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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Based on what Peepers has brought to light here about Councillor McConnell, I'd say that Toronto needs more people like her on council. How about McConnell for Mayor in 2014!

I agree with you. I actually admire Pam McConnell for taking a risk, supporting Regent Park and putting her money where her mouth is. Many people were expecting Regent Park development to fail, including Peepers, I'm sure. The fact that it didn't, is because of people like McConnell, who were willing to take some risks and saw the potential that the neighbourhood had. Toronto will be a better city because of this development and the people who made it happen.
See, Peepers has a use. When he posts his BS, someone more informed/honest comes along and sets the record straight for the rest of us. Speaking only for myself, I knew nothing about Pam McConnell's association with Regent Park, and now I do. Thanks to all the posters who corrected Peepers!
Ford was at the Albany Club for a "Christmas Party" of some kind.
pic from @YourLegacyInc

another pic from @ANASTASIAAmusic on instagram

Tells you how for the Albany Club has fallen in 20 years - used to be you couldn't step foot in the Main Dining Room without a Jacket and Tie - unless you were a woman in "appropriate attire" - and it was Maureen McTeer (Mrs. Joe Clark) who was able to get women accepted in the Dining Room in the first place.
He actually looks like he has lost a bit of weight.

I find it hilarious that Doug think him losing weight means everything is fine though
Woah – according to City News, Rob Ford claims he handed out 20,000 candy canes earlier today at the Ye Ol' Etobicoke Santa Claus Parade.
Personally, I'm a little disappointed he didn't hand out a BILLION.
He actually looks like he has lost a bit of weight.

I find it hilarious that Doug think him losing weight means everything is fine though

I hope he has lost weight -- good for him. I don't want him to die.

Our problem with him wasn't that he was too fat, however.
He actually looks like he has lost a bit of weight.

I find it hilarious that Doug think him losing weight means everything is fine though

Remember, Nixon lost to Kennedy in the '60 election debate due to Nixon not wanting make-up before the going on camera. Appearances are large (pun intended) in how people vote, looking tired or haggered for example can effect if people see you, as in up to the tasks at hand, and being able to go the distance.

"Cut the Waist" challenge was to do this, however, Robbie failed to meet the goals and ditched the weigh-ins, making him loose some confidence to get the "job" done; I blame Dougie for that fiasco. This time there is more thought in game, and they are linking Robbie's "recovery" to Toronto's "recovery" from under the "lefty-communist-sociallists". The Fords' main platform has always been "recovery" of the "victim", with the people of Toronto being the "victim" of the Elite, and that recovery cannot be found in the voice of the people, but the voice of the people through the Fords. This makes the Fords methods not unlike any other fascist's methods.

Remember, Hitler was for people getting a job and feeding their family, as well as finding scapegoats to blame for their problems. Sound familiar?
2. Is it really possible that Ford can win the next election? Not that I'm a political genius but it seems as though it takes more than
just the voters saying 'yeah, I'll vote for him the next time'. Will he have any kind of support from other political colleagues?
[Just a guess, but I can't see Harper helping to get out the vote]. Who is going to manage his campaign? Who is going to make
make the calls, lick the envelopes and pound the pavement for this guy? Because Doug can't do it all.'s that lack of support, in reality *and* symbolically, that may be a secret tripping point here--I mean, after all that's happened, who on earth thinks he'll repatriate that lost support on Council or otherwise? We're likely looking at MINO II here, unless Team Ford actually elects a Council caucus.

And with that in mind, what you'll find noteworthy about a lot of Ford supporters is how naively unaware they are of how City Hall operates--that is, they think Toronto has more of a "strong mayor system" than it actually has, because that's the package the Fords are selling them. But, remind them of how little actual support Ford has or will likely have (y'know, at this point in time little more than Mammo, and he's far from certain to be reelected), they might start "thinking again". It isn't enough to remind them about the lies; you have to emphasize the lack of "power reach", i.e. that his conduct has actually *thwarted* his ability to get things done, or to get a team together to get things done.

I've already had one "soft supporter" ask me to offer a reason why not to support Ford; and that lack-of-support explanation actually was convincing. Ford in 2014 vs Ford in 2010 will be like a lawyer that's been disbarred, or a doctor that's lost his licence, or an educational institution that's lost accreditation, all in that 2010-to-2014 interrim. Remind voters of that, and it might sink in...
Mayor Rob Ford's summer football club suspended
Rexdale Raiders were suspended last month for failing to pay $1,950 in fees and fines.

Mayor Rob Ford’s summer football club has been suspended for failing to pay registration fees and several fines.
The Rexdale Raiders, a two-team Ontario Minor Football League organization that Ford founded, racked up $1,950 in fees and fines since the spring season started in May.
If the Raiders apply to return next season, OMFL president Dan Ralph said the league’s governors will likely discuss concerns about the recent controversy surrounding the football-loving mayor and the club’s past assistant coach, Payman Aboodowleh, who has a history of violent crime.

And what puzzles me here is...aren't the Fords loaded? They've been able to bankroll anything from Ford Fests to potential Doug-sponsored park improvements--right? So, why haven't they been able to pay off this piddly amount, esp. if it's on behalf of Rob's pride and joy?
And what puzzles me here is...aren't the Fords loaded? They've been able to bankroll anything from Ford Fests to potential Doug-sponsored park improvements--right? So, why haven't they been able to pay off this piddly amount, esp. if it's on behalf of Rob's pride and joy?
Frank Stronach is loaded. Galen Weston is loaded. Gerry Schwartz is loaded. Rob Ford is not loaded. Let's look at the facts as best we can establish them....

1) Ownership of Deco
  • The Ford family owns a medium sized label company.
  • According to Wikipedia Rob Ford, along with his brothers and his mother are directors of the company. There's no mention of the sister.

2) Revenue of Deco

Cost increases in Printing Industry
AdBeez note, this covers primarily printed media, but costing indications can apply to printing.

Gross Profit indications specific to label printing industry
AdBeez note, this applies to a major USA label printing firm with massive buying power and economies of scale, so Deco should expect lower GM%

In summary, if Deco has $4M in revenue and a net profit (after SG&A) of 37%, this leaves $1.5 million annually to be redistributed to the Directors and/or reinvested into the business. Now, keep in mind that SG&A would already include wages for all the employees, including the Director's, so a portion of the 8.5% SG&A ($340K) would be paid to Rob, Randy, Doug and the old lady.

So, that's $340K + $$750K (assuming 50/50 distribution and reinvestment of the net revenue) for a grand total of about $1.1 million annually. Take $1.1 million and divide it between Rob, Randy, Doug and the old lady and you get a gross pay out of $272K each, before tax. At 50% tax rate, Rob Ford is taking in about $136K per year.

$136K is good money, but it's not loaded.
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