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News   Jan 06, 2025
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Home Grown Terror...

But in Andrea’s politically correct world these are just misunderstood men who are being framed by the man in order to push the conservative agenda.

I said no such thing. What I said was that no evidence has been presented yet. Until it is, and challenged, and proven, the accused are as innocent as you. Or I.
they should be sent back to where they came from - mississauga. that's punishment enough :p
I think that would be cruel and unusual treatment or punishment, given who one of their potential neighbours would be.
And even if it was ordered by, delivered to and accepted by one of the accused, or all of them, what of it? Possession of fertilizer is no crime.

This is true. But possession of three tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilizer in this particular instance probably doesn't mean they intended to fertilize a really big lawn. They would need one hell of a defence to convince the courts of good intentions.

Let's wait to see the results of this trial...
This thread seems to have (d)evolved into a vitriolic fight over whether or not the "accused" are innocent or guilty, and/or how they should or should not be perceived by the masses until such time as justice has been served. Clearly, sensitivities are offended when one feels threatened, be it unjustly targeted or be it unsafe from terror or violence. We all lose a little here. So back to your corners everybody, we're all basically concerned about the same things! Some here may say it more elegantly than others, or more politically correct than others, but I think that everyone agrees that:

1) Not all muslims are terrrorists and/or extremists.

II) According to what has been reported in the media thusfar there appears to be credible cause for concern regarding the activities of the accused, which has caused the authorities to act. No doubt we will have to wait to learn more.

III) Justice is to be served at all costs. This strengthens Canada.

IV) Hypothetically speaking, if the allegations are true and the accused are found guilty then this is a case of treason and the worst possible consequences should befall them.

There have been left-wing and right-wing conspiracy theories right through this thread, all of which are unfounded. The fact is Canada is not immune to the rise of extremism that is challenging and threatening the rest of the western world right now. This is only the first of what will no doubt be many more incidents to come. Fortunately, and thank god, this did not end in destruction or tragedy. We may not be lucky next time. I for one will be sitting back and watching with great interest on how this issue is dealt with. Hopefully Canada in general will deal better with this issue than how it has been dealt with here.
They would need one hell of a defence to convince the courts of good intentions.

They don't have to do any such thing. It is the government that MUST prove that they had an illegal intent. If the government can't, then the accused must go free.
It comes down to resonable doubt. Certainly from what the prosection is saying, they have a pretty strong case.

Ultimately, the defence will have to offer a alternate story behind why this group had what they had. Proving reasonable doubt might be quite challenging.
The prosecution has offered nothing but bald accusations. They have not yet shown whatever evidence those accusations may be based on.
Have you been attending the trial?

They don't have to do any such thing. It is the government that MUST prove that they had an illegal intent. If the government can't, then the accused must go free.

Of course, but if the government CAN prove illegal intent, the process allows them to defend those accusations which I assume would be pretty darn difficult to do.

Again, let's wait to see the outcome. Actually, let's hope this was all a big misunderstanding. ;)
Well, that's a big if. As of this morning, the prosecution hadn't made any disclosure and were still refusing to allow counsel to consult with the accused.
andrea, do you have first-hand knowledge of that? If not, you shouldn't be so quick to condemn the police and crown. After all, they are innocent until proven guilty.
"They have not yet shown whatever evidence those accusations may be based on."

That's done in the court of law, not the court of public opinion.

But anyone who thinks they ordered 3 tonnes of this stuff without evil intentions is gullible.
I think those who believe what the government and the cops tell them to believe without bothering to look at the facts are the gullible ones.
What do you think of those who believe what the defence lawyers tell them to believe without bothering to look at the facts? Are they gullible?
