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Liberal defects to the Conservatives

  • Thread starter Abeja de Almirante
  • Start date
I never would have predicted this a few months ago either. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Didn't Harper at one point suggest that seat-switchers resign and run again?

Montreal and PQ are political imperatives, whereas Toronto will never likely vote in a Conservative MP. If not during the last election, with the Liberals under multiple inquiries and criminal investigations, with millions stolen in Adscam, Torontonians will never rid themselves of the Libs. Layton stands a better chance winning Toronto ridings

Are you suggesting that Toronto is not an imperative for the Conservatives? If not, then they are politically stupid. Any party that would not view the economic and industrial centre of the nation with the most diverse population as an "imperative" is simply regionalist. But then, you are obviously speaking a belief that is your own.

Having been through a number of elections, I have a tough time recalling a government that didn't have a "scandal" of some sort. The shame of course is that too many people try not to differentiate between the individuals involved in the wrong-doing, and the party as a whole.
The Liberals won't be able to complain too loudly about Emerson, as long as their front bench is decorated by Stronach and Brison.

There are differences of course... Stronach barely beat the Liberals in her riding as a Conservative and Brison was elected as a Progressive Conservative and his party ceased to exist. Both of them have since been re-elected and have their mandate to represent the Liberals. Emerson ran in a riding very much not in favour of the Conservatives as a Liberal and was plucked from the Liberals by Harper which had much to say when his own were taken away.
I still think Belinda's case is in a category all it's own.

Brison was offered a job in the ruling government and took it (even though he worked for the merger).

David Emerson did the same

Belinda was offered a job in return for her vote to prop up the government -- a bribe.

David Emerson changing sides does not change the dynamics in regard to affecting any parties ability to exert power.
Belinda was offered a job in return for her vote to prop up the government -- a bribe.

So it is timing that decides whether it is ok to cross the floor or not? What if in 6 months the Bloc and Liberals decide they want to defeat the government and the Conservatives keep it alive by aligning themselves with the NDP and getting another Liberal to cross the floor. If that happens, will it be as wrong as what Belinda did? Or will it be ok because the Conservatives come up with another reason to rationalize it?

Crossing the floor is the same whether its from Liberal or Conservative or vice versa. It is politiking at its best and as was stated before, its part of governing in Canada. So Harper has made some mistakes today and doesnt seem to be making accountability his top priority anymore (notice that his first announcement was about the 'Family Allowance' and not about government accountability as he has been preaching the last 2 months). Thats not surprising. What is surprising is that so many Conservatives seem to be trying to paint this as being different than the Liberals, when, it is no different at all.
It is intent. Was the job offered because the person is well qualified for that position, or was the job offered for a vote.

It cannot be for the vote -- because is single vote does not mean much.

Economic heartland Toronto is, but they voted for the losing side, and should expect to be treated accordingly.

Last time I've checked, Prime Minister of Canada means all of Canada, not Canada except for ridings that didn't vote for my party.

As to your comment re: winner decides. Well, if only Harper et. al. was really honest about "ethics" and "standards" right from the start!


Do you *seriously* expect us to believe that there is absolutely no one among the Cons that could run the West Coast portfolio?

It cannot be for the vote -- because is single vote does not mean much.

Or maybe it does. Now the Conservatives + NDP + Independent comes out to 155 seats. If they can gain one more seat, then that makes a Conservative/NDP coalition possible without the Independent. So I would disagree and say that actually, this one additonal vote does benefit the Conservatives greatly. Whether they gained this seat 6 months before a no confidence vote or 6 hours before it does not change anything.
No, I did not say that at all. I ignored that part of it... but so did you now. The official reason (other than being a well qualified minister -- who was a possible Liberal Leadership contender -- which was very much needed in a rookie cabinet) was that it would provide Vancouver GTA representation at the table. Many here were commenting on the fact that NONE of the major 3 centres had representatives at the cabinet table -- and that this would likely hurt the urban agenda. I would think that having a few urban voices at the table is better than none.
Or maybe it does. Now the Conservatives + NDP + Independent comes out to 155 seats

So now you are saying they need that vote so that they could form a Conservative / NDP coalition ?

I think you are stretching your imagination a little too much. Most issues that the NDP and Conservatives will agree on will likely be a three or four party agreement.
So now you are saying they need that vote so that they could form a Conservative / NDP coalition ?

Im not saying that this is going to happen since that time has not come yet. However, if in 6 months time Harper does by chance survive a no confidence vote through the help of the NDP (and maybe the independent if they have not gained one more seat) than what will make that situation any different than the Liberals winning a no confidence vote with the help of their cross overs? The only difference would be timing.

Brison, Belinda, Emmerson, it is all the same, its all opportunism.
this issue is NOT crossing the floor. this issue is harper going against his principle when it helps him - on the very first day of the job.
Emerson lied to his constituents and took a blatantly opportunistic move. He will rightly be kicked out of office in the next election.
This is clearly different from Stronach: it's quite a bit worse. Stronach got elected as a Conservative, served in the Conservative caucus, and decided after a year that it wasn't the best place for her. Emerson ran as a Liberal literally days ago.
