Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

2. Yeah the elevators suck and are super slow, but the workers are still on strike so nothing can be done at this point. I think they've slowed down the right elevator to a crawl to minimize any issues.

3. Yeah, I don't know what kind of lightbulbs they're using but man, they burn out fast. I swear they last a month max! Everyday like 10 hallway lights and 1/2 the potlights burn out! I hope eventually the board makes the switch to LED lightbulbs. They cost way more, but they last WAY longer (25x) and use way less energy (75-90% less). Looking at the budget, the common area electricity costs $56,000 per year! I'm guessing most of that is the lightbulbs :eek:

4. Garage is filty, hate tracking dust in my van. The budget shows this:

Garage Sweep $8,850
The cost to clean the garage in the spring

I guess we got a long wait!
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"Hi Harold,

I, like some others am writing to complain about condo amenities being closed. I realize you're likely acting on a complaint from a small number of individuals, and I appreciate you looking to please everyone, however on a whole your decisions affect the whole building. Without a condo board we're unable to come to decisions that meet the best interests of the majority of owners in our building. So again, I do realize why the gym and rooftop patio have been closed - clearly you did not want anymore complaints. By doing this however you are upsetting a lot more people who paid to have these amenities available to them on a 24/7 basis.

If someone has a unit in an undesirable location it is their problem for buying a unit there. The value of their unit is likely lower as a result. The rest of the owners should not suffer to please an owner who made a poor decision.

Please re-open and do not restrict access to any of these amenities going forward. Thank you, and I do appreciate you trying to act in the best interest of those complaining. I just needed you to see it from our point of view as you have effectively upset more people than you have helped.

Thanks again,"

Feel free to write a similar email so they stop fucking around.
2. Yeah the elevators suck and are super slow, but the workers are still on strike so nothing can be done at this point. I think they've slowed down the right elevator to a crawl to minimize any issues.

3. Yeah, I don't know what kind of lightbulbs they're using but man, they burn out fast. I swear they last a month max! Everyday like 10 hallway lights and 1/2 the potlights burn out! I hope eventually the board makes the switch to LED lightbulbs. They cost way more, but they last WAY longer (25x) and use way less energy (75-90% less). Looking at the budget, the common area electricity costs $56,000 per year! I'm guessing most of that is the lightbulbs :eek:

4. Garage is filty, hate tracking dust in my van. The budget shows this:

I guess we got a long wait!

hahaha oh man. long wait indeed. where did you find this budget?
"Hi Harold,

One other issue I'd like to bring to your immediate attention - HVAC in the building:

1) the AC in the gym DOES NOT work. It was literally 29 degrees in there yesterday - unbearable conditions for working out. The thermostat adjusts, however no air ever comes out of the vents. Please have someone look into this as soon as possible as the gym is unusable in it's current state. I don't think the AC has ever worked in there, however yesterday was particularly terrible because of the hot temperature outside.

2) Temperature in the hallways. Also incredibly hot. I break a sweat after spending some 20 seconds in the hallway. Please make any necessary adjustments."
It's in the big Condo Documents/Disclosure packages thing we got after purchasing. There is also an online version Here

We're paying Skywater $61,020 (not including cleaners), so feel free to bother them haha
Yeah, I noticed nothing comes out of the vents in the gym as well. Does not seem to be working properly. If the building does not have central a/c like the other posted mentioned, then that would be quite odd. There are big blowing white vents near the elevators, so I am pretty sure there is a/c?

Noticed the elevators are super slow lately as well, maybe its because of only one working like you said.

9k to clean the garage? What a joke. Have all cars moved out and spray down the floor with some hire pressure hoses and wash it all into the drains, that's about all it needs. They can pay me $1000 and i'll clean it for them!

61k for Skywater to do what exactly? They haven't organized shit yet and the only representatives we have on site are their contracted cleaning crew.

Also, how come they didn't finish all of the paving in one day? Now they have a separate looking area at the front from the rest of the asphalt and the lines in the parking lot still have to be repainted.

Not sure if they forgot to mow the back lawn, but its super long at this point now.
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I am thinking they also need to have a garbage can on each floor by the elevator. People are constantly leaving their garbage around the outside and inside the elevators. I guess they must be used to living in some shitty apartment or something.

Also stains on the carpet outside the elevator already.
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Yeah, I noticed nothing comes out of the vents in the gym as well. Does not seem to be working properly. If the building does not have central a/c like the other posted mentioned, then that would be quite odd. There are big blowing white vents near the elevators, so I am pretty sure there is a/c?

Noticed the elevators are super slow lately as well, maybe its because of only one working like you said.

9k to clean the garage? What a joke. Have all cars moved out and spray down the floor with some hire pressure hoses and wash it all into the drains, that's about all it needs. They can pay me $1000 and i'll clean it for them!

61k for Skywater to do what exactly? They haven't organized shit yet and the only representatives we have on site are their contracted cleaning crew.

Also, how come they didn't finish all of the paving in one day? Now they have a separate looking area at the front from the rest of the asphalt and the lines in the parking lot still have to be repainted.

Not sure if they forgot to mow the back lawn, but its super long at this point now.

I think those vents are just for the fresh air machines in the basement. They probably have heat for the winter, but I guess no AC? Still...the air coming out of them feels hotter than the outside air, especially at night. Maybe they left the heater on?? Hahha

Paving, I think they ran out of asphalt. It should fade evenly and if they did it correctly, it won't chip at the edges.

Grass, I don't think they can use the riding lawnmower yet so they had some guy using a push mower last week. He's probably like 'screw that!' ahha

Garbage by elevator - I think it would look bad to have a garbage can in the hallway! Plus people will end up just throwing their garbage out here instead of the chutes if they live closer to them. Hopefully people just stop being idiots. And yea, I saw the stains on the carpet... Those will be cleaned eventually. (hopefully)

I noticed this in the budget:

c. Gas $34,560

The gas is based on comparable property requirements and the current
rates of 20.1 cents per cubic meter and administrative/distribution charges
have been escalated by 3% and compounded annually. The budget includes
natural gas costs for the common areas and dwelling units on a bulk billing
. Should the rates at the time of registration be greater than 25.0 cents
per cubic meter or the administrative/distribution charges have been increased
from the current charges, then the budget will be adjusted accordingly to reflect
the change at the time of registration.

Someone mentioned it was going to be bulk billed a month or so ago, maybe he was right?? Maybe they just install individual meters incase in the future they switch to individual billing...

Again, no one really tells us anything so who knows!
Yeah, I mentioned that after reading that section. It makes sense, I haven't heard of a condo with a gas bill before, water heater and electricity yes.

But when I saw the individual meters in the garage, I wasn't really sure... you would think if they were going to be billing us they would have sent something by now.
Yep, one working elevator again and A/C definitely does not work right now in the gym. It was 28 degrees in there, couldn't stand it for very long.
Yep, one working elevator again and A/C definitely does not work right now in the gym. It was 28 degrees in there, couldn't stand it for very long.

pretty F-ing ridiculous. Skywater has known about this problem for AT LEAST 2 days. The AC has never worked in there. They'd better get it fixed ASAP. How hard is it to call the right people to get it fixed?
pretty F-ing ridiculous. Skywater has known about this problem for AT LEAST 2 days. The AC has never worked in there. They'd better get it fixed ASAP. How hard is it to call the right people to get it fixed?

Update - I spoke with Skywater - "it should be resolved today".
There's a guy fixing the AC in the gym right now woo

Seems to be fixed! Guy said it was all frozen up, whatever that means
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Should get him to look at the hallways while hes at it. I put my hand by the vent by the elevator last night and it felt a bit cold to me.
