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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Positive PC news... cue Jasmine and her insightful comments. Next week when the Liberals start gaining anticipate Jasmine as quiet as a church mouse.

Oh, you hush. I don't know why Conservative forum members are not allowed to express their optimism that the 15 year reign of error may finally at long last be coming to an end.
Yes - CBC includes the Mainstreet poll from March 18 (where they showed PC with 47%).
It does not include the one from April 6 (where they show PC with 50%).

They underestimated his brother and Donald Trump and Theresa May/Brexit. Le Pen came close too. Rightism is making a comeback.
There is a funny article in the Toronto Star where the writer muses about why Wynne is so unpopular. The usual suspects like rise of right wing populism, intolerance etc. are mentioned.

I submit that it’s not that at all and if you find yourself not understanding why she is unpopular (like 3 times less popular than the disaster that is Donald Trump) try to solve the riddle yourself. I’ve been trying to solve the riddle of why the Ford’s are popular myself because I never understood. I’ve gained some valuable (to me) insights in the process.

By the way, according to the Star’s own political profile survey my political profile is Laissez-faire Left. Surprising but kind of interesting result.
Re: Wynne's unpopularity. I'm sure the fact that she's a woman and a lesbian play into it, but I strongly suspect we'd be seeing the same level of unhinged hate even if the lib leader were a straight male, and even if the party had been running things a lot more smoothly these past few years. There's never been any shortage of far right nuts in Toronto (never mind the rest of the province), and for lack of a better word, there's something kind of hapless about Wynne. I suppose that quality could rub people the wrong way. She seems to me a pretty bland, inoffensive figure, and I would have thought the very banality of her personality would have insulated her from the more over-the-top invective we've been seeing. I should have known better.

Yes, the libs - to use one of the Ford Brothers' favorite lines - have been anything but perfect during their current term ("Maybe you're perfect, but I'm not!"), but much of the crap being spouted from certain quarters goes way beyond legitimate complaints about job performance. One mouth frother here was shrieking that she was "a demon" a couple of weeks ago. A demon, for Christ's sakes. There's a clue that a lot of what we're seeing has zip to do with genuine concerns that relate to life as we know it on Planet Earth.

On the other side of the aisle, I'm not surprised the cons are choosing to keep Dofo on ice right now. The man is about as cuddly as a rattlesnake, and is as much of a liar, a blusterer and a bullshit artist as ever, as what little exposure he's granted to the media so far has aptly displayed. But Ford isn't the kind who appreciates being told what to do; I wonder how he's taking to his current orders to stay out of sight and keep his fat mouth shut.
They underestimated his brother and Donald Trump and Theresa May/Brexit. Le Pen came close too. Rightism is making a comeback.

Wtf is "rightism"? Le Pen, May, and Trump don't have a lot in common. The first is a nationalist, the second a moderate conservative, and the third a narcissist.

Rightism. Lol, wut.

I think ass-backwardism may be a better term if you're lumping Le Pen and Trump into the same grouping.....leave poor May out of it, she is nowhere near those two fire-breathers.
Oh, you hush. I don't know why Conservative forum members are not allowed to express their optimism that the 15 year reign of error may finally at long last be coming to an end.
I have no problem with your celebrations but I do have a problem when the loudest voices go deftly silent after loses.
The liberals only play is to make Ford into a Trump I think to have any chance of winning.

Regardless of what the Ontario Liberals say about how great their record is, they would lose handily if they ran on that.
“I can tell you I’ve talked to tens of thousands of people and not one person has ever come up and said ‘you’re like Donald Trump,’” said Ford.

Doug Ford has said he would vote for Donald Trump if he could, but he insists he doesn’t “give two hoots” about the polarizing U.S. president.

The rookie Progressive Conservative leader told Toronto Life in November 2016 that he would have cast a ballot for the mercurial New York businessman — “not a doubt in my mind” — but he bristled Friday at being compared to Trump.

I'm not sure why this keeps getting brought up. I mean, Doug Ford having some love for Trump is the least of what's wrong with him as a potential premier.

The thing is, maybe he liked what Trump was yapping about during the presidential campaign but has since changed his mind about the man after seeing how ridiculous and ineffectual he really is as president.
Oh, you hush. I don't know why Conservative forum members are not allowed to express their optimism that the 15 year reign of error may finally at long last be coming to an end.

I don't even think Jasmine is a Conservative. She hasn't said she is and hasn't said she supports them. People keep assigning this position to her based on her dislike of the Liberals. Well, guess what, I despise the Liberal Party as well and I can assure you that I am not and have never been a Conservative.
Actually, come to think of it, I don't think she's even said she dislikes the Liberals, she's just saying what she thinks her reasons for why they are unpopular are.
But I am pretty sure she has said she is voting pc. If you don't like the liberals have some dignity and vote ndp. Nfitz likes to throw around names like bigot for anyone who supports trump and or ford. I tend to think that's excessive. That said after seeing ford in office for four years and trump for over a year and then still vote for a ford. Even I think you can't act innocent with that vote. Perhaps nfitz is right.
