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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Are we now ignoring the $5,000 raises Ford gave to all his office staff so they wouldn't leave him and David Price's unusually large $130,000 salary?

These may be example of bad fiscal management but these are not examples of money going into Rob Ford pocket . In the examples cited for Norm Kelly money was going into his pocket and not minor sums either!

Why was Norm Kelly billing the taxpayer for personal trips for him and his wife to China and side trips to Paris? How does a disgusting scumbag like this even get elected?
My suspicions about Norm Kelly have been confirmed by this article.

He seems as slimy as they come with some questionable transactions involving expenses in the past. I can't understand why Rob Ford appointed him deputy mayor in the first place ( was Ford smoking crack? ).

So we are going to entrust an $11 Billion budget to a guy who couldn't notice a $14,000 difference in his personal bank account (in his favor)? You can bet that Rob Ford would have noticed this difference! Rob Ford has been accused of a lot of things but trying to line his pockets with taxpayer dollars isn't one of them !

The gravy train has left the station but could the ice cream truck be on its way to City Hall?[/B]

Toronto SUN

In the 1994 municipal elections, he was elected to the Metro Toronto council from ward Scarborough/Wexford, defeating Michael Thompson. He emerged as one of the most right-wing members of the council, most noted for his attempt to eliminate all funding for multiculturalism programs during a mock council. Kelly took this stance as he views multicultural programs to further segregate rather than integrate diverse members of the Canadian community. The National Post newspaper once endorsed him, perhaps somewhat in jest, as "a solid anti-communist. Toronto needs his representation as a bulwark against the left." He also became one of the earliest advocates for merging the City of Toronto with five of its suburbs, an idea he pushed as Chair of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee.

When the "megacity" was created, he was elected to the new Toronto city council. In the 2000 municipal election, redistricting merged Kelly and Tzekas' wards, leading to a bitter election battle between the two, which Kelly easily won. A firm ally of the new city's first mayor, Mel Lastman, his relations with Lastman's successor, David Miller, were less friendly.
These may be example of bad fiscal management but these are not examples of money going into Rob Ford pocket . In the examples cited for Norm Kelly money was going into his pocket and not minor sums either!

Why was Norm Kelly billing the taxpayer for personal trips for him and his wife to China and side trips to Paris? How does a disgusting scumbag like this even get elected?

What do you call it when Rob Ford books off an afternoon as "Meeting with Constituents" and the police reports show him meeting Sandro Lisi during that time period?
Why was Norm Kelly billing the taxpayer for personal trips for him and his wife to China and side trips to Paris? How does a disgusting scumbag like this even get elected?

Not that I really know anything at all about the guy, but I'm guessing that any "trips" paid for by a councilor's "office budget" must have some relevance to their job, i.e. they must be a business trip, and not a vacation.

Perhaps there was some business/government relevance towards traveling to China? They are the 2nd largest economy in the world, after all.
You know you read the article and the thing with this guy is that he's solely concerned with his own concerns. His garbage gets picked up on time, therefore Rob Ford is a great mayor. Rampant self-interest to the detriment of literally anything else is the hallmark of these people. The guy doesn't say a word about anything other than "garbage gone. good."

The same people who go on about unions are the same ones who blame Miller for the garbage strike, which was all about taking a hard-line on that union's demands. Lot of cognitive dissonance there.
What do you call it when Rob Ford books off an afternoon as "Meeting with Constituents" and the police reports show him meeting Sandro Lisi during that time period?

I am not trying to defend Rob Ford as someone who is perfect. He is far from perfect but Ford was elected mayor by a large majority. Not one vote was cast to elect the creepy looking Norm Kelly as mayor and we are now finding out that Norm Kelly has more than a few skeletons in his own closet! (and these are the ones that we know about - what about skeletons - if any - yet to be uncovered?).
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That's a valid point about Elaine Basso. And it's true there probably is to some degree a subconscious (or not so subconscious) reflex to favour the pretty girl (right up until it's "she's in lingerie she's a slut or a whore"--there often seems to be a point where once a pretty girl is called pretty enough times, a certain segment of people, guys and girls, will start pushing back with the perceived character attacks). On the other hand the Elaine Basso discussion didn't last for dozens and dozens of posts over days, everyone moved on much quicker to other, juicier tidbits. Beyond that, it's hard to argue "come on, be hard on the girl BECAUSE she's pretty," which I'm not saying you're doing, but that's out there too.

I'm also not trying to be the PC police. I'm a long way from that, actually. I'm just saying two days later and we're still talking about it (and seriously, a lot of the discussion is still of the is-she-or-isn't-she-a-whore variety). It's prurience beyond relevance. It's also, as someone else pointed out, the sort of character- and morality-judging many of us find so distasteful in Ford and his ilk.

I'm just going to pipe up in my defense and say that I was just trying to counter some of the things one particular other person (who seems to have disappeared) was saying, that I thought were a little out of line. But it was a stupid conversation. One of those things where you start off with one innocent clarification, and then four hours later you realize you've wasted half a day arguing whether the Pacific Ocean is a better ocean than the Atlantic.
Here are a few promotional spots for the re-election campaign:


Spot #2
Spot #3
Spot #4

Hopefully someone from the Ford camp does the smart thing and buys some airtime for these…
Not that I really know anything at all about the guy, but I'm guessing that any "trips" paid for by a councilor's "office budget" must have some relevance to their job, i.e. they must be a business trip, and not a vacation.

Perhaps there was some business/government relevance towards traveling to China? They are the 2nd largest economy in the world, after all.

I cannot conceive of circumstances under which it would be legitimate for a city councilor to fly to China - with his wife!- under "official" city business. Normally when a Councillor goes on an exotic overseas trip it gets voted on by the city council. The fact that Kelly dipped into his office budget seems suspicious. And then there is the case of Kelly billing the taxpayer's for a personal side-trip to Paris! This kind of conduct stinks and I wonder if he should have been charged with misappropriation of public funds? (perhaps it's not too late).
These may be example of bad fiscal management but these are not examples of money going into Rob Ford pocket . In the examples cited for Norm Kelly money was going into his pocket and not minor sums either!

Why was Norm Kelly billing the taxpayer for personal trips for him and his wife to China and side trips to Paris? How does a disgusting scumbag like this even get elected?
You'd think Rob Ford would have been concerned about that when he appointed him, rollback viceroy that he is.
I cannot conceive of circumstances under which it would be legitimate for a city councilor to fly to China - with his wife!- under "official" city business. Normally when a Councillor goes on an exotic overseas trip it gets voted on by the city council. The fact that Kelly dipped into his office budget seems suspicious. And then there is the case of Kelly billing the taxpayer's for a personal side-trip to Paris! This kind of conduct stinks and I wonder if he should have been charged with misappropriation of public funds? (perhaps it's not too late).

I'll tell you right now that this whole thing is a non-starter, and isn't going to get a lot of traction on this board.
i've been meaning to ask... what is ford demonstrating at the end of this? i see the drinking from a bottle and driving gestures, but what's the push back and shake thing?

Nunziata called him out on this (just as Doug told him to stop), so some kind of an ending to his performance, perhaps a car accident. It's the man-boy seeking attention from the packed Chambers, and the media above.
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