Senior Member
A station at Lawrence is beyond logical, arguably Eglinton/Brimley too.
Lawrence? Sure. Eglinton/Brimley? Not really, especially since there's a planned LRT extension that would stop there.
Ditto for building the whole thing to Sheppard/Markham or Sheppard/Neilson in one go. There are people there, and surface ridership is high.
The vast, vast majority of suburban subway station usage comes from bus transfers, NOT from walk-ins to the station. Claiming that a station shouldn't be built in the suburbs shouldn't be build because "no one" lives there, at best, shows a fundamentally poor understanding of Toronto's transit network, or at worse is intentionally misleading.
Both of these are true to some extent. Relying on bus transfers for suburban subways makes a lot of sense (and that's how the SSE is planned). Relying on bus transfers for a feeder line like the SRT doesn't make sense, and that's why ridership is so low at every station except the main STC hub. For that reason, an LRT makes a lot more sense north of STC. The LRT would serve as a higher-capacity feeder line that connects directly to the mainline, instead of one network of feeder routes connecting to another feeder route.