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China bans black/mongolian, what?

Is it not ok to say that it's just fine if people want to eat whatever readily available meat they can get their hands on legally?
I'd say that's definitely the practice in China. I remember when I visited Tiananmen Square in 2005 and noticed at the time a complete and total lack of birds or rodents. A huge public square like that in North America or Europe would be teeming with pigeons, small birds and squirrels. Not in China though, where I imagine any bird, rodent or bug that can be caught is quickly eaten.

I'm surprised they let you in the country. Did you stop to think that perhaps the square is simply kept spotless? That'd keep the animals away without food to attract them.

This thread is getting ridiculous.
I'd say that's definitely the practice in China. I remember when I visited Tiananmen Square in 2005 and noticed at the time a complete and total lack of birds or rodents.

what? now you have something against eating beaver? next i'll probably hear you complain how they eat all the boobies and tits.

boobies, tits, beaver & pussy - all things man was meant to taste. if you got something against the fur trade, i'm gonna start to wonder about you. ;)
I'd say that's definitely the practice in China. I remember when I visited Tiananmen Square in 2005 and noticed at the time a complete and total lack of birds or rodents. A huge public square like that in North America or Europe would be teeming with pigeons, small birds and squirrels. Not in China though, where I imagine any bird, rodent or bug that can be caught is quickly eaten.

Although I am no fan of some of the things going on in China, as evidenced by this thread, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read here on UT. Are you for real?

He actually thinks Chinese people are out on Tienanmen Square catching rodents and bugs then taking them home to cook up a nice meal.
Please refrain from quoting Admiral Beez. I put him a my ignore list a long time ago, but I keep seeing his posts because people keep quoting him, which makes the ignore list kind of pointless.
Although I am no fan of some of the things going on in China, as evidenced by this thread, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read here on UT. Are you for real?

He actually thinks Chinese people are out on Tienanmen Square catching rodents and bugs then taking them home to cook up a nice meal.
Unlike some others here, I will always back up and support anything I claim here at UT. Here's one reports of Chinese eating the wild animals found in urban areas. A quick search on Google shows several news articles about the problem of urban Chinese catching and eating wild animals, and the connection with SARS. I'll post more articles if wanted.
Chinese Eating Wildlife into Extinction
Over the past two years, birds as well as toads and frogs have been killed en masse in the Shanghai area.
I imagine that what we eat tends to be essentially of little use to us, other than nutrition or sustenance. Dogs and cats have traditionally been very helpful to different societies as cats keep away the rodents and vermin while dogs perform all kinds of tasks that earn them their keep, so to speak. To my knowledge a pig doesn't do too much but squeal and roll in the mud so dinner it is (or breakfast).
Dogs, pigs, cats, cows and other domesticated animals are the product of human breeding efforts. By and large, we've made many of these animals into what they are.

Strange how this thread has morphed from a story about the banning of people to animals, animals as food.
Er, without bones and hooves, Jell-O would never have been invented.

I know, but I guess I think of gelatin and, uuggh meat gel, as different. Like the difference between eating a bit of delicious steak fat, and eating a steak mousse.
I will try to get us back on topic.

I can't say if it is the same in China and Korea as in Tokyo or even if it's the same in other parts of Japan but in Tokyo, a fair percentage of black people that the public would encounter on a day to day basis work in the entertainment districts that are popular with foreigners. Their jobs are to approach tourists and expats walking down the street and try to convince them to come into their bars/clubs/gentlemen's clubs. After they try to sell you on a specific club, they switch to trying to either sell you drugs or girls. After dark on the main drag in Roppongi there are at least a hundred of these guys out on the sidewalk. Most of them are agressively friendly and don't give up easily. All of the guys I've talked to are directly from Africa and I have been told by locals that they are brought in by the mafia to sell drugs and pimp girls to the tourists. Someone with connections is either getting them visas or getting around the immigration system so I would not be surprised that it would require the Yakuza's involvement.

If in China, africans (I don't know anything about mongolians) are also brought in to sell drugs and prostitutes to foreigners then the crackdown for the Olympics would at least have some logic behind it. I'm not defending the practice, btw. I think that this Olympics is going to be one PR disaster after another. How sad that Toronto lost out to this bid and to the Coca-Cola Games in Atlanta.

I will add that I have no idea what percentage of the black people in Tokyo at any time are either pimps/drug dealers or tourists or people with respectable jobs (There are people from all over the world working in my office.) but I think that these guys are visible enough to affect the public image of all black people to your average Tokyo-ite.

As for racism in Japan, I have very little doubt that it exists. In Tokyo, there are definitely clubs that are only for Japanese or for 'respectable' white people with Japanese friends but I haven't seen any "No Whites" or "No Blacks" signs.

I have heard of "No Blacks" signs in the south of Japan. I have been told that anti-foreigner racism is more common in the south and that there is probably a link between that and the large number of US military in the south. Again, this is all second hand information. The most racist thing that I've heard here was that the black guys working at the clubs weren't just brought in by the Yakuza to sell drugs but to spread AIDS among the Japanese people - but this bit of urban mythology was told to me by a Chinese-American from Boston.

I'm not sure how people who believe this shit think the Yakuza would benefit from this.

1. Import Africans
2. Spread Aids
3. ????
4. Profit!

Anyways, I thought that I would put in my 2 cents. Oh, and Japanese people eat raw horse.
A huge public square like that in North America or Europe would be teeming with pigeons, small birds and squirrels. Not in China though, where I imagine any bird, rodent or bug that can be caught is quickly eaten.

lol, I'd like to say your comment is idiotic. The lack of wildlife is probably because the air pollution killed them off. Only the poor & starving would eat random rodents and birds. Btw, did you ever notice that there are no trees and vegetation in Tienanmen square...don't you think that also has something to do with it?
Chinese Eating Wildlife into Extinction
Over the past two years, birds as well as toads and frogs have been killed en masse in the Shanghai area.

This is a link to a story about wealthy Chinese people eating exotic foods. This is like how French people eat goose livers, frog legs, and roasted sparrows...or how Japanese people eat exotic meats such as whales and dolphins.

That story has nothing to do with eating random wildlife in your backyard.
