Senior Member
According to a tweet from Sue-Ann Levy to Robyn Doolittle, The Star reporter is apparently in Florida "digging for dirt". I wonder what that is about...
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Also about this- how much power does the OMB have over things like the number of councillors? I've heard a few things floating about that Rocco Rossi's on the OMB board now, makes sense that an astroturfed group would always like to take the backdoor in.
The petition by the Toronto Taxpayers Coalition was just barely accepted into council. Of the 1041 signatures, only 510 were valid. Most people didn't live at the address they provided and a few (21) didn't even live in Toronto. It's an interesting look at the validity of petition signatures. It's unfortunate council even spent the time debating something that had no hope in hell of passing.
I took the below screen cap of the Toronto Taxpayers Coalition Facebook page. Read the comment from the page/Matthew McGuire at the bottom. Is there any way their challenge to the OMB could be nullified in any way due to blatant bias against any councillor who isn't pro-Ford?
View attachment 15751
It's fascinating that pro-Ford people complain of a left-wing conspiracy to remove Ford from office any way possible, yet there are right-wing astroturf groups doing what they can to make a weak mayor like Ford more powerful by cutting councillors.
The petition by the Toronto Taxpayers Coalition was just barely accepted into council. Of the 1041 signatures, only 510 were valid. Most people didn't live at the address they provided and a few (21) didn't even live in Toronto. It's an interesting look at the validity of petition signatures. It's unfortunate council even spent the time debating something that had no hope in hell of passing.
I took the below screen cap of the Toronto Taxpayers Coalition Facebook page. Read the comment from the page/Matthew McGuire at the bottom. Is there any way their challenge to the OMB could be nullified in any way due to blatant bias against any councillor who isn't pro-Ford?
View attachment 15751
It's fascinating that pro-Ford people complain of a left-wing conspiracy to remove Ford from office any way possible, yet there are right-wing astroturf groups doing what they can to make a weak mayor like Ford more powerful by cutting councillors.
Caught lying again:
Why do these guys lie about the most mundane and unecessary things when they're so easily caught? If he's going on vacation, just say it.
Caught lying again:
Why do these guys lie about the most mundane and unecessary things when they're so easily caught? If he's going on vacation, just say it.
It's Rob Ford who has compared other councillors who don't support him to Stalin.We're not talking about Stalin here. We're talking about Ford and Clinton, and comparing either of them to Stalin, who killed millions of people, is just absurd.
Could this be a possibility? It would actually explain a lot, given that I see this account every once in a while in while looking at tweets.
Yeah, Stalin would have known how LRT works.
View attachment 15751
It's fascinating that pro-Ford people complain of a left-wing conspiracy to remove Ford from office any way possible, yet there are right-wing astroturf groups doing what they can to make a weak mayor like Ford more powerful by cutting councillors.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, July 19, 2013 4:00 PM
Toronto Taxpayers Coalition To Take City To Ontario Municipal Board
- See more at: http://www.torontotaxpayer.ca/Press...Municipal-Board#sthash.8MIncoNF.S1zrODtq.dpuf
The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is preparing to take the City of Toronto Councillors to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) over Council's refusal to adopt a city ward boundaries by-law yesterday's council meeting.
"We will appeal and we will prevail" announced Matthew McGuire spokesperson for the Toronto Taxpayers Coalition. The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition petitioned council for new ward boundaries under a little-known regulation of the City of Toronto Act. Under S.129 of the City of Toronto Act (COTA), any of the petitioners may pursue the issue at the OMB if City Council fails to adopt the request within 90 days of the petition being submitted.
"We were stopped by a cabal of Councillors who seem to perpetuate imbalanced wards for another four years. Taxpayers deserve better."
Calling council's decision "disappointing but not surprising," coalition spokesman Matthew McGuire said the group made a decision last night during a meeting of the coalition's leadership team and with consultation of the advisory board, which charted out the next steps.
"We believe city lawyers have given City Council bad advice," McGuire said. "We believe the OMB will support the residents who signed our petition."
McGuire also pointed out that seven Councillors didn't even show up to vote on a bylaw that potentially has a significant effect on residents and taxpayers.
The coalition has started fundraising ahead of the OMB fight and will continue to collect signatures on an e-petition to show this initiative has widespread support among Toronto residents. Residents can make a donation or sign the petition at www.torontotaxpayer.ca.
http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_06c11_e.htm#s129s1129. (1) Electors in the City may present a petition to city council asking the council to pass a by-law dividing or redividing the City into wards or dissolving the existing wards. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A, s. 129 (1).