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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

I have no problem with your celebrations but I do have a problem when the loudest voices go deftly silent after loses.

Why? Isn't that the best?

For example, Club America's manager is a dirty loudmouth blaming everyone and everything on why the Reds put his squad down 3:1 and if we beat them next week and advance in CCL then I'll be super stoked if he stfu.
Another poll - EKOS. 43%/29%21% (PC/LIB/NDP).

It's hard to believe, but the Liberals still have the lead in Toronto. The only other category that supports the Liberals is the Upper Class - I guess they are in on the corruption? Every other Region, men, women, all income levels and all education levels support the PCs.
Why? Isn't that the best?

For example, Club America's manager is a dirty loudmouth blaming everyone and everything on why the Reds put his squad down 3:1 and if we beat them next week and advance in CCL then I'll be super stoked if he stfu.
Maybe you are right. But I just have a problem with people throwing out things like "I know all the people in my community hate the liberals" sort of talk. Based on some forumers there is no point in an election. These people know the future. Yet when they lose the loudest people suddenly become monks. I am obviously going to vote liberal. I don't know if they are going to win or not. That's why we have an election.
This is a joke?

I'm sure I won't be the only one in having some dignity and not taking advice on who to vote for from some faceless voice on the internet.
The Internet is faceless. That's exactly why people can say the crazy stuff they do on here. But I don't think suggesting that with the information we have on said individual that voting ford says something not only about your politics but about your character. There was a time you could vote pc and be a moral person. I just don't know how you can do that today with the leaders they put forward.
The Dirty Tricks tag grows ever closer:
The Canadian company at the heart of the international scandal over the unauthorized use of Facebook information received $100,000 in federal funding last year to develop data-driven tools for political campaigns, The Canadian Press has learned.
The privacy controversy has put a spotlight on the use of data by political parties, which depend heavily on access to quality data about voters to target their campaign pitches.

In the months following the 2016 Brexit and Trump victories, the National Research Council provided AggregateIQ with $100,000 in funding, under the Industrial Research Assistance Program, to support a $250,000 project by the company.

A copy of the funding agreement, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act, says the project’s objective was to create tools to help political campaigns accurately predict voter turnout, the likelihood of support for a specific candidate and the effectiveness of a given campaign communications strategy.

“At the completion of the project, AggregateIQ will have an agnostic campaign data reporting platform that will enable our staff to provide more efficient consulting in the work we do as well as sell access to the tool for other organizations to use,” reads the agreement.

“This will make our consulting business able to handle more clients and open a new line of revenue in sales and support of a much needed tool in the campaign space.” [...]

The gift that keeps on giving...there's a hell of a lot more yet to come out...there's a lot more than just AggregateIQ involved in this. They were just the vanguard for methods all their competitors would also have been using, some more rabidly than others.
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The Dirty Tricks tag grows ever closer:

The gift that keeps on giving...there's a hell of a lot more yet to come out...there's a lot more than just AggregateIQ involved in this. They were just the vanguard for methods all their competitors would also have been using, some more rabidly than others.
The hard part for this story is to find that it was bad for Brexit and Trump to use this data, but not when the Liberals used it.
The Internet is faceless. That's exactly why people can say the crazy stuff they do on here.

Yeah, I know, but it's a bit much saying shit along the lines of "have some dignity and vote NDP" to people who dislike the Liberals.

But I don't think suggesting that with the information we have on said individual that voting ford says something not only about your politics but about your character.

Sure, if this was a direct presidential election maybe and people other than those in Etobicoke North had the option of voting for him.

There was a time you could vote pc and be a moral person. I just don't know how you can do that today with the leaders they put forward.

Ok, I agree, Ford is a brutal person and would make a horrible premier, but suggesting that voting PC is immoral is a bit much. People could say the same thing about voting any which way for all sorts of reasons, none of which would make it true.
Look, I've already said that they lost any chance of having my vote when they dumped Brown and went all 19th century on us, but saying that voting for them is immoral is just stupid.

So far on here I've had to read such gems as "Wynne is a demon" and "voting PC is immoral". So much for rational thought. It's ok, I'm a football grunt, I get all worked up at matches and say all sorts of rubbish to the opposition. Except what I say is a bit more along the lines of profanities and not hyperbolic self-righteousness.
But I am pretty sure she has said she is voting pc. If you don't like the liberals have some dignity and vote ndp. Nfitz likes to throw around names like bigot for anyone who supports trump and or ford. I tend to think that's excessive. That said after seeing ford in office for four years and trump for over a year and then still vote for a ford. Even I think you can't act innocent with that vote. Perhaps nfitz is right.

I think to many people in this province voting Liberal would be quite immoral or wrong considering how much they have done over 15 years. I think its not because they are liberals, its because thats how all parties get when drunk with power.

Actually I live in Jagmeet Singh's former Riding so I may vote NDP based on how strong the NDP candidate is here.

I am not really an ideological conservative really at all. I think the issue is people may not even support Ford style but just want a change.

I am certain if the Liberals win again they will continue to be the same and I dont want that.

I am actually focused on beating the Wynne Liberals then bringing back Mike Harris back.

I think the liberals need to lose and lose badly to learn some sense of humility and move this province forward.

I be 100% honest, Wynne like any decent person should have let a new face take over when she polling at 12%. What kind of person stays in office after such a clear signal people dont like you.
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Actually I live in Jagmeet Singh's former Riding so I may vote NDP based on how strong the NDP candidate is here.

I am not really an ideological conservative really at all. I think the issue is people may not even support Ford style but just want a change.

I am certain if the Liberals win again they will continue to be the same and I dont want that.

I am actually focused on beating the Wynne Liberals then bringing back Mike Harris back.

I think the liberals need to lose and lose badly to learn some sense of humility as they have become very corrupt ethically and arrogant. I think Wynne clearly does not care if people dont like her but then says 30-40% voting for me is a clear mandate by the people.

Thank you for clearing this up so that people stop saying you're some sort of Ford-loving PC neck tattoo for overly defensive reasons.

See, people, she's voting "strategically" against the Liberals just like I keep being told to "vote strategically" against the PCs. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Me, I'm just not going to vote (until my vote counts) so don't even try attributing anything to me, thanks.
Thank you for clearing this up so that people stop saying you're some sort of Ford-loving PC neck tattoo for overly defensive reasons.

See, people, she's voting "strategically" against the Liberals just like I keep being told to "vote strategically" against the PCs. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Me, I'm just not going to vote (until my vote counts) so don't even try attributing anything to me, thanks.

The irony is the liberal ideas are popular but people just dont like Wynne.

I think she should have not run again.

She is going to pretty much Hillary Clinton the progressive cause in this province lol
Wtf is "rightism"? Le Pen, May, and Trump don't have a lot in common. The first is a nationalist, the second a moderate conservative, and the third a narcissist.

Rightism. Lol, wut.

I think ass-backwardism may be a better term if you're lumping Le Pen and Trump into the same grouping.....leave poor May out of it, she is nowhere near those two fire-breathers.

If there can be such a term and concept as a leftist, it stands to reason there can be rightists too. Hence "rightism". If I invited that term, I feel mightily honoured.

The veer towards centre-right politics the world over in recent years is hard to ignore even by the superficial phrases you've placed on and characterized each of those politicians by.
