Today's Photo of the Day is brought to us by Forum member Travis, who aimed his lens over Rosedale Valley Road looking east towards the growing neighbourhood around Yonge and Bloor. The elevated tunnel that's between Sherbourne and Castle Frank subway stations curves overtop of the valley, looking especially cool when the trees are in full bloom and begin to engulf the stark concrete structure.
Rosedale Valley Road, image by Travis
From this vantage point we can see a number of recent projects that have risen between Sherbourne and Bay; Casa is a sliver on the south side of the James Cooper Mansion, with X Condominium on the right. Couture continues to climb to the right of X Condos, while further to the north you can make out the top of the Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences. The Florian is on the far right, easily recognizable due to its dark brick exterior.