of government voters have abandoned their responsibilities and allowed the loudest, brassiest, most insidiously evil fucks slide into power. These same people who complain that politics are rigged lack any sense of outrage when a politician does go rogue.

As people distract themselves with the latest tv Idol contest, their quality of life is dying a death from a thousand papercuts. These same 'folks' meticulously research all the latest internet conspiracy theories, and develop night terrors about the impending new world order. But they will give only a cursory glance at news sources which confirm their own brand of political bias leading up to voting day. Rather than recognize the very real and present dangers of voter apathy, they would spend their time warning equally nescient friends and family that George Orwell was right via 'shared' and 'liked' spammy facebook memes over a broadband network owned by one of the Canadian national duopolies. The irony is wasted.

I know this has turned into a rant but I'm stunned that 28% of people still believe that Ford is a reasonable choice or deserving of the every-man title. Deep down they have to know that this millionaire Tommy Boy man-child has never spent a day, an hour or indeed a minute in common shoes.

Anne: You could not have said this better...This is just one example of the frustration some Torontonians feel towards RF and to the divisiveness
of the "us vs. them" political mentality being used today widely in North America...

Toronto desperately needs new leadership and a Mayor the City can all stand behind and be proud of...

The coming October 2014 Election will be one of the most important ones in Toronto and Ontario history...

Well, eventually our gutter mayor will have to give a statement or denial.

JProskowGlobal 1:29pm via Twitter for iPhone
Many of you tweeting... Yes, the mayor had promised to stop/he had stopped/done with drinking on many occasions.
Well, eventually our gutter mayor will have to give a statement or denial.

JProskowGlobal 1:29pm via Twitter for iPhone
Many of you tweeting... Yes, the mayor had promised to stop/he had stopped/done with drinking on many occasions.

what he meant was 'done for the day'.
So now there are degrees of quitting drinking?

Was 'Are you going to quit drinking?' not among the 'right questions'?

He's also smoking much less crack and only with people with a maximum of 2 prior convictions.
He's taking cabs and he's on the right track. Remember he's not perfect!

St. Paddy's Day zinger--

ddale8 1:32pm via Twitter for iPhone
Older man arrives just after Ford leaves. Says, "Well, good. I wouldn't want to venture that far down the evolutionary ladder."
Well, eventually our gutter mayor will have to give a statement or denial.

JProskowGlobal 1:29pm via Twitter for iPhone
Many of you tweeting... Yes, the mayor had promised to stop/he had stopped/done with drinking on many occasions.

Guaranteed he minimizes it as a "minor setback".
Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only one you can get yelled at for having - Mitch Hedberg

What I want to know is, did Rob Ford make an effort to quit drinking and doing drugs? If so, and obviously he failed at that (which does happen, people with issues fall off the wagon), is that something we can harshly criticize him for? If he was sober for awhile but slipped, isn't it wrong to add it to the list of things Ford lied to us about? The man needs help. If he had said "yes, I will never drink again" and then 10 minutes later he got wasted, then we should call him out on it. But should we if he made an effort and was unsuccessful?
I'm part Irish, and I wasn't hammered in public. It can be done.

I'm 100% Irish and I don't drink at all! Imagine that!

Oh thanks for clearing that up--

KatieSimpson24 12:32pm via TweetDeck
Doug Ford tells scrum that Mayor didn't promise anyone he was going to quit drinking 100%. That is not true.

There needs to be a remix montage of the November promises and guarantees, and this scrum, circulated on major media outlets.

Doug also said his main concern about that night was why a 13 year old was out at 1:30 am.

I thought this happened around 10:30? Oh Doug...

It's classic Ford Mind Tricks. Turn the question around to distract. Even more effective when you throw a lie into the distraction.
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