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News   Oct 02, 2024
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TV Show: Heroes

We do not know if Monica's grandmother has powers beyond hailing Klingon warbirds.


i liked the episode on monday as well. very cool things happened that were already covered.

did anyone else laugh when claire laid out those stones on the field? i just imagined how long it would take her and where they hell she got all those stones from.
I agree, the episode was more of posturing than progress. With that said, the episode wasn't that bad. I was disapointed that Joanna Cassidy's Victoria Pratt was offed so quickly. Again, another elder bites the dust without viewers learning what power they had (if any). But Kudos to Heros for showing us some 1977 stuff. The Victoria storyline also highlighted Adam's evil motives rather then the hay he's been feeding Peter. Will Peter comes to his senses?

The second major plot was as far removed from the ongoing plot as any plot can get: Sylar seduces Maya to the dark side. It was great to see one of the twins go, though. Maya and Sylar will probably return next 'chapter' as the big bads.

Monica, Micah, ugly and Nikki bored me. They always bore me.

Elle looked really hot.

Overall, this episode was full of a lot of BS being told to our heros from our villians. Everyone seems to be drinking the kool-aid and they're not acting smart. I wonder if Claire's conviction to 'out' the heros will turn out to be the second major story of the year if the virus is contained. But before we speculate about what will happen after the writer's strike, lets just all sit back and think about how great Elle is. Elle....
i think my review will just include kristen bell this week.




First off, I'm glad Kring is bringing Sylar back as the bad guy. Adam/Takenzo turned out to be a pretty poor villain. I never felt fear when he was on screen. Sylar always seems on the edge of becoming unkillable and taking over it all.

The season was good, but not great. Can't wait for the next part.
the next part?? There is a writers strike......

We will likely have to wait until September ....for new episodes...

Maybe we will get a couple eposides of "Heros:Origins"
the next part?? There is a writers strike......

We will likely have to wait until September ....for new episodes...

Maybe we will get a couple eposides of "Heros:Origins"

Hero: Origins have been scrapped due to the strike. They won't be aired.

Hopefully, the writer's strike will be resolved by February and they can resume production immediately and begin airing end-of-march. Is that too much to ask for?

But looking back at this unreal episode it had it all. I believe all the Heros were in play. The promos promised two deaths and we got three, well two, but maybe just one. The first death turned out not to stick, as Suresh was able to resurrect Maya while all of at home screamed out NOOOOoooo! Why couldn't that one stay dead? But this story was a good B-plot and the beautiful Elle saved the day. Now is time for my typical pause to fantasize about Kristen Bell. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ok, I'm back. Speaking of Elle, unlike Maya or Adam, she was the only interested and layered (read: well thoughout) new character of the season. And it shows. She's gone through a great transformation this season and now seems to be on the good guys side. So, for those keeping score, Heros +1 Villians 0.

Not so fast. Noah made a deal with the company to keep their secrets safe in return for keeping Claire and family safe. What was the deal you ask? Well, death 3 or possible death 3 relates directly to this. But before we get to that, lets talk about Bennett's belief that the company cannot be exposed. Why does he care so much? What else has the company done?

Speaking of the company, this episodes A-plot and the mini-season's primary focus came to a head as heros Matt, Hiro and Nathan arrived to stop Adam and Peter. Hiro was unable to do it alone, leaving Adam and Peter to pretty much commit to the single coolest scene in Hero's history - as they walk down the hall of Primatech kicking ass and walking tall. That scene was amazing. Just unreal to watch. So cool. I want to be Peter Petrelli (and not just for the good looks). Hiro, feeling defeated gets his groove back (again) when he runs into flying man. The three unite and take different, less powers-related approaches to getting Peter to see Adam for who he really is. Nathan, who doesn't resort to his power at all, is able to convince his brother that Adam is a manipulator and must be stopped. Hiro, however, has a choice confrontation with his father's killer and Adam's motives for playing god are revealed. You see, after living through all the inhumanities of the past 400 years, Adam is convinced that we've got it wrong. Heck, even God got it wrong and was allowed on do-over by drowning the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. Surely Adam is justified in killing most of the population and playing savour in the process? Right? Well not according to Hiro who zaps Adam away just in time for Peter to stop the virus and destroy it.

But how do you stop an exploding I mean immortal man? Hiro takes a page out of the "holy shit that is awesome" play book and teleports Adam into the one place he can't hurt anyone - a coffin where his parents are burried. Talk about a satisfying ending. But this also allowed Hiro enough time to flash back to work, sneak in some porno and surprise Ando with his job well done (the capturing of Kensie).

