Its amazing how many of you on this board think this whole arrest is a big joke, and just a anti-muslim plot by the government. You guys gotta get over whatever chip you have on your shoulders, and admit there is a problem, and that Canada is not immune to terrorism, and that we do have people here who hate us Canadians.
Actually, it is you who is assuming that everyone is thinking this is a big joke. Don't confuse your own incapacity for comprehending complexity as being the fault of others.
As for the issue of having a "chip on the shoulder," your context is so off it is not worth commenting.
I am probably the least racist person on here. I happen to have friends from all backrounds including muslims(actually its my muslim friend who wants immigration from muslim countries banned, not even myself). I do not look at my friends based on race at all. I enjoy all the cultures in this city.
Your opening statement is arrogant. Do you know what that word means? I am sure other people will post more choice descriptions about your silly statements.
You persist in bringing all issues back to you. I really don't care what you think about immigration or muslims, as you tend not to see the human beings amid the issues at hand. It's all about how good you are because you have friends of different cultural backgrounds. You claim you don't think about race, then confuse a religion with race, claim friends whom you describe via race, call for a specific banning of certain people on the basis of race (in this case religion), and support your assertion by noting the comments of a friend who happens to have similar views as you. Sorry mike, but that is not the basis for immigration policy. It is not even a sound basis for human interaction. It is, however, the basis for selective identification and discrimination.
The problem mike - and read this slowly and carefully - is not people who are muslim (or any religion, culture or race); the problem is that certain individuals want to carry out violent acts. Violence and religion/culture/race are all distinct from one and other. These individuals try to rationalize their acts by using religion, ideology or history as an excuse for acting. Do you understand this?
You hardly know me, so I would not even talk. You guys are far from perfect yourselves, and you guys can't take anyone who disagrees with you about anything. Thats why you have a problem with me.
We know of you by your comments. No one here is claiming to be perfect (clearly you missed that while spending so much time discussing yourself). As for others not being able to "take it," that is a rather childish attitude. You live in a world with other people. Not everyone is going to agree with you - particularly when you openly espouse discrimination. You may not be a racist, mike; but sometimes you certainly sound like one.