You know, since we're discussing the possibility of Rapid Transit on Dundas, anyone know what is going on with the Dundas BRT? It feels like we've gotten nothing but pure silence on it and the DSBRT since 2022.
It is moving ahead with early construction taking place this year
Surprised Councilor Carolyn Parrish is not pushing for a subway like she has wanted to see since she became a councilor, The only place for an east-west LRT to fit the city needs and that is Dundas which will not happen since it is not needed west of Mavis Rd and ML wants only an BRT from Kipling to Hamilton.
Then the current plan for a true BRT is the best you will get for decades until the Density on Dundas west of that point is there to support it as a true BRT. Anything beyond that point is an express bus. Oakville has had the BRT on Dundas close to two decades with the building of it starting in 2020, but no density on it to support it.
Hazel son would be a joke being mayor and is running on his mother's name.
Vote no for the rest being mayor.
In 2002, I called for the Hurontario LRT/Monorail. In 2005, call for 5 LRT lines and cannot find my notes where the other three were to go beside Hurontario and Dundas.
Unless anyone running for mayor is willing to invest in transit at a higher rate than today as well moving to a model split of 40/60 with the preferred opinion of 50/50 or better, transit will be a failure. Current model split is 18/72
The first big cost for transit is building the third bus garage for ebuses and having ebuses for them is $1 billion. The third garage was too been built around 2012, and here we are still talking about it with no provision to expand the system.
The second big cost is building a new terminal to handle 150,000 riders a day including GO and putting the Transitway underground for MCC. It must be on the north side of Rathburn and the LRT. Too late to put the terminal next to Hurontario and keep the Transitway underground.