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Politics: Tim Hudak's Plan for Ontario if he becomes Premier

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I'm sure that there are lots of other light rail lines in the GTA that actually make sense, unlike Sheppard East. Maybe 501 Queen in Brampton could get a LRT. This is one of the busiest bus routes in the 905.

slated for an upgrade to true BRT but no talk of LRT.
All day kindergarten, not daycare. If he had solved daycare that would have been something.

No kidding. Frankly, if it came to that, I would rather have affordable daycare than transit expansion. Friends of mine cough up tens of thousands of dollars to put their kids in daycare. I've even heard stories about women quitting their jobs because they save money being stay-at-home moms (read: housewives) rather than paying for daycare. So much for making strides towards women's equality. If there were a referendum on a daycare tax, I'd happily vote for it and I don't even have kids.
Indeed. Affordable (subsidized) daycare, widely available and monitored, should be one of those equalizers that gives that "hand up" that conservatives especially love to talk about. Of course the hard right wing likes to ban abortion and birth contol, but refuses to provide the assistance that those poor and single mothers need once they give birth.
Why should taxpayers be expected to subsidize families to have children so that they can drive two cars and own a 3000 sq ft house??? The sense of entitlement in this generation is truly incredible. My wife and I had 4 children and made that decision based on planning and taking responsibility for our own affairs. We expected, and received no help from taxpayers. We weren't even allowed to income split (don't get me started on that one). My wife left the actuarial profession to be home with our children (call her a housewife if you like Hipster, but as far as I am concerned her job was much more difficult and important than mine, and she wouldn't change a thing ) and provided a loving stable environment, something far too many children today will never know. My children are all on their way to professional careers that will benefit ALL of society. The bottom line is that people today want it all without any sacrifice and expect the rest of society to pay for it. Very sad indeed.
Why should taxpayers be expected to subsidize families to have children so that they can drive two cars and own a 3000 sq ft house??? The sense of entitlement in this generation is truly incredible. My wife and I had 4 children and made that decision based on planning and taking responsibility for our own affairs. We expected, and received no help from taxpayers. We weren't even allowed to income split (don't get me started on that one). My wife left the actuarial profession to be home with our children (call her a housewife if you like Hipster, but as far as I am concerned her job was much more difficult and important than mine, and she wouldn't change a thing ) and provided a loving stable environment, something far too many children today will never know. My children are all on their way to professional careers that will benefit ALL of society. The bottom line is that people today want it all without any sacrifice and expect the rest of society to pay for it. Very sad indeed.

In my home province of Quebec, it's 10$ a day for daycares.

The idea behind it is to stimulate the birth rate. Why? because if that rate stays low and immigration can't replace all the workers that will retire in the future and thus claiming old age pensions and health benefits, who's going to pay for it? Would you want the government to pay your pension and cut more of Ohip? The more birth we have, the more workers will be on the employment market to pay for your parents and our benefits when we retire.

That's why this kind of subsidy is a good one.
And hows that working out for Quebec? Answer: It's not, they have one of the lowest birth rates in the country. We need a better immigration policy, more equitable tax system for families who actually want to raise their children themselves, and incentives for entrepreneurs to create jobs.
Quote "Quebec's parental-leave program, its subsidized daycare system and other incentives, might have played a part, said Evelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk, former president of the Federation of Canadian Demographers". No statistical evidence that these programs had anything to do with a blip in birth rates. Hardly a boom, just a demographic blip really.

Title reads : 7$/day daycare is profitable for the province

-The program doesn't cost anything to the province
-A study from Sherbrooke university demonstrated that the program was profitable
-70 000 women went back to work
-Employment rate increased by 5%
-Quebec got back an additional 2.4 Billion and the program costs 1.6 billion
-return on investment : 147%
-between 1998-2008, increased from 16% to 43% for children going to daycare between 0-5 years old while Ontario other provinces the rate is around 20%

-An OECD study demonstrated that the biggest obstacle for women employment rate is the cost of daycare. If you reduce the cost, they will go back to work.
-Quebec's Employment rate for women between 15-64 years old between 1996-2011 increased from 63% to 75%
-The rate of single mothers on welfare during that same period dropped by half from 99000 to 45000
-The poverty rate of single mother's households dropped from 36% to 22% while their revenue increased by 81% which as a side effect got their children out of poverty

-General employment rate increased by 1.8%
-Quebec GDP increased by 5.1 billion $

-Governments were able to get more income taxes and reduce the spending in social programs and welfare programs
-For every 100$ Quebec invested in the program, the Province got 104$ and Ottawa got a 43$ gift

Yes, we should have something like this in Ontario and yes it worth subsidizing
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Is Hudak still a friend of Ford? Wasn't Lisi a friend of Ford?



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Wow, has this thread gone off topic.

The stats quoted above are highly suspect. Anybody with a bit of a math background understands that stats can be manipulated to say anything you want.

The bottom line is that if you want someone else to raise your kids on the taxpayers back, I am not going to be able to convince you otherwise. We just have very different views.
Why should taxpayers be expected to subsidize families to have children so that they can drive two cars and own a 3000 sq ft house??? The sense of entitlement in this generation is truly incredible. My wife and I had 4 children and made that decision based on planning and taking responsibility for our own affairs. We expected, and received no help from taxpayers. We weren't even allowed to income split (don't get me started on that one). My wife left the actuarial profession to be home with our children (call her a housewife if you like Hipster, but as far as I am concerned her job was much more difficult and important than mine, and she wouldn't change a thing ) and provided a loving stable environment, something far too many children today will never know. My children are all on their way to professional careers that will benefit ALL of society. The bottom line is that people today want it all without any sacrifice and expect the rest of society to pay for it. Very sad indeed.

Nice troll.

"It worked out for me, therefore it should work out the same for everyone." Here's a cookie! I'm glad life worked out for you! Go outside and repeat your paragraph verbatim to single parents, parents who are sickly and/or parents who just had a bit of bad luck. I'm sure with your wise parable and sage advice, they will change their "moocher" ways and all of a sudden become owners of their very own small business if they just worked hard.

Nevermind thousands of other factors that, positively or negatively, play into people's lives. Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people. Surely you have come across this concept on your life journey.

Also, this generation isn't "entitled". Most of us are waking up to the fact that we are about to have a huge mess on our hands, while your lot continue to chastise us for not taking advantage of a bare cupboard that you already raided. Forget trying to make the world better, right now the focus should be trying to keep the damage to a minimum.
Nice troll.

"It worked out for me, therefore it should work out the same for everyone." Here's a cookie! I'm glad life worked out for you! Go outside and repeat your paragraph verbatim to single parents, parents who are sickly and/or parents who just had a bit of bad luck. I'm sure with your wise parable and sage advice, they will change their "moocher" ways and all of a sudden become owners of their very own small business if they just worked hard.

Nevermind thousands of other factors that, positively or negatively, play into people's lives. Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people. Surely you have come across this concept on your life journey.

Also, this generation isn't "entitled". Most of us are waking up to the fact that we are about to have a huge mess on our hands, while your lot continue to chastise us for not taking advantage of a bare cupboard that you already raided. Forget trying to make the world better, right now the focus should be trying to keep the damage to a minimum.

I think we know who the Troll is. I would much rather put my wealth to work helping others up, which is what I do. You should get out and travel a bit around the world and you might see just how entitled our society in Canada has become. Now its back to work so that I can earn an income, pay my taxes, and help out those on the public dole :) It's time this discussion got back to the Hudack plan (which as a conservative, I am highly disappointed in so far)
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