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Globe: Second NHL Team for Toronto?

A really hilarious result of all this wheeling and dealing would be some crossed wires resulting in, say, two teams for Hamilton. Or Vaughan.
As for the issue of the NHL versus Mr. really is quite refreshing for a sports organisation (the NHL) to care about its fans and not so much about money. It is costing them money to keep the team in Phoenix (just as it cost them money to keep Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal and Vancouver going with the Canadian dollar stabilization fund) and letting the team be sold and moved would solve that problem for them. They, however, feel a responsibility to the people/fans of they did in other try and maintain a club in the city it is an era where a common fan complaint is "it's all about the money", it is nice to see that it might not be all about the money.

And you realize that the decidedly small and apathetic fan base in Phoenix only got its franchise at the cost of the slightly larger and far more passionate Winnipeg fan base. If it were about the fans the team would still be called the Jets.

I don't think anyone's ever suggested that this is really about the fans in Phoenix. It seems to be more about a) Bettman and the axe he has to grind with Balsilie, and b) Bettman not wanting to acquiesce on his policy of trying to grow the league in new markets
I wonder if a Vaughan team would be called Toronto __________. The Phoenix Cayotes for example are located in a Phoenix burb, not the city itself.

I think we do need a second franchise. Maple Leaf Sports has been pillaging Toronto fans for far too long. They've priced out families and some real fans who simply cannot afford the going price for a ticket or the crazy prices scalpers charge. Scalping is illegal, yet it happens wide in the open. To compound the problem, scalpers buy out tons of tickets and sell them for twice as much.... and then you end up seeing lots of empty seats in "sold out" games.
Nashville's Gaylord Entertainment Center (now Sommet Center) is probably the worst name ever... even worse than

I dunno, aside from the Beavis & Butthead snickers, "Gaylord" seems "normalized"--sort of like how "Coxwell" is around these parts...
I've been trying to keep up with what is going on but there's too much. Aside from the Balsille story, there's the Medvedev story and another new group is trying to get Atlanta's team and move them to hamilton, then there's the news that Winnipeg who has been apparently trying to get a team and has held talks with the NHL, then there's all the lawsuits and just trying to figure out who actually has control of the Coyotes.... Honestly, there is way too much information to consume. I wish I was a fly on Bettman's wall cause this week could be a defining point in deciding the future of the NHL.
I wonder if a Vaughan team would be called Toronto __________. The Phoenix Coyotes for example are located in a Phoenix burb, not the city itself.

I've mentioned a couple of pages back that no matter which GTA suburb you put the team in, it will not be named after that suburb but after Toronto (or Ontario). In order to market the team to fans in other cities, the team should be named after a place that is easily identifiable to most fans. (The only exception might be Anaheim, but it is well-known as the home of Disneyland. However, the MLB Anaheim Angels changed its name to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim)

One way to get around this naming convention might be to follow the NBA's Golden State Warriors - use the city/state/provincial nickname for the team name. However, I don't see there's any way you can fit "City Above Toronto" into an NHL team name.

If a team came to Mississauga, however, one team name I see potential for is the "Toronto Mississaugas". The team would be named after the native tribe the Mississaugas, similar to the Chicago Blackhawks (boo!) named after Chief Black Hawk.
Toronto Mississaugas would actually make some measure of sense for an NHL team in Mississauga. If it were elsewhere, I'd prefer Ontario. If it was in Hamilton, I'd like Hamilton. Although Mississauga could get away with its own team; surprisingly a lot of people have heard of Mississauga, even in the states.
If a team came to Mississauga, however, one team name I see potential for is the "Toronto Mississaugas". The team would be named after the native tribe the Mississaugas, similar to the Chicago Blackhawks (boo!) named after Chief Black Hawk.

Ah, I prefer the Toronto Tecumsehs. Tecumseh is an overlooked early Canadian hero, who fought with General Brock . At least there's a few streets and municipalities named for him in Ontario (less than Brock, though).
Regarding 'Tecumsehs,' while I would find that might be a bit of a clumsy name for some people to say, I think your sentiment is right on.
If a team came to Mississauga, however, one team name I see potential for is the "Toronto Mississaugas". The team would be named after the native tribe the Mississaugas, similar to the Chicago Blackhawks (boo!) named after Chief Black Hawk.

Some leagues (I can't remember which ones right now) have policies on naming teams after Aboriginal groups/people that might make that impossible without the permission of the Mississauga people (if at all). I don't know if the NHL has such a policy, but generally I don't think naming teams after local tribes is considered appropriate anymore and any such team would have to be extremely careful with its logo and merchandizing.
Some leagues (I can't remember which ones right now) have policies on naming teams after Aboriginal groups/people that might make that impossible without the permission of the Mississauga people (if at all). I don't know if the NHL has such a policy, but generally I don't think naming teams after local tribes is considered appropriate anymore and any such team would have to be extremely careful with its logo and merchandizing.

Why tippy-toe around all that bullshit and not just get a silly name/logo that wont offend anyone and get you into any trouble.

Here are a couple names that might fly.:)
Toronto & Hamilton United, The Toronto Rovers, Toronto City H.C. The Toronto Geese
The Ontario Blackberries?
That might be the best one ever. I can't believe no one has ever realized the connection between Balsillie's RIM product and the potential name for this hockey team and come up with the gold that is the "Ontario/K-W/Hamilton/Toronto Blackberries". I'm so glad you came in this thread to share that cause it's an amazingly original name that you came up with there and I'm going to struggle to not spam up every comment section of every article pertaining to this issue in every newspaper making sure everyone realizes how great of a name this team could possibly have. It'll blow everyone's mind cause no one will have thought of it before.

Please tell me you're a hipster kid drenched in irony... please?
