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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Rather than add this as an edit to my prior post, I'm going to post it fresh here:

A former provincial cabinet minister running to lead the BC Liberal Party has lost nearly 1,400 new memberships ahead of this weekend's convention, after irregularities that were linked to a Canadian company under investigation for its role in helping the Leave side win the Brexit campaign.

Todd Stone's campaign said on Friday that 1,349 party memberships – out of the party's roughly 60,000 registered members – had been disqualified after the party discovered missing e-mail addresses. His campaign confirmed the memberships were connected to consultancy AggregateIQ.

Campaign co-chair Peter Fassbender said the memberships involved people whose first language is not English.

BC Liberal leadership race: Who's running and what you need to know

"They were having problems in terms of the process," Mr. Fassbender said in a Friday interview with Radio NL in Kamloops.

Mr. Fassbender, who did not respond to requests for an interview, told the radio station that the sign-ups violated party rules and were due to an "individual in the company [AggregateIQ] who was trying to find a method to assist these people."

The new leader will be announced on Saturday after three days of voting. The party said "thousands" of new memberships were disqualified in the lead-up to the vote, but would not provide an exact number or a breakdown of which campaigns they were connected to.

Mr. Stone drew criticism from some of his five leadership rivals last month when news broke that his campaign had hired AggregateIQ for the race to replace former leader Christy Clark.

Britain's Information Commissioner is looking into AggregateIQ's role in the Brexit campaign after the country's Electoral Commission revealed that the Leave side paid the equivalent of $4.6-million to the Canadian company for political work. No specific allegations of wrongdoing have been made, but commissioner Elizabeth Denham has said that she is particularly concerned with how personal information was analyzed to target voters.

B.C.'s Privacy Commissioner confirmed it is working with the British probe while also investigating whether AggregateIQ is compliant with privacy legislation in its home province. A representative from that office declined to comment on Friday on either investigation.

AggregateIQ did not return calls or e-mails seeking comment on Friday. One of the company's founders has previously said the firm was co-operating with the British investigation.

When AggregateIQ's connection to Mr. Stone emerged, his spokesperson said the firm was maintaining and marketing "digital campaign assets," but Mr. Stone's team had complete control over the voter and supporter information gathered by these digital tools. [...]

There's a lot more to come on this yet...questions are already being asked behind the scenes at OntCon HQ and intrepid reporters are tracing the rancid trail...
If there can be such a term and concept as a leftist, it stands to reason there can be rightists too. Hence "rightism". If I invited that term, I feel mightily honoured.

The veer towards centre-right politics the world over in recent years is hard to ignore even by the superficial phrases you've placed on and characterized each of those politicians by.

Right, well I'm honoured then to have my phrases deemed superficial by one who is honoured by the idea of inventing a supremely superficial term (rightism) and using supremely superficial phrases themself (leftist, rightist, centre-right).
No wonder politics is a joke when everyone's stuck on simplifying everything into the most mundane and binary terms. Tribalism becomes easier, reason becomes a luxury ill-afforded by the oppressed masses, and we end up with a polarised society. Good times.....and Hunter S Thompson thought shit was crazy before.
Right, well I'm honoured then to have my phrases deemed superficial by one who is honoured by the idea of inventing a supremely superficial term (rightism) and using supremely superficial phrases themself (leftist, rightist, centre-right).

What did I say that was incorrect? Doug Ford is obviously an FU to the establishment, same way Trump and Brexit was and Le Pen almost was. No one wants to be lectured to about how to vote. I'll vote with my conscious knowing the Liberals largely lied to get where they are today and need to be held to account. The PCs may lie too, but some short term pain may be worth it in the long run.
What did I say that was incorrect?

Nothing. I took issue with your superficial terminology. ;) You see my siggy, below the radio station and airport bit? That's meant as a mockery of the oversimplification of political thought and those who throw around vague and near-meaningless terms.
I like to think that my worldview is a little more nuanced than what a vague and ambiguous term could ascribe to it. Left? Right? Progressive? Regressive? What am I? None of those. These are largely meaningless terms. I'd like to think that I'm not unique in being wary of silly labels used to describe people's worldview and political thought and distilling it into a one-word descriptor.

Doug Ford is obviously an FU to the establishment, same way Trump and Brexit was and Le Pen almost was.

