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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Maybe Ford is toast now ... fond thought.

Now that's a recording I'd like to hear. Wonder how long before that leaks?

Hopefully at least one of his neighbours shows up in a Xena Princess Warrior costume on Hallowe'en!

Why would we be surprised that this mayor has no respect for emergency services in this city, by not only using the system for a non-emergency, but verbally abusing the operators?

Isn't this the same guy who suggested that the public should use 911 to report graffiti?

This mayor should not be at 100 Queen Street West.....he should be at 1001 Queen Street West.

I think you are missing the point. Emergency services are a limited resource and is supposed to be saving lives and other, you know.....serious sh*t.

Now how is this supposed to work if every minor "crime" or bylaw infraction is called in to 911?

Now, you can report these things if you think it's going to do any good, but you don't have to call 911. Yea....spray painting on public or private property is indeed a "crime" is the lady who let her poodle crap on my lawn and not pick it up. Or say, a guy with a fat, red face driving a minivan while talking on a cell phone (and giving other motorists the finger).

It's called being irresponsible. And Toronto has a poster boy for irresponsible behaviour....the MAYOR!!

What a joke this buffoon is.. He obviously isn't fit to run a hot dog stand, let alone a city.

If he abuses his city officials this way, obviously he doesn't give a shit about the welfare of the city, he only wants power. Him and his moronic brother.

What an epic quote! “You … bitches! Don’t you fucking know? I’m Rob fucking Ford, the mayor of this city!” - Mayor of Toronto - October 24, 2011.

I hope the recording of this call gets leaked, TMZ always gets 911 recordings :)

What do you think? Does Rob "Fucking" Ford make the top 10 worst mayors list for this city?

CBC article on the whole "b*tches" affair: Rob Ford accused of verbally attacking 911 dispatchers

Great work, Mr. Mayor. Frivolously call 911 and then call the dispatchers "b*tches." What a way to run the city. :rolleyes:

If these details can be proven (i.e. if a recording of the call is deemed admissible) then I believe that a censure motion in Council against the mayor is justified. It's quite simple: would you expect your employees to accept abusive behaviour and language, whether or not from the "big boss"? This is the worst behaviour.

Ford has effectively trashed any support he has left in the political arena of city hall, with this latest episode.

Sure, maybe the comedic prank was ill-conceived (i.e. Ford's residence was the wrong choice), but the hot-headed and abusive response in the phone call is fair game for Ford's opposers. I think someone should find a way to show Ford the door. He's basically toast now, anyway.
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I'm not sure what a censure motion accomplishes. Wasn't Rob Ford censured last year for activities relating to his fund raising?
I'm not sure what a censure motion accomplishes. Wasn't Rob Ford censured last year for activities relating to his fund raising?

At the very least it is an official reprimand, on record.

Yes, it is doubtful that a censure will accomplish much. Ford is more stubborn than doggie-doo on a shoe.
Why is the CBC the only media outlet reporting this and why haven't we heard the actual tapes yet? I'll wait to pass judgement when I hear the tapes. I don't think anyone ever actually says "Do you know who I am?" That sounds made up.
The Star, the Toronto Sun and the Globe & Mail also have the story, though the Globe is claiming a source told them the mayor did not use profanity specifically. The media has been camped out in front of Ford's office all day, waiting for a statement.
Why is the CBC the only media outlet reporting this and why haven't we heard the actual tapes yet? I'll wait to pass judgement when I hear the tapes. I don't think anyone ever actually says "Do you know who I am?" That sounds made up.
Honestly? You've never heard anyone say that? I have.

But yes, if Rob is telling the truth, he should definitely ask to have the tapes released. Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen.
Ford has effectively trashed any support he has left in the political arena of city hall, with this latest episode.

Astoundingly (but not really surprisingly), The Ford apologetics are still there in both the public and certain media. But the very thin ice they have always been standing on continues to melt.

This incident alone is not really a big deal, but just another incident of unbefitting-of-a-mayor bad behaviour consistent over his history. I have no idea what it must take to still defend this guy in the minds of those that voted for him.
Why is the CBC the only media outlet reporting this and why haven't we heard the actual tapes yet? I'll wait to pass judgement when I hear the tapes. I don't think anyone ever actually says "Do you know who I am?" That sounds made up.

Can't say that I have ever heard 911 tapes released in Canada, especially when the recording is not used as evidence at a trial or something. Releasing tapes seems to mainly be an american thing.
Who are we kidding? Rob Ford is a karma Houdini.

His alleged quote will be made into a youtube remix video, and he will gain massive cred as the bad-ass mayor of Toronto. Yo Bitches....Don't ya f'ing know? I'm Rob F'ing Ford, F'ing Ford, Mayor of the city yo!
Can't say that I have ever heard 911 tapes released in Canada, especially when the recording is not used as evidence at a trial or something. Releasing tapes seems to mainly be an american thing.

I don't understand the idea of the confidentiality of a 911 call. If the identity or contents of the call were to endanger the caller because the criminal may attack the caller I could understand. But the caller has publicly stated he made the call and why.

But even if it remains an "alleged" thing, we know it's totally within his character to behave this way. Do you really think it is more likely it's just a fabrication?
Brother Doug says "it's not as bad as we thought" ... a rather telling comment. He says that on the THIRD 911 call (a third call?), Rob said it was f'ing ridiculous, but hey, Robbie never called anyone a bitch or said he was Rob f'ing Ford.

And Doug knows all of this for a fact. Was he there? First that's been mentioned. But he must have been to have heard the call firsthand. Either that, or he really doesn't know it for a fact. And if he knew exactly what Rob said, why would he have said "it's not as bad as we thought"?

These guys spend more time and energy covering up their lies than they do trying to run the city.
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Release the tapes. But of course, they won't, arguing there is no historical precedent, there is an active investigation on the case going on. We'll see.

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