A new proposal in Toronto's growing East Bayfront area attempts to balance new housing with a generous open space plan on the site, as Greenland Group have submitted Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment applications for Phase 2 of their comprehensive redevelopment of 215 Lake Shore Boulevard East.

Looking northwest towards Lakeside Residences Phase 2, designed by Hariri Pontarini Architects for Greenland Group

The property is situated on the south side of Lake Shore, opposite the Gardiner Expressway, and east of Richardson Street, where it occupies the west side of the two-phased redevelopment block. The 6,933 m² site is vacant, with Phase 1 currently starting construction. The immediate surroundings include a concentration of existing and proposed medium- to high-density mixed-use developments, including residential, parkland, office, and industrial, although the industrial uses are generally giving way to all the others as the area redevelops.

Prior to redevelopment, the Site was occupied by a single-storey warehouse building used by FedEx, image by Urban Strategies Inc.

The proposed development contemplates a terraced mid-rise (14-storey), mixed-use building and a 43-storey condo tower grounded by office, retail, and daycare uses in the podium. The total gross floor area is 64,845 m², leading to a site density of 9.4 FSI. The 141.6m high tower is positioned at the northwest corner of the site and does not cast shadows on existing parks or open spaces, according to the planning rationale, “while optimizing sunlight exposure on the proposed courtyard space and minimizing its physical and visual impacts on the public realm.”

Site Plan illustrating the open space design of Phase 1 (right) and Phase 2 (left), image by Hariri Pontarini Architects

Designed by Hariri Pontarini Architects, the proposal brings a total of 844 dwelling units, including 110 affordable housing units, in the following breakdown: 589 one-bedroom (70%), 146 two-bedroom (17%), and 109 three-bedroom (13%). It also introduces a 2,800 m² POPS (Privately Owned Publicly accessible Space) in the courtyard, immediately adjacent to and completing the pedestrian walkway being created in the Phase 1 development of the block.

Programming within the publicly accessible courtyard open space includes terraced and landscaped embedded seating, play area, event space, and an outdoor auditorium, image by Urban Strategies Inc.

A comprehensive review of the entire block resulted in a re-sculpting of the Phase 2 development to create an increased and improved publicly accessible open space at the centre of the block while respecting the overall East Bayfront urban design principles. The interior block courtyard comprises roughly 40% of the overall site area and provides an exterior 'living room' for residents and businesses on the block.

Looking northwest into the terraced, landscaped areas, image by Hariri Pontarini Architects

You can learn more from our Database file for the project, linked below. If you'd like to, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread, or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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Related Companies:  Gradient Wind Engineers & Scientists, Hariri Pontarini Architects, HGC Engineering Inc, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, RWDI Climate and Performance Engineering, Urban Strategies Inc.