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2007 Ontario Election: John Tory throws the Election!

true our local tory candidate was going after the Minority groups saying we will give you faith based education and it severely backfired in our community.

Tory thought Immigrants would flock to their idea, but really they are easily one the biggest supporters of public education imo.

I would go further - Publically (OHIP) funded private clinics. I have yet to see evidence of the vaulted private sector efficiencies at play; one efficiency I know we can count on - dividends for stock owners.

re: minorities and religious schooling

I think Tory and his camp has some really shallow understanding of the complexity of ethnic communities and their concerns; while as a whole these communities are not necessarily liberal, they can see with their own eyes who tends to suffer most when Conservative policies are at play in their communities. In fact, the whole religious schooling mess is rather patronizing and demeaning, with all the underlying assumptions.

Tory is turning out to be a blast from the past.

That, or he is trying to raise his environmental credentials by recycling past election issues.
Next thing you know, he'll be referring to Dalton as an evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet...
"I think all of you are missing the point. A general strike would fail at achieving your objectives because Toronto (as well as most of the large urban centres in Canada) can safely be ignored by provincial and federal politicians. Why are handguns still legal when a large majority of Canadians would favour an outright banning of them? Because such a measure would prove unpopular with the rural vote which carries more clout in Ottawa and QP. We have a structural problem with our democracy and it will only get worse. I'm not sure what the solution is short of launching a Toronto First Party, which would borrow its tactics from the PQ (not necessarily separation but a party centered on parochial issues which galvanize the population)."

That's what I posted back in July. Did anyone see TVO's The Agenda last night with David Miller? He was asked by a viewer if he has plans to start a Toronto Party. His answer was that if the next provincial gov't fails to address Toronto's needs that he's sure someone will. Do you think His Worship or one of his aides is reading this?
That sounds too much like a conspiracy to me.
I suspect that the Tory Tories simply thought they had a winning issue. Think about this at a basic level... what Tory thought he was doing was being the defender of fairness and inclusiveness. He thought he was lining McGuinity up to defend inequality (Defending religious inequality... that's basically racism! And we all know that if there's anything a Liberal would never do it's something that could be construed as racist!) or take the "opposite" position and call for eliminating public Catholic schools (which would kill their support). A classic attempt at a "wedge" issue. It seems right that conservatives failed to realise the general public's great distaste for anything associated with increasing the role of religion in society.
Well said. That sounds about right to me. A classic wedge situation to distract from other (more important) issues, however the party introudcing the wedge has now found itself on the wrong/unpopular side of the debate. Quite interesting to watch and quite heartening to see that most Ontarians want to keep religion from further intruding into our publically funded system.

first religious schools, now the foundations for two tier healthcare:

"Under Tory's system, doctors would be allowed to work in both public hospitals and private facilities, something advocated by the Canadian Medical Association"
this has been the root of the disaster in england. most doctors wind up leaving the public system, or taking on more private patients so they can't work in the public system but they still get a public salary

"Tory said his friends who are surgeons have told him that a shortage of space in hospital operating rooms is limiting the number of procedures they can perform"
so maybe build more surgery space?

what on earth is Tory thinking? Who's running this guy!?!?
It sounds good, but this is what will happen....

1. they switch to private care and costs go down.

2. They start giving out tax cuts...

3. they then privatize it some more and then use the money they save to win us with more tax cuts during the next election.

Thats what the previous Tory govt did... They had no money for tax cuts as they were in deficit and then sold the 407 for nothing and used it for tax cuts.

I like tax cuts but Canadians are smart enough to know there is a negative side as well.
What an absolute idiot John Tory is!

He would have ABSOLUTELY WON this election if he just kept his mouth shut about funding religious schools. The stupidity is overwhelming.

I guess it's better to find out that deep down he's a fool now than later.
A variation on that: is this the face of a taxpayer?

what did Dalton actually bring up that ad against Tory! :eek:

so imo Tory tried hard, but Dalton looked more cool....

Tory sound to much like a Radio talk show host, You know ranting and raving a lot...Me no like that...:D
Sobara is an idiot for claiming the election is already won. When people feel safe the Tories aren't going to get in and create segregated schooling and private health care certain people will feel free to vote for the Greens or NDP that might have strategically voted Liberal. It will be nice if the referendum passes and there is proportional representation so people can actually vote for the party they want rather than voting strategically. A major issue like restructuring public education is exactly the reason why proportional representation is required. With the current system the Tories could get a majority with 65% voting against them and do damage to the education system that would be hard to undo if the remaining votes were spread over the Liberals, NDP, and Greens (e.g. 34% PC, 31% Liberal, 25% NDP, 10% Green and other). With proportional representation Tory would have to sell the idea to the other parties to get enough support to pull it off... i.e. not likely.
There is nothing about proportional representation that blocks changes to education policy (or any other issue). Since the mode of operation in such a government would be one of deal-making between parties, the Conservatives could easily use it as their own deal-breaking issue when putting their cards on the table in any political negotiation.

Don't confuse the voting system with politics
