Black Creek - bichromial dichotomy, pt. 1
Today (or, rather, yesterday) I decided to revist a portion of my very first (well, technically second) post in this thread: the southern end of Black Creek - specifically, the section between Queen's Drive and Weston Road. It's been bothering me for a while, now, that I was a little less than thorough in covering this stretch initially (though some may feel I've been a little
too thorough in covering subsequent waterways). Nevertheless, since I was going to be in the neighbourhood anyway, I felt I might as well take this opportunity to right a wrong and finally put my mind at ease. So I start, then, just under Queen's Drive, heading south into Upwood Park:
The next section, under Lawrence, was covered in the first post - so let's skip ahead, a little further south, to where the creek begins to run along the west side of Black Creek Drive:
The watercourse solidifies as Black Creek threads under Black Creek, to run along its eastern edge:
The first signs of spring are beginning to bud as I enter Westview Park:
What was I saying about "budding" and "spring?" Just as I turn up this small side-stream, a mini-blizzard descends!:
Back on the main trail, and I'm right back in winter, as I continue through Threthewey Park:
Pressing south, past Threthewey Drive:
The weather may be constantly changing, but one thing which has stayed the same is that Coronation Park (aka Keelsedale North Park, aka North Keelesdale Park) remains a desert wasteland. The first picture I took in 2006, and the rest is how it looks today. Actually, I believe the city currently uses this area as a snow disposal site (how fitting!):
[..."desert," but not deserted...]
Back to the creek, to head under Eglinton Ave:
Into South Keelesdale Park, now (aka Keelesdale Park South...aka, just plain Keelesdale Park), where I catch the construction of an entirely new bridge:
Around the bend and it's bridges-a-plenty, as three rail bridges (one of them u/c as well) cross the creek right before Weston Road does the same:
And so ends my Black Creek adventure. As for the rest of it, heading towards the Humber, please consult page 1 of this thread, if you haven't already.
As for me, I'm off to the other part of the day's dichotomy - from black to purple...