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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

This column gave me a good laugh. My only response to that is to release the Kraken.

This column gave me a good laugh. My only response to that is to release the Kraken.

Releasing Doug Ford into the election is like telling a dude with a shotgun to hit a single plate in a China shop.
Yeah, we all saw how much the Fords "helped" the PC Party during the last federal election. Thug is not exactly a popular guy. And you can't tell me Scheer is fool enough to actually trust the rotten sack of garbage. He surely has enough sense to see that Thug has absolutely no loyalty to anyone or anything but himself. Why rely on such a treacherous creature?
From link.

There’s something creepy about the Ontario legislature building at Queen’s Park

In 1849, the old King’s College (Ontario’s first university) became U of T, and its original pillared marble digs at Queen’s Park were converted into the Auxiliary Female Asylum, an independent institution that, due to its proximity to the school, was popularly referred to as the University Lunatic Asylum. (The name was bemoaned by the school’s vice-chancellor—not out of respect for patients, but because he feared jokes at his colleagues’ expense.) In the late 1860s, the asylum moved to 999 Queen Street West, and its former home was left to crumble until 1886, when it was razed to make way for parliament. The new legislature inherited some marble from the old building, as well as a fabled trio of spectral tenants: a woman in white with streaming hair, another with a checked dress thrown over her head and a third who had hanged herself in the basement. Sightings have decreased over the years. Perhaps the genuine lunacy of provincial politics was too much for them to bear.

Now you know why Queen's Park is acting the way it is today.


From link.
Yeah, we all saw how much the Fords "helped" the PC Party during the last federal election. Thug is not exactly a popular guy. And you can't tell me Scheer is fool enough to actually trust the rotten sack of garbage. He surely has enough sense to see that Thug has absolutely no loyalty to anyone or anything but himself. Why rely on such a treacherous creature?

Wasn't Thug implying early on that his next move would be to become Prime Minister? He was out-shining Scheer and hinting that he was after Scheer's job. No wonder he's on the sidelines.
DoFo is clueless. Why pick a fight or take a position and then always cave? If you hate autistic kids and want to take away their supports, then do it, or don't say you're going to do it and then don't. If you're going to tell school support staff that their compensation and sick leave is too rich, then do something, or don't say something and then cave. Caves on the Beer Store, caves on health care, etc, etc.

IMO, DoFo is the new Mr. Dithers.
Scheer may have asked, but given Doug's history, he didn't need to. He does tend to give in under pressure. Personally, I find it his only quality.
DoFo is clueless. Why pick a fight or take a position and then always cave? If you hate autistic kids and want to take away their supports, then do it, or don't say you're going to do it and then don't. If you're going to tell school support staff that their compensation and sick leave is too rich, then do something, or don't say something and then cave. Caves on the Beer Store, caves on health care, etc, etc.

IMO, DoFo is the new Mr. Dithers.

Naw it's Doug, he likes to shoot his mouth off, then discovers he created a mess with his posturing and quietly retreats because he's told to by higher up. (Scheer or someone else who's pulling the strings) He was like that at City Hall, all mouth little action and when you contradicted him he would walk off muttering something about drumming up his supporters.
Cynthia Mulligan


NEW:source in Doug Ford government tells me PC's feel betrayed by their Federal cousins, says Andrew Scheer has "thrown Doug Ford under the bus."Adds if Scheer loses the elxn it won't be bc of the Ford Factor, says "there's no way Scheer can pin this on us."Story on

Doug, meet bus
Naw it's Doug, he likes to shoot his mouth off, then discovers he created a mess with his posturing and quietly retreats because he's told to by higher up. (Scheer or someone else who's pulling the strings) He was like that at City Hall, all mouth little action and when you contradicted him he would walk off muttering something about drumming up his supporters.
That or calling in a bomb threat
Talk about a walk down Memory Lane. I remember how CityPulse "News" acted as the Fords' unofficial public relations bureau back in the day, constantly hyping the two assholes, and in particular, shoving a camera into Thug's fat face every chance they got, asking for his know-nothing opinions even when he wasn't holding political office. In short, they did everything they could to make Thug into a political force, either because the Fords' toxic antics made for good ratings, or because they approved of their brand of phony right-wing populism. Or possibly it was a little from Column A and a little from Column B.

And they're still carrying water for Ford? Awwww, poor widdle Dofo feels betwayed by bad ol' Scheer not letting him turn the upcoming election into yet another orgy of self-promotion? Boo fucking hoo.
