I’m really pleased by the community contribution that the 151 Front Street is proposing.
Finally, city staff has come around to acknowledging the fact that Front Street is a chaotic mess and a totally embarrassment to the thousands of visitors who walk this route daily!
$1 million is being spent on streetscaping improvements to Front Street from University to Spadina. Simcoe Street from University to King Street and University Avenue from Front to King Street.
Furthermore, $350,000 will be spent for weather protection and improvement for four at grade TTC stairways at St. Andrew Station. Apparently signage is missing at theses entrances? Also, I’ve always wondered why the TTC didn’t provide weather protection to all its staircases?
I’m also pleased by Cycling Infrastructure and Green Roof requirements for the building.
Re: 55 Mill.
I hate it. The proposed height of the building is totally out of scale from its surroundings. I don’t understand why this beautiful urban neighbourhood has to be surrounded by butt ugly high priced condominiums? I was even opposed to the Pure Spirits Condos or whatever it is called that is going up.
Also, I know there has always been a long term plan to building a Cherry Street GO Train Station. No mention of that anywhere in the report.