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City Reports 2007


I don't think building permits would show up on the community council reports. On the other hand, if they needed some loading/construction arrangments on city streets, it would...

That's what I meant. I was expecting to see a request for a construction staging area, or at the very least a request to put up hoarding on Bay St. so that they could tear down the sales centre. I guess work won't be starting any time between now and February then.
Is that new format ever a pain in the ass. Bad enough they have the worst. search engine. ever...but now this.
It looks like Maple Leaf Square will be moving forward on February 7th. Curious though: It states: "Two 54-storey residential buildings are being constructed..." I thought the two towers were different sizes. Did this somehow get past us without notice? :)
The P.A.T.H map has been updated to show some of our cities projects.

Two 54-storey residential buildings are being constructed..." I thought the two towers were different sizes. Did this somehow get past us without notice?
Hmm, could it be the city approved the extra floors as payback for MLS&E support behind the new soccer stadium? The deal to put this project was hanging on tinder hooks until MLS&E came in on the white horse. MLSE will contribute $8 million towards the construction of the stadium, cover all construction cost over-runs and cover annual operating losses up to $250,000 and split with the city any losses beyond that. There will be losses and the extra cash MLS&E will make on those penthouse suites will offset those losses. Damn that Peddie, he can make a ton of money for his bosses but can't put together a decent hockey team.
I see a number of lanes are getting names or renamings. I note that the old WCB lands off the 400 has street names in honour of Liberal politicans, like that twerp Judy Scro and Sergio Marchi (where's Joe Volpe Blvd?)

Really? what a laugh!

Where is that, exactly? and are these new?
Nice to see the proposed PATH link between the FSCPA and both adjacent hotels. Handy for tourists.
Citywriter: This is the old Workers Comp. rehabilitation complex, immediately east of Hwy. 400 and north of Wilson Ave. You would likely find it on your city map on the east side of Torbarrie Road. It is being redeveloped as a mostly lowrise residential neighbourhood.

Regarding the naming of streets, pardon me, but since when does Judy Sgro merit a street named after her? I'm sure she did some good work, somewhere along the way, but I'm afraid she will be best remembered for smoothing the way for that Romanian stripper to stay in Canada.
Isn't there disincentive for naming things after living persons? Did Giorgio Mammoliti set this one up?
Again, this reinforces my view that naming should be left until a person's death, or at the least, retirement from politics/public life.

Some of the worst examples are in the 905.
I don't recall hearing about this before, though it's not a new proposal. It would be on the site of the Sony Canada building just north of the increasingly vile collection of buildings at Carrington Place, and would have low-rise office buildings and two 28 storey condos.


Here's the building:


That PATH map (thanks for posting, btw) identifies the new RBC tower as 'Simcoe Place, Phase II.' Any idea why?
Re: Sony building

The proposal was turned down to preserve employment areas but the plan included a 159, 300 sq foot office building.
