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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Good grief. A third call with 911? And he's complaining they took 10 minutes to get there ... with reports that when they did get there, neither Ford nor 22 Minutes were still there.
I do know from watching golf tournaments that are running late in the evening due to extra holes or prior delays that what looks bright on a TV screen can be so dark on the ground that they can hardly see the ball. So we can't tell if it was dark or not from the video. The video is also taken from close to the driver side of a van, so there's no way to know if his daughter was there or not. There is no sign of him looking towards a small child, but it possible that he was taking her to school at that time of the morning. Rob Ford is an ass, and I would like to see him squirm. Whether the particulars are accurate or not, the reported response seems true to character. Still, he had some right to be upset at being ambushed like this at his home.
Allright, well, it's all been quite funny.

But there is this (from The Star):

Asked if he thinks the 911 tapes should be released, Councillor Peter Milczyn, a Ford ally, said: “You know what, don’t we have more important things to deal with?â€

Yes, Milczyn, there are more important things to deal with, and Rob (His Worship) Ford is diverting attention. That's not funny.
I bet I know what the problem was . . . Rob Ford never watches CBC for ideological reasons so he didn't know who Marg Delahunty was. For all he knew she was some crazy bike riding pinko lady with a plastic sword.
Still, he had some right to be upset at being ambushed like this at his home. you're a politician, and THH22M shows up at your driveway to do...well, what they are known for doing. I'm sure a lot of politicians aren't necessarily happy about it, but since it's happening, all you can do is deal with it. And whether it goes well or not so well is entirely depending how you handle it.

The ensuing melodrama was totally avoidable, unnecessary, absurdly overblown and completely of Rob Ford's making. Not only does he have poor impulses, he makes it worse by lying, tap-dancing and making total bullsh*t excuses after the fact.
Yeah, seriously. All he had to do was smile -- which he was initially, if you watch the video -- and talk to the lady for two minutes. Dozens of politicians have been capable of this. Instead, this whole thing blew up into a four-day news story.
This is the thing I find so odd about Ford -- so many of the controversies during his first year have been self-inflicted and non-policy-related (e.g., Pride, driving-while-cellphoning, 22 Minutes). It's like the guy doesn't understand that politics is about being graceful in these kind of situations.
Response time would be less if there are less frivilous calls like these ones - x3. Yeah, like one will execute a death threat with a TV crew in tow.

Why so? Anyhow, he'll need to fix the budget first, and as of now he hasn't.

Oh I don't know, maybe because I think it's criminal to have to pay a $7,000 (more or less depending on the value of your property) moving tax to move 3 miles from one home to another in the same city. Thanks Miller, thanks a lot for that one.
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