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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

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TVOntario The Agenda

At this link.

This Week on The Agenda
Mon May 14
Ontario Election 2018: Mental Health and Dental Care
The Agenda examines the commitment of Ontario's political parties to improve the province's mental health and addiction services. Then, how does the Ontario Dental Association feel about provincial party leaders promising to expand dental services?

Tue May 15
Ontario Election 2018: The Transportation Debate
Steve Paikin moderates a debate hosted by Transport Futures at The University of Toronto's Innis Town Hall. The conversation centres on how Ontario can develop a sustainable transportation policy as its population continues to grow.

Wed May 16
Ontario Election 2018: Keeping Ontario Moving
The Agenda takes a look at the transportation and transit strategies, policies, programs, and projects being developed by Ontario's major political parties.

Thu May 17
Ontario Election 2018: Andrea Horwath and the NDP Platform
The Agenda welcomes Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath to talk about her party's platform, and what an Ontario NDP government would look like.

Fri May 18
The Agenda's Story; Ontario Hubs; The Agenda's Week
The Agenda highlights a story making news this week. Then, Ontario Hubs journalists discuss their in-process stories, and a review of the week's programs.

See the recorded videos at this link.
He's making the point I was lambasted for doing just a few days back....the fault found in my analysis that it was (gist) "not the buzz" whatever the hell is meant by that.

To quote MRC:
[...]Make no mistake, minority government is the sleeper issue in this campaign. But what’s unnerving is how foolishly Ford’s error-prone opponents sleepwalk into his traps.
In our legislature, it’s a simple majority of MPPs that decides the outcome. Under our constitutional form of government, it’s Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell who plays referee in a deadlock.
Wishing away a minority isn’t just unrealistic, it’s undemocratic. A minority alliance isn’t illegitimate, it’s a parliamentary perennial, exemplified by the 1985-87 Liberal-NDP alliance (when their platforms were far less congruent than they are today).

Yes, it’s too early to predict a minority outcome. But it’s also far too early for Horwath and Wynne to do Ford’s bidding by going along with his anti-democratic narrative that insults the intelligence of voters.

Same poster offered two possible causations of my observations: Either I wasn't widely read, which is absolutely absurd, I do read the Cdn press closely as well as the international press, or it was my being "contemptuous". I rather favour the latter. For good reason...

For some, it's all about "buzz"...

I see a good chance of a King Maker out of a three-way split. And again, I mention the two sitting independents now. With the Cons slashing candidates left and right (pun fully intended) there might even be a few more sitting post election. A 'Triumvirate of the Disaffected' could swing a might mace with the a tight three way result, and the decision of the Lieutenant Governor. All discussed in MRC's article, all discussed by myself a few days back.

"Anything But Ford"....grammatically correct, as "thing" refers to the state of being, not the person.
How many PC candidates have been turfed or embroiled in some sort of controversy at this point?!
It would be interesting to see if the number has been matched historically, provincially or federally. It makes the Klingons look apt at the Royal Wedding in comparison.

Doug Ford attended Progressive Conservative fundraiser despite ban
And many have fallen, or been pushed ("tendered their resignation" for far less, and a hell of a lot less evidence. Ford even admits this. I'm reminded of brother Ford with loose tie-rod joints, (euphemistically) blaming his 'mechanics' for filling his pipe at the wrong end, and thus his driving while under the influence.

Ontario Teflon. Patent Pending. Nothing sticks to it, it's inherently slippery due to drug induced polymerisation.
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He's making the point I was lambasted for doing just a few days back....the fault found in my analysis that it was (gist) "not the buzz" whatever the hell is meant by that.

To quote MRC:

Same poster offered two possible causations of my observations: Either I wasn't widely read, which is absolutely absurd, I do read the Cdn press closely as well as the international press, or it was my being "contemptuous". I rather favour the latter. For good reason...

For some, it's all about "buzz"...

I see a good chance of a King Maker out of a three-way split. And again, I mention the two sitting independents now. With the Cons slashing candidates left and right (pun fully intended) there might even be a few more sitting post election. A 'Triumvirate of the Disaffected' could swing a might mace with the a tight three way result, and the decision of the Lieutenant Governor. All discussed in MRC's article, all discussed by myself a few days back.

"Anything But Ford"....grammatically correct, as "thing" refers to the state of being, not the person.

Uh, relative to what I had been primarily lambasting you about, note that there is no mention of Mike Schreiner and the Greens in that piece. You're inferring they might be a factor; and I wouldn't deny that possibility. *But that isn't being articulated here. Or in any of these MRC pieces.*

Stop shifting the chairs re my original point of contention with you. What you're offering is about coalitions and minorities. ***It is not about the Greens.***
And by bringing up the "two sitting independents" (as if they were running for reelection--other than Trillium's Jack McLaren, are there *any* non-Big 3 incumbents running?) and inferring the possibility of more post-election, you're self-servingly deflecting. And by now conveniently, strategically avoiding *any* mention of Schreiner and the Greens, you're covering up your tracks.

