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News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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China bans black/mongolian, what?

You might think its wrong to eat animals, but animals consuming other animals is a natural activity on this planet. We tend to either anthropomorphize a select number of mammals on the basis of beliefs that these specific species are somehow better or special.

What would happen if we were to couch our eating of fruit or seeds as the consumption of plant babies? Oh, the horror!

A group of hungry wild dogs will try to eat you, regardless of how much you argue the point that they are supposed to be man's best friend.
You might think its wrong to eat animals, but animals consuming other animals is a natural activity on this planet. We tend to either anthropomorphize a select number of mammals on the basis of beliefs that these specific species are somehow better or special.

What would happen if we were to couch our eating of fruit or seeds as the consumption of plant babies? Oh, the horror!

A group of hungry wild dogs will try to eat you, regardless of how much you argue the point that they are supposed to be man's best friend.

i know it's natural but i have empathy for animals and if the meat wasn't in the store, i wouldn't be able to kill for food. the only reason i eat the animals i do is because i've been brought up that way. i don't eat dogs for the same reason i eat beef, it's because i've been programmed that way. also, just because something is natural doesn't make it right. having sex with an unwilling partner in the animal kingdom (leave out humans) happens all the time and is natural yet you can't just run up to a woman on the street, pull down her panties and bang her. if you do, you'll end up in jail.

there's difference between plants and animals, yes they're both living things but cows and dogs have brains, feel pain, feel love, they are capable of understanding, etc. it's not just one reason but many reasons. i know some humans are in a vegetative state and aren't capable of understanding but i wouldn't advocating eating them just because they meet 1 criterion.

of course there are animals that will eat us. maybe we should be killing them in self defense and eating them. then we won't feel soo bad :)

don't get me wrong, i don't pass judgment on others because they eat animals. if i did, i'd be a hypocrite.
don't get me wrong, i don't pass judgment on others because they eat animals. if i did, i'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not passing judgement on you either. Hope my post didn't sound that way.

Otherwise, I have no issue whatsoever with anyone who decides to give up eating meat for their own personal reasons.
I'm not passing judgement on you either. Hope my post didn't sound that way.

Otherwise, I have no issue whatsoever with anyone who decides to give up eating meat for their own personal reasons.

there's just one thing i expect from all of us who consume animals, that when the time comes to eat them, we end their lives by the least painful & quickest method as possible. it's the least we can do.
i have reduced the species of animals i eat down to two. i think it's wrong to eat animals, period. like i've said before, hopefully with tissue engineering, we'll soon have the choice to eat meat that is grown from stem cells.

Yeuch, meat gel? It doesn't work. The meat we eat is muscle, which can't just grow in a petrie dish. Unless they create some super disgusting taffy-maker-like machine that stretches and contracts the meat gel so that it striates an—yuuuueehh I'm nauseous...
Yeuch, meat gel? It doesn't work. The meat we eat is muscle, which can't just grow in a petrie dish. Unless they create some super disgusting taffy-maker-like machine that stretches and contracts the meat gel so that it striates an—yuuuueehh I'm nauseous...

i think they were talking about passing a small electric current through it at regular intervals to make it contract.
Yeuch, meat gel? It doesn't work. The meat we eat is muscle, which can't just grow in a petrie dish. Unless they create some super disgusting taffy-maker-like machine that stretches and contracts the meat gel so that it striates an—yuuuueehh I'm nauseous...
Er, without bones and hooves, Jell-O would never have been invented.

Trying to translate a Chinese menu
A group of hungry wild dogs will try to eat you, regardless of how much you argue the point that they are supposed to be man's best friend.
And yet one dog will defend you and your family with its life against incredible odds.

Dog saves owner from bear but dies in attack
Dog saves woman attacked by kangaroo
Dog saves family from wolf attack
Dog dies protecting owner from cougar

There are animals made for eating, and animals made for companionship. I know, I know, someone's now going to throw in something about holly cows in India, or a pig that protected its owner from dragons, or whatever. You can hold whatever opinion you want, but to me, dog's are not for eating.
Actually I find it very similar to cows in India. Not many people know this but the status of cows in India is more social than religious. Cows were the source of milk, transport, clothing, and so were very important. So over time they earned a special place in Indian culture and thus the people refrain from slaughtering/eating them.

I actually consider it similar to dogs and cats here in North America. They provide us with comfort, companionship, friendship, and so we elevate them above pigs and cows and whatever else and the thought of eating them disgusts us. But when you really think about it, any domesticated animal would probably do such a thing, I don't think there's any unique quality to dogs. If more people took pigs as pets I bet there would be a lot more examples of pigs protecting or forming bonds with humans. But we find pigs and cows revolting so we don't take them as pets, while cats are cuddly and dogs are cute. Which means all those pigs die because we don't find them good enough for our homes.

It's quite sad, actually.
There are animals made for eating, and animals made for companionship.

Who made them? Who made these rules up? Has anyone asked the diverse range of animals kept as pet "companions" if they wanted that job?
Is it not ok to say that it's just fine if people want to eat whatever readily available meat they can get their hands on legally?

As far as vegetarianism, the only two justifications that seem logical to me are:

-not liking the taste of meat, which is fair;
-environmental reasons, as meat is much less efficient than beans, etc. in terms of protein production

I suppose you could toss medical reasons in there, but usually all that is required is more carefully moderating meat intake. Sometimes it's just easier to cut the meat out altogether.

But as long as animals are treated humanely (no more cruelly than is reasonably necessary) and the negative environmental effects of meat production are priced into the product, I think there are no moral quandries about eating meat. It's what is natural for our species, and a great many other primates.
you had to know it would eventually be said ...

There are animals made for eating, and animals made for companionship. I know, I know, someone's now going to throw in something about holly cows in India, or a pig that protected its owner from dragons, or whatever. You can hold whatever opinion you want, but to me, dog's are not for eating.

ok, i don't eat dogs either but do you have any moral prohibition against eating pussy? i don't. as long as it's prepared properly and is clean. none of that stray pussy for me please.

stay away from the type of pussy described in this song...
Who made them? Who made these rules up? Has anyone asked the diverse range of animals kept as pet "companions" if they wanted that job?

I agree. It's easy to dismiss the eating of cats and dogs as wrong, but it's just another kind of animal meat.
