Something many had figured out already, confirmed with detailed sociological research and lots of numbers.
Two new solitudes — rural and urban — now define the Canadian political landscape
While real, the observation, without detail could be quite misleading.
Let's look at Eastern Ontario........the place that elected Randy Hillier and outside of Kingston and Ottawa is generally true blue, so to speak.
In Hastings-Lennox Additington you have 45% for the Conservative, vs 35% Lib and 11% NDP
Even Lanark-Frontenac, which went 49% Conservative still had 42% for the Libs/NDP
Haldimond-Norfolk was very similar in the rural south-west, where Leslyn Louis won for the Conservatives (notably, a Black woman)
Meanwhile in (sub) urban regions, the Conservatives pulled 40% in Oakville, and 39% in Mississauga-Lakeshore, they even managed 25% (2nd place) in Toronto-St. Pauls.
Again, not to suggest that this difference isn't real, but media coverage of same, and some research into it, can be highly exaggerative.