Does anyone know if the PRESTO card will continue to offer unlimited use monthly or weekly pass options
or will "caps" be instituted when and if the TTC begins to phase out the Metropass?
The reason that I ask is that SEPTA in Philadelphia is introducing its New Payment Technology "Key" card
in 2015 and when the system becomes fully operational the current unlimited use monthly and weekly passes
will have new cap limits of 240 rides/month and 56 rides/week with this new "Key" system - this has some riders
apprehensive because the SEPTA system is a "hub and spoke" system that relies on convenient transfers between
vehicles and depending on how this cap count is administered those that use multiple vehicles may have problems...
I feel that rides taken within a two hour time period should count as a single ride - a unlimited two-hour transfer
would be a good flexible option...How will Ontario's Presto card compare with SEPTA's new Key card?