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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Or maybe he had a grand vision and is on his way back to personally arrest the Fords. Yeah. I'm going with'll help me get out of bed right now.
Demos for Congress advertisement and its use of a picture of Mayor Rob Ford-2

:eek: - RoFo featured in US political ad.


Everyone: I will add here a little more information about George Demos's run for 1st District of New York US Representative... and

I looked at his "issues" page at: and it seems to me that he is to the right in many of his
views to much of the district as a whole and he welcomes Tea Party support and would probably be in their voting block...

I live near the boundary of this district just to the west in the NY 2nd District and after seeing this new ad I now wonder if
the average Long Islander knows who Mayor Rob Ford is - before and after the recent notoriety that he has experienced
this year...I know about Mayor Rob Ford primarily through the Urban Toronto web site and my ongoing interest in the City
over time since I began to visit Toronto in 1979...Thanks to fellow posters we are all able to get an idea about the status
of "Mayor Rob Ford's Toronto" here...Judging by the size and scope of this topic it's been quite a ride and I salute all that
have contributed here over time...

Long Island Mike
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Here we go again:

Doug Ford accuses Mayor Rob Ford impersonator of “stalking” his mother

"About two hours later, McKay said an SUV pulled up behind his car. A man McKay recognized as the mayor’s driver stepped out and “expressed his displeasure” with the tour, he said.
McKay then noticed Mayor Ford — who appeared “angry” — leaning toward the passenger window with a glowering look. At the same time, McKay said Coun. Ford approached him again, holding up a camera and telling him he would post the video online.
“They had people on either side of me; they had a giant SUV with the lights shining on me; they had a camera pointed at me … Basically it was intimidation,” he said.
McKay said he offered to leave and started to drive away. He believes he was followed by both Ford brothers for about 15 minutes as he drove back to Royal York Station, the bus tour’s starting point. On the way, McKay was stopped by Toronto police.
“I explained that I’m actually a clown. I had a bag with some glitter and balloons,” said McKay, who added that police then escorted him to the subway station, where the tour organizers were able to confirm his story.
Considering the behaviour of the brothers, I think it is the public that has to worry about them being a threat to peace and public safety, not vice versa.

Doug really should be the one to talk about intimidation. Really.

Everyone: I found this quite interesting that Mayor Rob Ford has become infamous enough to be used in this attack ad against
Democratic incumbent Tim Bishop in the coming Republican primary for New York's first congressional district.

It's also an ad that says he's not a politician (??????) and that he will never vote to raise taxes (you have to raise taxes if only to keep up with inflation).

With all this local nonsense, I'd almost forgotten how grateful I am this is not the USA.
I doubt that Blair will be holding a presser on Friday to announce arrests. When this happens the media only gets notice of the presser a few hours in advance after the suspect has been picked-up and brought down to the station. This is how it went down with the latest Lisi arrest. Media were told that Blair would be holding a presser around the time that the arrest was made.

I cannot imagine that Blair would be holding a presser to announce that wrapping up of Brazen 2. If indeed it has been wrapped up and there are no further arrests beyond Lisi and the dry-cleaner - a lot of people are going to be disappointed in Blair.

I wonder if Blair is holding a press conference to announce that he plans to retire? (fingers crossed). He probably knows that with the upcoming release of the ITO documents his conduct will come under even closer scrutiny and the blow-back directed at him will be more than even he can withstand.

Barbudan Dima, 37, also known as “Dan,†was arrested Oct. 7 and charged with trafficking marijuana and possessing $2,200 obtained from the commission of a crime. Andrei Dascaluta, 34, was arrested roughly two weeks later and charged with the same offences.
At least McKay admits he's a clown:D

And you need to be a clown of some sort of think of Doug Ford as 'classy'. Doug is classy only in the Donald Trump sense, which involves using the word 'classy' frequently and enthusiastically in the fervent hope that it will make tacky, garish, ethically questionable things appear acceptable.
Doug Ford has probably never taken the ttc in his life.

If he thinks TTC ridership numbers are just guesses and probably lower in reality (in order to justify spending less on the TTC), then the ridership numbers he thinks justify a Scarborough subway are probably at least derived from some kind of rigorous analysis, right? Councillor Ford, your evidence, please?
And you need to be a clown of some sort of think of Doug Ford as 'classy'. Doug is classy only in the Donald Trump sense, which involves using the word 'classy' frequently and enthusiastically in the fervent hope that it will make tacky, garish, ethically questionable things appear acceptable.

LOL! This post deserves a gold star. Couldn't agree more.
That seems like a confused, late-to-the-party misinterpretation gleaned from disparate sources of info. While Randy may serve some role at Deco, his permanent position seems to be manning the turret at Ford Citadel, above the garage at Mama Bear's HQ.

The eldest brother, Randy, is the general manager who runs the Toronto operation on a day-to-day basis.

but i'm wonder what randy did for deco in the '90's into the 2000's.

Doug seems to have avoided any apparent use of drugs and was now applying his considerable business acumen to selling labels. Randy was channeling his alleged aggressiveness into expanding the business to Chicago. Rob languished in sales.

“His heart just wasn’t into labels,†an employee would later tell a reporter.

i dunno... considering all the other correct details in the article, i'm thinking it might not be a mix-up / mistake. maybe doug takes the credit for doing the "paperwork" side of things... or since he ran (runs?) the chicago location, or got the sales in chicago going, maybe that's why he thinks chicago is there thanks to him? but randy was the "muscle" behind getting them into the states? i definitely see doug being a better salesman then randy. here's an example of why...

wearing a cowboy hat & driving his HUGE SUV & demanding service from our receptionist. Randy has no personal skills

and i believe the alleged aggressiveness of randy is referring to his kidnapping charges, so i don't think the author confused doug and randy.

and while i'm here, i'd like to point out some irony...

Doug Sr., was a self-made, hard-working man. He co-founded Deco Adhesive Products in 1962, bought out his partner a decade later

you can't be a self-made man and have a partner at the same time! i'm hoping we learn who this elusive partner / co-founder is at some point.
does anyone happen to know the answer to this?

Did Doug Ford file his FBAR for his Canadian Assets when he ran the Chicago/US branch of Deco Labels
Posted on September 23, 2012 by Tim Posted in Issues regarding US persons abroad 18 Comments

Given the Ford Family history of ignoring legal requirement and not doing proper paperwork I tend to have my doubts. It would be interesting for the Toronto Star to take a look. Perhaps Linda McQuiag should take it upon herself to start making some phone calls to City Hall. In fact if you look at Doug Ford’s Linkedin page it still says he lives in Chicago and for those who don’t know the Ford Brothers are both multi millionaires. Remember too even if Doug Ford filed a treaty election with the US to still be considered tax resident in Canada he was still required to file an FBAR on any Canadian accounts if he stayed in the US more than 180 days.

maybe doug could be in some legal trouble after all?
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