Got it, FU to the establishment is what rightism is.

No one wants to be lectured to about how to vote. I'll vote with my conscious knowing the Liberals largely lied to get where they are today and need to held to account. The PCs may lie too, but some short term pain may be worth it in the long run.

I'm all for it. Please do vote with your conscience, it sure as hell is a lot more legit than "voting strategically".
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I think we are all saying relatively the same thing... "Rightism" was not traditionally a FU to the establishment but that is what it has become in the last decade in Canadian and US politics. Maybe that is a oversimplification of what conservatism represents but if i was going to blame anyone for that oversimplification it would be the conservatives/republicans and who they chose as their representatives.
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I think to many people in this province voting Liberal would be quite immoral or wrong considering how much they have done over 15 years. I think its not because they are liberals, its because thats how all parties get when drunk with power.

Actually I live in Jagmeet Singh's former Riding so I may vote NDP based on how strong the NDP candidate is here.

I am not really an ideological conservative really at all. I think the issue is people may not even support Ford style but just want a change.

I am certain if the Liberals win again they will continue to be the same and I dont want that.

I am actually focused on beating the Wynne Liberals then bringing back Mike Harris back.

I think the liberals need to lose and lose badly to learn some sense of humility and move this province forward.

I be 100% honest, Wynne like any decent person should have let a new face take over when she polling at 12%. What kind of person stays in office after such a clear signal people dont like you.
I am perfectly OK with a NDP vote.The only negative I see is that it splits the left like Bernie did with Hillary. If I felt a Orange tide coming I would happily jump on board. I too would like to see a change up top. On the other hand I want these transit plans to get built not cancelled. Sure one can say that the Liberals defer every damn thing. Which angers me as well to no end. I just have no faith in the PCs at the best of times on a transit file yet alone after Rob. Then comes my own personal issues with the ethics of voting for someone who has such a poor track record morally. Actually Doug may simply be amoral. That would explain a lot. So for myself it is not worth the risk. I wish i trusted the NDP because I don't think their leader is a immoral person.
Not to get too off topic...though I suspect it's a little late for that.

She is going to pretty much Hillary Clinton the progressive cause in this province lol

Hillary Clinton is not a progressive, all right? Neither is Wynne, really, and your constant gloating about this kind of crap kinda puts the lie to your claims about only caring about the Liberal Party's poor track record over the past few years. "Lol," indeed.

The veer towards centre-right politics the world over in recent years is hard to ignore even by the superficial phrases you've placed on and characterized each of those politicians by.

Le Pen is a hell of a lot more - and much more dangerous - than being merely "centre-right," ok? Don't soft peddle fascists. And it's weird that certain people here keep touting May and the anti-BREXIT vote as being in and of the same camp when May, as the official face of the establishment as PM, was the person the anti-BREXITers were angrily voting against. I might add that she's an utter incompetent who almost makes Wynne look good by comparison.
Wait, what is a "progressive"?

Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Hawking?

Parks, MLK, Mandela?


Three different groupings of champions of progress, all unrelated. So, what is a "progressive"?
Further question regarding "rightism" as an FU to the establishment: is Jacob Zuma a rightist given that he's now defending himself against corruption charges with a zeal for land reform and a fight against "white monopoly capital"?
What about Julius Malema of the South African EFF, who is an anti-establishment champion pseudo-Marxist?

I know this is off topic but I'm trying to get some clarity here in regards to certain terminology so as to enlighten my understanding of what people are trying to say when they put forward vague and ambiguous terms in the context of the actual topic at hand.
How is Wynne not a progressive?

She may not be compared to a student body council at a University but compared to the other governments across Canada she is very progressive.

I would argue a lot of the anger towards her is because she is too far left and is seen rightly or wrongly as massively increasing taxes on everyone who is not very poor.
That's weird. We nearly saw Michael Harris and Mike Harris Jr. running in adjacent ridings. Then MH Jr. lost his nomination, and now *this*...
That's weird. We nearly saw Michael Harris and Mike Harris Jr. running in adjacent ridings. Then MH Jr. lost his nomination, and now *this*...

I wouldn't be surprised if Mike Harris Jr. runs in Michael Harris's old seat. They wouldn't have to replace the lawn signs.
