Thought exercise.
- SmartTrack (GO RER #1) has same fare as TTC!
- We know Presto makes fare unification easier
- SmartTrack stops at many GO stations (confirmed)
- TTC CEO now wants Presto full rollout by 2016 on TTC, which can make Metropasses/tokens extinct by SmartTrack launch
- TTC in August, agreed in principle to make their transfers equivalent of 2-hour timed passes (in any direction, even return trips)
- There's no faregates if you hop off a SmartTrack & hop onto a GOTrain (station reuse)
- There's no faregates at some Crosstown interchanges with SmartTrack/GO
- SmartTrack is part of GO RER, confirmed by Metrolinx
- TTC possibly introduces high speed Presto tapout (like London Underground's great tapout system, better than Vancouver)
- London Underground and Presto uses the same chip in their Presto card, and no server uplink needed.
- New TTC turnstile apparently will have presto reader at top surface (like London Underground) allowing you to run while tapping. Tapout becomes practical.
- Metrolinx also said GO RER will have lower operating costs. Technically, that means they can lower short-distance fares when there's capacity.
- TTC fare rises will probably happen before SmartTrack complete. RER short-distance pricedrop + TTC farerise = same fare price in 2020
- GO RER, adds new infill stations and approximately triples the number of inside-416 stations.
Now, say, TTC/GO unifies faresystem by 2020
TTC/GO would have zones when going well out to 905 (commuter fares), but would be unified fare within the approximate 416 zone.
I challenge -- What's stopping TTC/GO from unifying their faresystem if GO RER is not cancelled, considering the GO RER rollout begins with SmartTrack?