Rob Ford Returns to “The Bill Carroll Show”
some highlights...
he claims to have not done drugs since getting out of rehab, not since getting into, but since getting out of.
he claims there were other media people that we'd know that were in rehab with him.
he's not into designer drugs... just coke, marijuana, and alcohol.
he returns 25-30 calls a day, easy.
he was a guest speaker at st. patrick's high school.
he claims his drug use created a high tolerance to pain meds, so even with them he was in a lot of pain.
now he says he had the pain (that he finally went to the hospital for) for years, not months, years.
he's never been happier than he is right now.
he claims he doesn't hang out with any of his drug friends and gang members anymore... there are certain locations/venues he claims to avoid now too.
he thinks alcohol is the worst drug ever.
asked, 'do you regret going on kimmel?' 'umm, you know, an addict just keeps going.'
he admits to getting into fist fights while mayor.
he claims he now spends his nights with the kids.