Back at primatech mission accomplished. Sorta. Nathan has had it up to here with the manipulations of his parent's generation. In that vault there is info that proves that all their parents had a hand in their current destiny. And what's more, they need to be exposed. So they hastily put together a press conference. And in as much time as it took them to get the press together, Nathan begins to pontificate the motives for telling the truth rather than getting to the point of actually saying it. This delay will end up costing him his life as a man (Noah Bennett, presumably) shooted him twice and walks away. This assassination was organized by people in power, most notably his remorseless mother who earlier in the episode speculated about having Peter murdered and later made sure the trigger was pulled on her other son's death. Harsh. So, with Elle on the side of good and Bennett on the side of villians, the score is now Heros 1 and Villians 1.

On to overtime. Avoiding the shootout was as easy as acting like a dirty heroine junkie for our resident psycho path Sylar. Armed with the blood that cures all, Sylar regains his powers and declares (first with muscle twitches in his neck and then with words) that he's back.

Heros 1 Villians 2.

Overall, great episode. Much more satisfying that last season's finale. The teaser into the next chapter was well played. Overall, I agree with the others who say Adam was not as fierce as he should have been. I blame the writers and I also blame Maya, her brother and Micah's ugly younger cousin. Oh yeah, and Micah's older cousin gets rescued by Niki who falls victim to the inferno and dies. 3 down, 1 up now two down. But can Peter save Nathan with his blood... maybe just 1 down. Why couldn't Maya just stay dead?
Peter was in contact with both Claire and Adam so he's taken on their powers, so in theory his blood should be just as good as Adam's or Claire's.

Nathan is one of my favorite characters, I hope he's not killed off completely.

Maya without her brother is kind of pointless. They had a uniqueness about them because it took both of them to wield their powers.

I don't want to veer this topic towards the writer's strike, but I have to get this off my chest: the networks are being big f$%cking asses. They know they're becoming irrelevant in today's internet age and instead of adapting, they're suing their viewers, flipping the bird at the talent and overall holding onto the treasure chest as they go down the proverbial quick sand.

NBC just pulled all their shows off of iTunes where people were actually willing to pay to watch their shows. Now people have to resort to pirating to get their shows on their iPods and Apple TV's.

Myself, I'm finally cancelling my cable tv subscription for the first time.. uh.. in my life! I've never gone without cable.
Instead, I'm getting a shiny new HD tv and an AppleTV so I can choose what content to watch (plenty of podcasts that I love) and get the tv shows I want through bit torrent (f$%ck you NBC... if you would sell me the shows, I'd gladly pay).

What does this all have to do with the topic at hand? The writer's strike is another extension of the studio's incapacity to look past their traditional dollar making schemes and notice that beyond all that is a new future where they can either belong or -at the current heading- become irrelevant in.
Writers expect to get paid for their work being transmitted over the internet. I would strike if I were them too.

I see a near future, where production companies will make shows and instead of selling them to networks like NBC, they'll put them available for purchase on internet outlets such as iTunes.

</RANT>, can we please have Heroes back on time in February? (best segue I could find to get us back on topic...sorry! :D )
They should have spent more time setting up Taka/Adam as a villian. The Japan arc with Hiro was a bit too long, instead they should have had Hiro go back in time several times at different eras to team up with Taka/Adam and you slowly get to see his weariness of life set in.

All in all, considering the next arc is called "Villians" I think we'll finally get more than one or two token "Bad guys". A team of bad guys would be great. Only reason Bennet would wnat to keep it all hush-hush is so Claire can live in peace.

If exposed, she would definately be hunted down by rich, sick, twisted people for her regenerative abilities. The Taka/Adam is not really dead leads me to believe he'll be back.

Something also tells me that the "virus" might not have been what was destroyed. Maya surviving I think forshadows that she/her powers might be the sickness. Also note that Peter has the Godhand imprinted in his palm (during the destruction of the virus vile). You know something's up with that.

I just hope they don't take the same route as last season with Sylar setting up Maya to be within the vincinity of Peter to cause him to go haywire and go black death on the world.

As an aside, Peter has a crappy power, it's too strong for the context of the show. Sylar needs to kill people to take their power but Peter only needs to be within the vincinity and he can copy it. His power should have limitations like them wearing out after a certain amount of time has passed.

In any case, the show needs a team of defined heroes (always "good guys"), more villians and a few with their own personal agendas who will switch sides as they deem fit. While there are people that way now, I think more people play "good guy" than is needed.