Let's go back to the post where I originally took contention with you

Where, pray tell, did we get from *there* to *here*?

Though reading it now, I get the picture.

Schreiner has been performing admirably, Horwath, same as she ever was. She'd better find some Mojo, and fast.

That statement of yours (which triggered this whole thread of discussion) should have been prefaced by "For me..." Without such a preface, it appeared to be deceptively reflecting a bigger picture at a time when, uh, "Horwathmania" was underway.

Subjective opinion vs the (however manipulative) mass-media barometer. Or, "why I, myself, am supporting Green" rather than "what's actually happening out there"...

(Personally, I find these kinds of threads insulated dead-boring when they become such "why I, myself" affairs. Almost as bad as when everyone circle-jerks off their Vote Compass scores...)
Uh, relative to what I had been primarily lambasting you about, note that there is no mention of Mike Schreiner and the Greens in that piece. You're inferring they might be a factor; and I wouldn't deny that possibility. *But that isn't being articulated here. Or in any of these MRC pieces.*
If Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner wins a seat, he’d be the last one to empower Ford’s Tories to end the fight against global warming.
*But that isn't being articulated here. Or in any of these MRC pieces.*
Why are the Greens barred from Ontario’s TV debates?

By MARTIN REGG COHNOntario Politics Columnist
Wed., May 2, 2018
Televised leaders’ debates underpin our democracy, forcing the major party leaders to face each other onstage as voters watch them up close.

Except when they can’t.

When television networks take it upon themselves to cherry pick which leaders can come onstage — and which parties shall be arbitrarily excluded — they do a disservice to democracy. And deprive voters of choice.

Ontario’s first televised debate takes place Monday evening, two days before the official campaign kick-off. A second debate on northern issues is scheduled for May 11, and a final province-wide debate will be televised on May 27, ahead of the June 7 vote.

But for Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner, there will be zero televised debates. He is being shut out, along with hundreds of thousands of party supporters — not to mention a broader audience of potential voters who deserve the chance to hear him out.

His exclusion from Monday’s debate is doubly unfair given that the host broadcaster, CityNews, wants to focus on Toronto issues: The greenbelt has become a major campaign flashpoint after a video revealed PC Leader Doug Ford promising to let developers rip up the protective band that preserves farmland around the GTA — only to hastily reverse himself under fire.

If this issue is front and centre, how can Schreiner be kept off centre stage? Why are we convening a debate on the greenbelt with the Green party muzzled?

To their credit, the Liberals and New Democrats had previously agreed to invite the Greens into the studio. They also issued challenges to hold several televised debates among all the major leaders.

But Ontario’s television networks are trapped in time — running their own shows without public accountability. This isn’t the first time they have conspired to exclude the Greens, but this time the exclusion is more egregious than ever.

Ontario's three main party leaders squared off Monday in the first debate before June’s provincial election. Andrea Horwath, Kathleen Wynne and Doug Ford were asked after the debate how they plan to combat criticisms they face. (The Canadian Press)
We’ve seen this script before, in federal elections, where the major networks — in cahoots with the federal Conservatives and New Democrats — contrived to keep Green Party Leader Elizabeth May off the set. When the Greens threatened court action, and the court of public opinion turned against the networks, the major broadcasters backed down and allowed her participation.
Or, "why I, myself, am supporting Green"rather than "what's actually happening out there"
It might help if you could read accurately and stop jumping to 'concussions'.

"What's happening out there" is a good chance of a two or three way split. You don't know, no-one knows. And I don't have the vote in this election. I'm not supporting any Party, merely analyzing possibilities, and the NDP is on record in many articles as stating that they wouldn't form a coalition with the Liberals, or vice-versa, albeit the NDP *apparently* has a much greater chance of an upset outcome.
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This is related to the resignation of a PC candidate that someone posted about yesterday:
And rumour of more to come. Brown claims to be ready for his "tell all" albeit not published until November. Unsubstantiated allegations get Brown hoisted, but substantiated ones for Ford, which he admits to, don't. It'll be interesting to see what Brown has to spill, if someone doesn't beat him to it.
Is it too soon to play Ontario coalition game theory? It’s never too soon!
Paul Wells: Will there be a ‘backroom deal’ between the Ontario Liberals and NDP? Why it’s so tempting—and misguided—to speculate.
by Paul Wells
May 14, 2018

Vomit! Seems the only true alternative to the Liberals is the Conservatives. Liberals mustn't play any part in the new government, they need a time out.
And rumour of more to come. Brown claims to be ready for his "tell all" albeit not published until November. Unsubstantiated allegations get Brown hoisted, but substantiated ones for Ford, which he admits to, don't. It'll be interesting to see what Brown has to spill, if someone doesn't beat him to it.

I wuz robbed, just like Maxime Bernier!
