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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Ford says he'll reduce gas prices by 10 cents per litre by cutting cap-and-trade, fuel tax

Moves would mean billions in lost revenue for Ontario's coffers

See link.

Expect vast service cuts, cuts, cuts, under Doug's proposal. :(

I'm not sure how this affect's Ford's numbers.

At first blush it plays to the 905 and his strength, populist bafflegab.

That said, the absence of any way to replace the revenue, when the deficit is already high in most people's judgement.........

I know I feel it should cause unease in some of the current PC bloc of voters, but whether that's just wishful thinking on my part I'm less clear on.

Honestly, people are fucking stupid. I acknowledge the bluntness of my comment and offer no apology.

I just started driving a new vehicle that requires 91+ octane petrol. My old vehicle took 87 octane petrol. The new one has similar output (HP and torque) and is a 2.0L Turbocharged I4. The old one is an American "efficient" 4.7L V8 P.O.S.

My fuel now costs ~25% more. Or does it? The average voter can't do the math so, yeah, a 10% reduction in petrol costs might look like a good deal if you're driving an inefficient p.o.s. Mostly because I imagine those same people are the type that circle town or go out of their way or queue up for half an hour to get petrol that costs 5-10 cents/L less than elsewhere.

Absolute fail.

I can agree with one thing here: cut the cap-and-trade shell game! However, I'd replace it with a tax on carbon so I don't think Ford and I can be best buds.

Just for fun: my new vehicle's fuel cost is actually ~30% less than the old vehicle's because of increased mileage. That's city driving. Highway driving, I'm looking at a 50%+ fuel savings even though the grade of petrol costs ~25%/L more! Viele Dank, Deutschland!
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There are conspiracy-minded folks here at UT.

Some of them awesome people, if a tad more inclined to that world view than yours truly.

I confess, I found the way the Patrick Brown exit was handled by the media and others to be worthy of intense scrutiny and skepticism, and I say that as someone who didn't much care for the man.

But in general, I hold the view that one should not ascribe to conspiracy that which stupidity will adequately explain.

However, the number of last minute PC candidates either withdrawing or not showing up for local debates is odd, in so far as I can't recall a like phenomenon.

I don't know how this all pans out.

But there's something terribly odd about this, if it is indeed all coincidence........its one hell of an exception to prove the rule.
PC candidates were also absent at debates this week in Eglinton-Lawrence, Beaches-East York, Mississauga-Streetsville, Scarborough- Rouge Park, Etobicoke-Lakeshore, Mississauga-Erin Mills.
I think with DoFo not answering any questions or saying where money will come from, they also won't have an answer. It's obviously strategic, just like it's strategic that the Liberal and Conservative lawn signs don't include the name of the party leaders who are both disliked, while the NDP signs show Andrew Horwath's name.
Oh, skipping out on debates is nothing new for the PCs--I remember it being quite common in the 1999 election. A bit of avoiding the heat as Mike Harris standard-bearers, and a bit of "debates are overrated, anyway"...
just like it's strategic that the Liberal and Conservative lawn signs don't include the name of the party leaders who are both disliked,

She thought otherwise
How many PC candidates have been turfed or embroiled in some sort of controversy at this point?!
