This week's Throwback Thursday takes us to the northeast corner of Toronto's Jarvis and Dundas intersection, showing quite the change in just two years. Back in May 2016, demolition was just beginning for the eight-storey Hilton Garden Inn hotel (a former office building). It was being taken down to make way for Gupta Group's 50-storey Dundas Square Gardens condominium development.

Demolition at the Hilton Garden Inn, May 2016, image by Forum contributor ShonTron

Now, a May 2018 view from the same angle shows the new IBI Group-designed condominium tower having surpassed the height of its predecessor, and standing 15 storeys tall, so far. Cladding installation is already well underway at the base of the tower, where a mix of white precast concrete, clear glazing, and dark window frames are hinting at the development's completed look.

Dundas Square Gardens rising at Dundas and Jarvis, May 2018, image by Craig White

We will return next week with another look at the changing face of Toronto!

Related Companies:  Arcadis, Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Egis, Gupta Group, Live Patrol Inc., SKYGRiD